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Negli anni Ottanta il punk era una forma d’arte, un simbolo globale di ribellione, una cultura musicale e giovanile: un fenomeno culturale complesso, che ha avuto importanti implicazioni politiche, tanto da diventare un nuovo circuito... more
For the last two decades, my sexual-emotional relationships have happened within what has come to be known as non-monogamy, a field in which I am an activist, theorist, consultant and who knows what else. And despite all that, and despite... more
For the past forty years shamanism has drawn increasing attention among the general public and academics. There is an enormous literature on shamanism, but no one has tried to understand why and how Western intellectual and popular... more
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
Zen in the attic. A contribution to the reception of Buddhism in Poland. Abstract: The reception of Buddhism, which in Europe began already in the nineteenth century, did not pass over Poland. Initially limited to scientific milieus and... more
Introduction from "A Secret History of the Ollie" in PDF form. No illustrations are included. Published March 3, 2015.
The idea of unknown countries and invisible republics that lie beneath our eyes, a subterranean dimension that is striving to take its own form and structure in order to produce something new, are part of contemporary forms of protest and... more
The three themed articles in this issue take as their subject the contested legacies of the 1960s and ’70s counterculture. All draw on cultural materialism in order to better illuminate the significance of these legacies for our troubled... more
El cine y el rock, formas de arte e industria popular, han mantenido una relación fructífera desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX. A partir de esto, el libro recorre subgéneros como el rockumental, la ópera rock y el biopic; se detiene en... more
The COURAGE Registry is a digital research tool that allows exploring the legacy of cultural opposition in former Eastern European socialist countries by cataloging and describing relevant collections on dissident culture across Eastern... more
This chapter explores the cultural dimensions that underlie social movement mobilisation, with particular reference to those underlying the anti-capitalist movement, then on the brink of emergence.
“Pastoral care is a task of the total Christian community – a task of ministering to each other and reaching out beyond ourselves.” – Howard Stone
Beginning with his arrest for possession of marijuana December 24, 1965, Dr. Timothy Leary became embroiled in a very public series of court cases that sought initially to utilize the Free Exercise Clause of the United States Constitution... more
Les années 1980 ont été à Genève, comme dans une bonne partie de l'Europe, le moment de cristallisation et d'institutionnalisation de la « culture alternative », celle-ci devenant à la fois un motif de ralliement des militants et un «... more
: Los escritos e intervenciones periodísticas de Parménides García Saldaña sobre el rock mexicano revelan otra faceta de su trabajo intelectual. En Piedra Rodante, rearticula la historia nacional en una crítica cultural con tonos... more
The concept of the “diagram” has been promoted since the 1990s as an advanced mode of designing and thinking about design. This article proposes that the diagram helps us understand a different architectural moment wrestling with the... more
Wprowadzenie do pop psychedelii - hybrydy sztuki, mody i marketingu, która stała się popularna pod koniec lat 60. na skutek absorpcji kultury psychedelicznej przez mainstream. Omówienie reprezentacji w filmie autorskim, filmie gatunkowym,... more
Spanish translation based on a Keynote address given at the conference, "Youth and Socialism: Transnational Perspectives" (Zurich University, May 2016). Published in the Uruguayan cultural supplement, Lento, 62 (May 2018): 9-19.... more
The structural, formal, and social eccentricity of the Drop City artists’ commune in Colorado defied conventional definition as architecture, but rendered it a singular motif in accounts of experimental architecture, and made it a... more
Solidarity, or towards a post-capitalist, post-global warming fashion sense. This overview was published in the Journal for Design Strategies. Two issues of Fashion 2012 were released by the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest Press, 2009,... more
On November 8th 1971, the English rock band Led Zeppelin released their fourth, untitled, album. Having 22 million copies sold, its success was seen by the record label Atlantic Records as a professional suicide. On this album, the tracks... more
Barbara Pasamonik, 2015, Fundamentalizm kulturowy jako współczesna kontrkultura. Na przykładzie konwersji na islam [w:] Kultury kontestacji. Dziedzictwo kontrkultury i nowe ruchy społecznego sprzeciwu, pod red. Tomasza Maślanki, Rafała... more
The socialist and feminist novelist Angela Carter (1940-1992) is one of the most acclaimed late-Twentieth Century English writers, famous for short stories such as The Bloody Chamber and novels such as Nights at the Circus and Wise... more
This thesis consists of a series of extensive projects which aim to explore a new designer role for fashion. It is a role that experiments with how fashion can be reverse engineered, hacked, tuned and shared among many participants as a... more
This article explores an origin of architectural sustainability in the 1970s Californian governmental programs of Governor Jerry Brown and the circle around his Consultant, the countercultural entrepreneur Stewart Brand. Focusing on the... more
Queer counterpublics have been seen as a significant resource for gay men's HIV prevention and harm reduction (Berlant & Warner 1998; Warner 2002; Race 2009). This chapter works with this concept to think about how critical collectivities... more
Papers on counter culture in Ireland, other oppositional cultures and the relationship between agency and strategy.
Historiographical scholarship about the London Gay Liberation Front (GLF) in the early 1970s. Presented as MPhil dissertation in the Master of Architecture and Urban Studies program at the University of Cambridge in 2018.
Overview of the role of social movement cultures and social change in Ireland in recent decades.
1960s ad men needed to tap into contemporary culture for advertising ideas. Taking psychedelics was one way to do that.
"La autora realiza con estas páginas un aporte fundamental al debate sobre las condiciones en las que se practica y se usa la comunicación por parte de organizaciones que se apartan de la lógica industrial propia de las grandes empresas... more
Il giorno dell’inaugurazione c’erano enormi palloni installati da Franco Mazzucchelli attorno a San Carpoforo. Palloni “abitabili” dove svolgere anche assemblee e discussioni. Irrompevano nel grigio della vita di quartiere come sfere... more
Este trabajo es una etnografía que habla de un grupo de locos, jóvenes que viajan por períodos extendidos y trabajan con “arte” callejero: malabaristas, músicos y artesanos. El trabajo de campo para esta investigación tuvo lugar entre... more