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The monograph examines the political ideology and philosophy of history of Constantine Leontiev (1831-1891), who was one of the most peculiar and original figures in the Russian literary and social circles of the 19th century. His life... more
This paper is unpublished. It deals with Pavel Florensky’s socio-philosophical views that shaped during the first Russian revolution years and were elaborated in his later works. The principal theoretical divergence of Florensky’s... more
My review of a book that tries to disprove my thesis on Florensky's "Friendship" as his theology of same-sex love.
Cтатья посвящена историко-философскому анализу образа М.А. Бакунина в сочинениях философов русского зарубежья. В работе рассматривается генезис и причины формирования этого образа. Доказывается, что мистический анархизм и... more
In this paper I take a closer look at Fr. Georges Florovsky’s original view on the relation between philosophy and theology. I argue that he tried to formulate an approach based on patristic experience and opposed to the dominating... more
The concept of a constituent myth (aitiología) concerns the Genesis and sources of signifi cant events and phenomena in the history of culture, civilization and social life, which are still remembered or at least do not cease to attract... more
This is the title page and table of contents for *Solzhenitsyn and American Culture,* co-edited by David P. Deavel and Jessica Hooten Wilson. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2020. You can order the book for 40% off from... more
Links to reviews below! An examination of Christianity in contemporary Russia. It begins with an overview of Orthodox Christianity before focusing on the distinctive aspects of Russian Orthodoxy and Russian Christianity. Explores... more
In this article, I intend to give a short overview of an interesting theological detour: the Sophia-theory of modern and contemporary Russian orthodoxy. In fact, this theory was held by only a minority of theologians and the majority... more
Review of "Alyssa DeBlasio, The End of Russian Philosophy: Tradition and Transition at the Turn of the 21st Century," published in The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 93, No. 4 (October 2015), pp. 745-749.
This is a translation of an article originally published in Russian in 2013 by the Russian historian and iconologist Mikhail Maizuls. Maizuls examines the gestures performed by demonic characters in medieval and early modern Russian art.... more
This is a paper that I initially wrote during my master’s studies in the Netherlands and later published in the University of Exeter’s student theology journal called the Key. It constitutes a sketchy attempt to bring Nikolai Berdyaev and... more
Автор статьи говорит о необходимости изучения духовно-академической философии религии в дореволюционный период и предлагает особую методологию изучения богословских работ для выявления их небогословского содержания. В статье показано, что... more
Artykuł jest próbą uchwycenia poglądów najważniejszego współczesnego filozofa rosyjskiego Sergiusza Chorużego przez pryzmat jego krytyki myśli Pawła Florenskiego. Ten ostatni – geniusz i męczennik za wiarę (jak powszechnie się sądzi) –... more
It is well known that Pavel Florensky highly praised mathematics throughout his life. Let us take his letter of 12 November 1933 to his daughter Olga as an example: «Mathematics should not be a burden laid on you from without, but a habit... more
This article discusses Tolstoy’s faith in the unity of its two aspects: as the state of mind of its carrier and in terms of its content and the life principles that flow from it. It is shown that at the same time and in the same respect... more
In Berdyaev’s notion of freedom the borders between theology and philosophy seem to fall down. The same existential concern for spiritual freedom is at the heart of both theology and philosophy. From the point of view of existential... more
The article is dedicated to Myrrha Lot-Borodine who is considered to be the first female Orthodox theologian. Her pioneer studies in patristics, especially that concerning deification and Nicolas Cabasilas, initiated researches in this... more
Sergei N. Bulgakov’s sophiology is often regarded as a concept submerging human beings in a divine cosmos, where personal dignity makes no difference. I will argue that quite the opposite is true. Bulgakov’s vision meets all three... more
Roman Shizhensky, Slavic Paganism Today: Between Ideas and Practice (trans. Jafe Arnold, ed. John Stachelski; PRAV Publishing, 2021). [ ] Since the late years... more
One of the most interesting parts of the theory of divine names proposed by the Athonite imiaslavtsy (onomatodoxes) is their theory of knowledge and doctrine of ideas, which were developed by Anthony Bulatovich. Bulatovich denied any... more
The subject of beauty is timely for a world increasingly characterised by fragmentation and a diluted sense of meaning. In this space, it is worthwhile revisiting the work of the Russian émigré theologian Paul Evdokimov who reflected on... more
The paper traces the origins and historical development of the Russian philosophical and ideological conception of Moscow as the Third Rome and its practical implementation in the Russian foreign policy in the 19th and the beginning of... more
Russian religious thinkers are a fertile source for addressing the issue of the theologico-political problem in modern political thought. In the writings of authors such as Vladimir Soloviev, Nikolai Berdiaev, and Sergei Bulgakov, we can... more
The Russian philosopher Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky (1870–1965) adhered to an evolutionary metaphysics of reincarnation according to which the world is constituted of immortal souls or monads, which he calls “substantival agents.” These... more
The present essay first presents an overview of Tolstoy’s normative expressivist philosophical aesthetics, narrowly construed; then the view is widened to include the moral-political framework within which proper artworks should fulfill... more
This article examines Fr Sergii Bulgakov’s writings on the eucharist. It argues that these texts, written at critical junctures at the beginning, middle, and end of his career, constitute a “eucharistic horizon” against which one can... more
Рец. на кн.: Леонтьев К. Н. Полное собрание сочинений и писем. В 12 т. / Подгот. текста и коммент. В. А. Котельникова и О. Л. Фетисенко. СПб.: Владимир Даль, 2014. Т. 9. 976 с.
Nikołaj Łosski IDEAŁ CHRZEŚCIJAŃSKI A KULTURA TECHNICZNA Z języka rosyjskiego przełożył i przypisami opatrzył Jarosław Młynarczyk * Podstawą przekładu jest: Николай Лосский (Nikołaj Łosski), ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА И ХРИСТІАНСКІЙ ИДЕАЛЪ... more
The article is an attempt of understanding and interpretation of the icon symbolism. I assume that the most accurate is the symbolism of the icon as a window to eternity. It has the most comprehensive, general and so to say-supreme... more
Nietzsche leu esse ensaio em sua versão francesa em Nice, nos primeiros meses de 1888, imediatamente após os malfadados esforços empreendidos com vistas à produção de sua planejada obra Vontade de poder: ensaio de uma transvaloração de... more
Аннотация. В статье речь пойдет о варианте тринитарной онтологии проф. прот. С.Н. Булгакова, изложенном в не публиковавшихся ранее разделах «Глав о Троичности». Текст представляет собой черновую рукопись с множеством правок и датируется... more
Wassily Kandinsky’s life-long adherence to Orthodox Christianity was a driving force in his exploration of non-objective painting. Under the influence of the Russian Neo-Christian thinkers who aimed to revitalize Orthodox theology at the... more