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The Book is a graphic montage piece, where comments, thoughts and short accounts from Ou Ning’s travels to Bishan are intertwined with drawings, clippings, color-coded text, handwritten notes, pictures and quotes. The forefathers of the... more
The Catholic Worker movement's fusion of anarchism and Catholicism is one of the most unusual hybrids in the history of the anarchist tradition and is sometimes dismissed as paradoxical or contradictory. In arguing that the pairing of... more
This Ph.D. is an ethnographic-activist-based project. It first examines the genealogy of popular nationalist-statist and religious enforcements of postcolonial cisheteronormativity in Egypt through the examination of two case studies, the... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
Nueva edición del ENSAYO DE PEDAGOGÍA UTÓPICA, la 5ta en tres años. En ella hemos añadido el folleto de Carlos Díaz, también agotado hace tiempo, NO HAY ESCUELA NEUTRAL. Los dos forman una unidad, ya que platntean una crítica radical de... more
Introduzione: ogni sera, una pillola contro la paura Cosa fare se da un giorno all'altro ti rinchiudono in casa e ti chiudono biblioteche, librerie e sale di lettura? Si può rimediare con la tecnologia, certo, ma non tutti i libri si... more
Simon Springer (Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Canada) contributes this short essay about his visit to Moscow and Domitrov. He organized a session titled “For Kropotkin” with Anthony Ince for the IGU Moscow Regional... more
In this chapter, we argue that there are three important micro cohorts--different social movement threads--of antiauthoritarian activists engaged in self-organization at the grassroots level in Quebec today: (1) radical feminists, (2)... more
Loadenthal, Michael. “Cells, Communiqués and Monikers: The Insurrectionary Networks of Anti-State Attack.” In Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, edited by Uri Gordon and Ruth Kinna, 326–40. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. Abstract:... more
Kuşkusuz, işçi devletinin yaşadığı zorluklarda sorunu öncelikle nesnel koşullarda aramak gerekir (ve bu koşullar aşağıda daha ayrıntılı şekilde ele alınacaktır). Fakat öznel etken de yabana atılmayacak derecede sorunlu olduğunu... more
Cтатья посвящена историко-философскому анализу образа М.А. Бакунина в сочинениях философов русского зарубежья. В работе рассматривается генезис и причины формирования этого образа. Доказывается, что мистический анархизм и... more
Reasons stated by the journal's Editors for awarding the Prize for the best paper published in the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography in 2017 to my article: “Tropicality, the unruly Atlantic and social utopias: the French explorer... more
On October 1, 1920, the city of Santiago, Chile, came to a halt as tens of thousands stopped work and their daily activities to join the funeral procession of José Domingo Gómez Rojas, a 24 year old university student and acclaimed poet.... more
Esta contribución recuerda las bases argumentativas de los adversarios y partidarios de la participación electoral y las reacciones de las clases trabajadoras influidas por el anarquismo, tomando en cuenta los elementos contextuales de... more
Mussolini Grande Attore. La dimensione performativa del fascismo. di Marco Colacino In questo lavoro si analizza e ricostruisce la figura di Benito Mussolini come attore di una drammaturgia politica, civile e sociale che interessa il... more
Aintzane Legarreta Mentxaka, "La Vida Vasca de Kate O'Brien" [original title: 'Mary Lavelle'] [commissioned]. El Correo Culture Supplement. 15 September 2018, p. 10. …………………………………… Kate O'Brien (1897-1974) es una de las novelistas más... more
This article addresses the life and works of a virtually unknown lady explorer, Octavie Renard-Coudreau (1867-1938), who continued an Amazonian exploration 'alone' after the death of her husband, the maverick French geographer Henri... more
En Carlos Crespo (comp.): Anarquismo en Bolivia: Ayer y hoy, pp. 143-163. Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios-Universidad Mayor de San Simón: Cochabamba (ISBN: 978-99974-65-71-9)
No Brasil, há uma grande disputa sobre a narrativa da Insurgência dos Governados de 2013. Por razões teóricas/político-eleitorais/ideológicas, muitos intelectuais participam de uma querela sobre os seus motivos, características e... more
Louise Michel (1830-1905) est aujourd’hui devenue une figure historique importante : elle est une image de lutte et de révolte, admirée comme une icône de femme libre. Elle a donné son nom à de nombreuses rues et écoles, et elle a même... more
Book Review of Social Ecology and the Right to the City, University of Chicago Press. Published in 2019, the edited volume Social Ecology and the Right to the City grew out of a conference two years prior, organised by TRISE. The... more
A consideração de um espaço qualquer como um “espaço de liberdade” é relativa às experiências que este espaço possibilita. Entendemos, pois, que não há uma forma específica, fixa e fechada que permita compreender ou caracterizar a... more
Current political movements have raised the issue of the problematic diversity of forms of domination and oppression, as well as strategies to counter them, in the way black feminism has signaled the importance of intersectionality. This... more
The coastal Isthmus of Tehuantepec region of Oaxaca, Mexico – known locally as the Istmo – is regarded as one of the best wind energy generating sites in the world. Marketed as a preeminent solution to mitigating climate change, wind... more
Con la muerte de Franco, se abrió la posibilidad de retorno para una pléyade de militantes libertarios dispersos entre Europa y América. Aunque la situación de España y el anhelo de retorno marcaron las experiencias vitales de los... more
Report at the 5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art "IMMORTALITY" (section “Compelling Images of IMMORTALITY: Who Creates Them, How and Why?”) / Yekaterinburg (September, 2019) // Доклад на 5-й Уральской Индустриальной Биеннале... more
This chapter addresses the life and works of Italian transnational anarchist and anti-fascist Camillo Berneri (1897-1937) drawing upon Berneri’s archives and original papers, never translated into English with only few exceptions. For the... more
Christiania, an “experiment” at self-governed community living spread over 85 acres in Copenhagen, is a thriving alternative to a capitalist or statist society, a reminder that another world is possible.
In my study I would like to draft the intellectual, political atmosphere, in which the Munka-kör (Work-circle), bearing the stamp of Lajos Kassák, was founded and formulated. It was a leftist creative community, which through its numerous... more
Reseña del libro: Susanna Tavera, Federica Montseny. La indomable (1905-1994), Barcelona, Temas de Hoy, "Biografías", 2005, 352 pp. en "Cuadernos Radicales. Libros y revistas", Política. Revista Republicana. Madrid. (ISSN: 1139-5397),... more
Il testo corregge per la prima volta due banalità che rincorrono la storia di Sacco e Vanzetti sin dai tempi della loro incarcerazione, nel 1920. La partenza dall'Italia. Per Vanzetti il 13 giugno 1908 (e non il 15 giugno). Per Sacco... more
Nel corso del Novecento il continente americano è stato ripetutamente segnato dall’insorgere e dal diffondersi di politiche dell’odio. Odio razziale, odio politico, odio di classe. Già a partire dall’incontro fra europei e nativi, alla... more
Russian anarchism of the 1910s-1920s (biocosmism, pan-anarchism) proposed an original political and aesthetic model of "access to space", which possessed a great heuristic and utopian potential, which, due to political circumstances of... more
From the second half of the nineteenth century European governments perceived anarchism as an international threat and regarded the surveillance of colonies established by anarchist refugees as of great importance. The article... more
Published on Britannica.Com Humanities Web Site (May 2000); revised version in The Surre(gion)alist Manifesto & Other Writings (Baton Rouge: Exquisite Corpse Books, 2003).
Después de una evaluación cuantitativa de las fuentes que figuran en la obra de Manuel González Prada, éstas sirven de hilo conductor para presentar sus principales ideas filosóficas y políticas. Este enfoque intertextual ilustra cómo se... more