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A complete protocol is presented for the first time for the micropropagation of Pongamia pinnata, a biofuel tree, using cotyledonary nodes derived from axenic seedlings. Multiple shoots were induced in vitro from nodal segments through... more
An efficient regeneration protocol for rapid multiplication of Melia azedarach, an economically as well as medicinally important timber-yielding tree, was developed. Nearly 90% of the culture exhibited axillary bud sprouting and multiple... more
Abstract. Nowadays, the plant biodiversity is threatened and its conservation represents a priority at the international level. Conservation strategies are based on the management of wild populations in nature, but they require additional... more
In vitro shoots of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) were established under four different cytokinin supplementations by culturing nodal segments excised from aseptically germinated seedlings. The highest rates of shoot proliferation and... more
BACKGROUND: There is growing interest among consumers in baby leaf vegetables, mostly requested for mixed salads, both as fresh market products and ready-to-use vegetables. Fertilisation is one of the most practical and effective ways of... more
The influence of flask sealing on eggplant morphogenic responses and morpho-anatomical characteristics was evaluated. Eggplant seeds from the cultivar Embu were disinfected and inoculated in MS medium supplemented with B5 vitamins,... more
A simple, high frequency, and reproducible method for plant regeneration through direct organogenesis from cotyledonary leaf explants of Jatropha curcas was developed using Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different... more
The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi of Acacia catechu Willd. was studied. Dominant AM spores, the bacterium Rhizobium sp. along with the fungus Trichoderma viride were isolated from the rhizosphere of A. catechu and... more
In a field experiment with leek, four forms of green manuring with red clover were compared; direct incorporation, biogas residue, compost and green mulch. The application rates were based on concentrations of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C)... more
En busca de proteger el recurso forestal de Cedrela odorata L., actualmente amenazado, se planteó la necesidad de establecer un proto- colo para su crioconservación; la investigación se realizó con ápices y semillas. Con los ápices se... more