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Abstract Il saggio intende offrire riflessioni utili a iniziare una nuova messa a punto del concetto di ambiente e paesaggio nel mondo classico e in particolare in Seneca, soprattutto in relazione al concetto attuale di 'rispetto... more
On the one hand, Hume accepts the view—which he attributes primarily to Stoicism—that there exists a determinate best and happiest life for human beings, a way of life led by a figure whom Hume calls “the true philosopher.” On the other... more
Der folgende Aufsatz bewegt sich im Fadenkreuz von Rhetorik und Philosophie. Dass dem so ist, ja, sogar sein muss, entspringt gleichwohl nicht einer Laune des Verfassers, sondern liegt vielmehr nur und ausschließlich in der Logik der... more
In this paper we will focus on the following points in Epictetus. First, we will concentrate our attention on the celebrated distinction between things up to us (eph' hemin) and things not up to us (ouk eph' hemin). Second, we will survey... more
The paper revisits Seneca’s endorsement of wine-drinking as a remedy for mental anxiety in De Tranquilitate Animi (17.4-12). Although this locus has been often interpreted as Seneca’s endorsement of Platonic enthusiasm, we argue that... more
Ejer Congress - 2020 - Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretim Programında Yer Alan Değerlerin Öğretiminde Felsefi Eserler: Stoacılar Örneği
A somewhat popularizing survey of some issues that I take up in much more historical and philosophical detail in Stoic Political Theory (Chapter 5 of The Stoic Origins of Western Ethical and Political Thought) forthcoming
The present paper reviews the Ciceronian translations of the word συμπάθεια, which cannot be referred to the Latin language because of its semantic complexity. The συμπάθεια, or connection amongst those parts which the universe is made... more
Seneca's masterful application of metaphors often illuminates some Stoic technical terminology in contexts, which render them meaningful and familiar to his Roman readers. In this paper I argue that in certain instances, these metaphors... more
The present study analyses Cicero's approaches to translating the Stoic term συμπάϑεια into Latin. In his treatise On Fate, the Roman author differentiates two types of situation in which Stoic sympathy functions. In the scientific sense,... more
Phrygia’daki Hierapolis kökenli olan Epiktetos (İS 1. Yüzyılın ortaları - 2. Yüzyılın başları) gençliğinde Roma’da Epaphroditus’un bir kölesiydi. Efendisi tarafından azat edildikten sonra Stoacı filozof Musonius Rufus’tan felsefe eğitimi... more
Analisi del testo della Satira 5 di Persio; rilievi lessicali e semantici; riflessione sulla natura del rapporto maestro-discepolo per lo stoicismo romano
John Sellars, Londra Üniversitesi (University of London) bünyesindeki Royal Holloway’in felsefe bölümünde öğretim görevlisidir ve Oxford-Wolfson Koleji’nin (Oxford-Wolfson College) bir üyesidir. Yaşama Sanatı: Felsefenin Doğası ve İşlevi... more
La notion de prohairesis est l'une des notions centrales du stoïcisme d'Épictète. Alors que cette notion avait dans l'ancien stoïcisme une place mineure, celle d'une forme d'impulsion consistant en un « choix avant un choix », et n'avait... more
This essay starts from an in-depth reading of Consolatio ad Helviam matrem 9.2, focusing on the nexus comitatus /chorus virtutum and on similar expressions by Seneca and Cicero. I take into consideration the Roman cultural and social... more
The post-Cold War era has provoked a revival of various implicit as well as explicit returns to Stoic cosmopolitan theory as a possible source of a normative conceptual framework for international relations and global community. This... more
This book presents a new annotated edition of the Greek and Latin fragments of Hecato of Rhodes, a forgotten figure of the Stoa who nevertheless played a major role in the constitution of imperial stoicism and later ethical thought,... more
Early draft of the translation now published in "L. Annaeus Cornutus: Greek Theology, Fragments, and Testimonia" (SBL Press 2018)
The present contribution presents a complete survey of the studies on Stoicism published by the ILIESI and, before that, by the two Study Centers, LIE and CSPA, from whose fusion the ILIESI has been born. The historiographical production... more
Apresentamos aqui a tradução comentada de duas diatribes de Epicteto que tocam o tema da lógica, que lançam luz sobre a questão da importância prática dos estudos lógicos para os estoicos, já que, de acordo com o pensamento epicteteano, o... more
Ce livre retrace l’histoire de la controverse qui opposa les Stoïciens aux Péripatéticiens à propos des passions. Alors que les Stoïciens prônent un sage dépourvu de toute passion, les Péripatéticiens quant à eux admettent les passions... more
Benoît Rossignol, maître de conférences en histoire romaine, nous livre ici un très beau livre consacré à la figure quasi mythique de Marc Aurèle. Sa perspective est historique et non philosophique, mais il ne fait aucun doute que les... more
Presentazione del libro "Musonio l'Etrusco. La filosofia come scienza di vita" all'Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani con Aurelio Rizzacasa e Samuel Montealegre.
Arkhe-Logos Felsefe dergisinin 6. Sayısı (Bahar 2019) “Seneca Özel Sayısı” olarak belirlendi. Türkiye'deki tüm hakemli akademik dergiler düşünüldüğünde, Seneca bir dergide ilk defa özel olarak konu edilmektedir. Arkhe-Logos felsefe... more
Apresentamos aqui a tradução comentada de duas diatribes de Epicteto que tocam o tema da lógica, que lançam luz sobre a questão da importância prática dos estudos lógicos para os estoicos, já que, de acordo com o pensamento epicteteano, o... more
The present study analyses Cicero's approaches to translating the Stoic term συμπάϑεια into Latin. In his treatise On Fate, the Roman author differentiates two types of situation in which Stoic sympathy functions. In the scientific... more
This article, organised by themes, is not only a bibliographic collection of the most relevant contribution on Seneca's production as a Stoic philosopher, but it is allso a bibliographic guide for any level of research on Seneca's... more
(Viva Vox-DFL / UFS) O objeto desta nota de pesquisa é desenvolver um problema e propor questionamentos quanto à teoria estoica das emoções boas e más e sua relação com a teoria estoica das virtudes e dos vícios. Pathos, que se traduz ora... more
From the Introduction to 'The Impact of Michel Foucault on the Social Sciences and Humanities': '... focuses upon the problems raised by Foucault for one central problem in philosophy, the question of freedom. One traditional... more
The paper revisits Seneca’s endorsement of wine-drinking as a remedy for mental anxiety in De Tranquilitate Animi (17.4-12). Although this locus has been often interpreted as Seneca’s endorsement of Platonic enthusiasm, we argue that... more
Cicero’s concept of natural law (lex naturae o lex naturalis) has been usually interpreted as a direct expression of Stoic philosophy. von Arnim has included Cicero’s well known characterization of natural law (De re publica III xxii 33... more
This book argues that Augustine assimilated the Stoic theory of perception and mental language (lekta/dicibilia), and that this epistemology underlies his accounts of motivation, affectivity, therapy for the passions, and moral progress.... more