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The paper addresses the process of postcommunist denationalization by focusing on the privatization of cultural institutions, as it occurred in the case of major Romanian publishing houses in recent decades (Editura Politică/ Humanitas,... more
Available on JSTOR: ProjectMuse: This article illustrates through a data analysis of “the archive” and of what Jordan A. Y. Smith... more
La tragedia rappresenta uno dei più vasti ambiti di interesse e di indagine dal punto di vista letterario, teatrale e filosofico. Questo volume ricerca, nello specifico, un possibile “sentimento tragico della Storia”, ispirandosi a Miguel... more
A teatro per costruire la Nazione. Con questa idea di straordinaria modernità, gli intellet-tuali romeni della prima metà dell'Ottocento si sono dedicati alla traduzione di opere del teatro tragico francese e italiano con passi-one e... more
Nella storia lunga e sinuosa dei rapporti tra italiano e romeno, uno dei capitoli più importanti e gravidi di conseguenze è stato l’italianismo letterario di alcuni grandi scrittori romeni dell’Ottocento, come Ion Heliade Rădulescu o... more
Civitas, le topos de la cité humaine dans la critique littéraire de D. Popovici. L'article vise un problème de survivance de la culture classique dans la critique littéraire de D. Popovici : l'usage et la fonction du topos de la cité... more
Nel panorama della cultura romena attuale, Marta Petreu (n. 1955) è senza dubbio una figura di primo piano. Personalità culturale organica e complessa, docente e studiosa di filosofia romena, redattore capo di un importante mensile... more
The substance of the present paper represents a text comparison between two books of theological polemic and philosophy, one from the 17th century, the other written at the end of the 18th century. The first one, Carte sau lumină...,... more
M. Blecher’s Poetry. Cultural Context, Publishing, Reception, Macro Data The following paper tries to approach a not so well researched part of M. Blecher’s literary creation, mainly his poetry. Given the high level of appreciation and... more
Remarked from her very first book, Voica (published in 1924), and up to her last novel Le Témoin de l’éternité, printed first in France in 1975 and translated into Romanian in 1995, Henriette Yvonne Stahl turned from a promising female... more
1. Einleitung Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt mehrere Ziele - manche davon entsprechen denen einer Geschichte und/oder Historiographie des Übersetzens, andere sind Prototheorien des Übersetzens. Ein erstes translationswissenschaftliches... more
Titlul, Lui Caragiale nu i-ar fi plăcut nicio formă de festivism, interviu luat de George Motroc
The Child of the Sun: Royal Fairy Tales and Essays by the Queens of Romania, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva, 1843-1916) and Marie (1875-1938). Selected and edited, with an introduction and bibliography by Silvia Irina Zimmermann.... more
Adaptarea cinematografică a romanului „Pădurea spânzuraților” de Liviu Rebreanu ar fi putut fi o coproducție româno-italiană regizată de Glauco Pellegrini. Înainte ca scenaristul Titus Popovici și regizorul Liviu Ciulei să fie implicați... more
Articolul interoghează teza că Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889), cel mai important scriitor român din secolul al XIX-lea, a valorificat în scrierile sale jurnalistice eșantioane paremiologice culese din vorbirea oamenilor de rînd. În privința... more
Constructed by Western discourse as part of the same absence/ non-significance area with which ‘the centre’ seems to associate ‘the margin’, Romanian literature (including writers and writings regarded as ‘canonical’ by the local school... more
Por que reunir-se em torno do Précis de décomposition-e celebrá-lo? Alguns diriam que não há nada aí a ser celebrado, muito pelo contrário. Cioran: pró e contra... Qual a importância do Breviário de decomposição, conforme o temos, desde... more
Versión española del estudio "'Cătălina' de Gheorghe Săsărman – povestire lirică sau „poem” al viitorului", Helion, 3-4 (2016), pp. 14-17.
Romanya Müslüman Tatar Türkleri Demokrat Birliği’nin maddî desteğiyle basılan ve Dobruca Kırım Tatar millî şairi Mehmet Niyazi’nin aziz ruhuna ithaf olunan Dobruca Kırım Tatar Ağzı Sözlüğü, Saim Osman Karahan tarafından kaleme alınmıştır.... more
Henri H. Stahl is known for his studies in social history and methodology, but he was also passionate about other, lesser known, research topics. Among these is his preoccupation with the development of a sociology of the Romanian... more
A post-anthropocentric epistemological assemblage becomes indispensable in the investigation of the ecology of the Romanian novel. We examine the interactive relationship of various dynamic systems, such as 1) the evolution of the... more
This paper aims to conduct a critical revision of Liviu Rebreanuʼs canonical status by comparing the image of the Romanian peasant established in his well-known novel The Uprising with the ones developed in no less than 18 Romanian novels... more
The article analyses two recent fictional reiterations of Count Dracula’s topos – namely, Alucard in Kouta Hirano’s Hellsing manga series (1997-2008) and Fifi/FAD (Florin Anghelescu Dragolea) in Alexandru Muşina’s novel Dracula’s Nephew... more
This essay analyses the most recent novel of Romanian author Mircea Cărtărescu (Solenoid, 2015). To this end, I will use a specific extension of career construction theory in the field of literary research that focuses on the notion of a... more