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Epiktetos (yaklaşık olarak MS 50-125/130): Roma İmparatorluğu döneminin en önemli ve en meşhur filozoflarındandır. Muhtemelen çocukken Roma’ya gelmiş, kendisi de bir zamanlar köle olan özgür Epaphroditus’un kölesi olmuştur. Epiktetos... more
Piece for Stoicism as a Way of Life blog/mag. on Medium, ed. by Don Robertson, on the representation of James Comey in the recent teleseries, The Comey Rule. I argue that Comey, as represented, exemplifies notable stoic virtues, from... more
Musonius Rufus is often given the title the 'Roman Socrates', however he is more often looked over when talking about Stoicism. This article sees that he regains his rightful place in the Stoic pantheon.
I hope to indicate how Stoic counsel may serve just as effectively today as it did nearly two thousand years ago in Rome. With respect to fundamentals, the human condition has not changed a great deal during the millennia separating our... more
Nous pensions avoir tout lu d’Epictète, tout connu de ses maximes si profitables à la conduite de nos vies, quand dans l’expérience du chagrin elles nous servirent souvent de guide, tout entendu de ses Entretiens, ravis par leur style... more
A series of casual Dialogues exploring everyday problems and issues with a hypothetical Sage as a method of philosophical journaling.
Talk given at Stoicon-X Australia virtual event, 6-8 November 2020.
Table of contents 1. Plato and a response to ethical scepticism; 2. Aristotle and the invention of practical philosophy; 3. Diogenes and philosophy as a form of life; 4. Epicurus and ethics as care for oneself; 5. Epictetus and ethics... more
A new translation of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations. The hook is not just an improved translation, and a solid introduction, but copious notes, designed to increase depth of understanding mainly for lay readers (e.g. of the Modern Stoicism... more
Daha önce Cicero’dan Devlet Üzerine çevirisini yayımladığımız C. Cengiz Çevik, bu çal��şmada Roma’nın cumhuriyet döneminde (İÖ 509-İÖ 27) siyaset ve felsefe ilişkisinin şekillenişini inceliyor. Alanında Türkçede bir ilk olan ve birincil... more
This article aims to explore two types of ascetic techniques of the body on which Foucault focused his attention during the 1980s: on the one hand, the techniques linked to the "use of pleasures" (that can be associated to a "traditional"... more
Seneca (MÖ 4’e doğru-MS 65): Devlet adamı ve filozofluğunun yanı sıra Roma tarihinin en önemli söylev ustalarından ve tragedya yazarlarından biridir. Babasının bir siyaset adamı ve hatip olarak yetiştirmek istediği Seneca, bir süre devlet... more
The symbol of the exoteric and religious side of late Stoicism with a high moral value, issuing a naturalistic and rationalistic concept of wisdom people can get by living according to natural principles, accepting with resignation and... more
Dream of Scipio is organized around two systems of imagery: 'rings,' which extend ring composition in every sentence to human affection (complexus) and the body's encirclement of the soul, to the harmony of the spheres. The second system... more
This dissertation attempts to illuminate the enigma of the Seneca whom we see in Tacitus, "Seneca politicus", and his capacity at the Palace. The project thus evaluates the three most accessible sources for both how Nero would have viewed... more
William Ferraiolo, A Life Worth Living: Meditations on God, Death and Stoicism, O-Books, 2020, 192 p., 14.1 x 1.14 x 21.44 cm, ISBN: 1789043042

Reviewed by Matthew Allen Newland, PhD, 8 February 2021
Petit guide de philosophie pratique, le Manuel est destiné à quiconque souhaite progresser sur la voie de la sagesse. Selon Épictète, nous devons distinguer ce qui est en notre pouvoir de ce qui ne l’est pas. Ainsi, nous ne maîtrisons pas... more
The first seven chapters of this book tell tales about Marcus’ life and character taken from the accounts of Cassius Dio, Herodian, and most of all the Historia Augusta. Robertson freely adorns these accounts with imagined dialogues and... more
In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius repeatedly presents a disjunction between two conceptions of the natural world. Either the universe is ruled by providence or there are atoms. At 4.3, we find perhaps its most succinct statement:... more
Marcus Aurelius should be viewed as the ideal role model for Roman Emperor because he was able to deal with natural disasters, economic crises, military campaigns and governmental issues.
Q. S. F. Tertullian was one of the most prominent writers and apologists of the early Christian Church. He had two important goals with his works: on the one hand, to introduce, according to the spirit of the age, the Christian teachings... more
Spécialiste internationalement reconnue de Sénèque, Mireille Armisen-Marchetti a publié tout au long de sa carrière universitaire (1976-2010), outre sa thèse magistrale qui a fait date (Sapientiae facies. Etude sur les images de Sénèque,... more
Courtney J. P. Friesen explores shifting boundaries of ancient religions by way of the reception of a popular tragedy, Euripides’ Bacchae . As a play staging political crises provoked by the arrival of the “foreign” god Dionysus and his... more
Many elements would seem to reveal a conflict between the sartrian existentialist philosophy and stoicism, however, the often made references by Sartre to the Stoics, and the "stoic" attitude he even says he adopts at the time of the... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura y la obra del filósofo estoico, gramático y rétor del s. I d.C. Cornuto, que se sirvió para su obra tanto del latín como del griego y del que nos ha llegado en esta última lengua un "Compendio de las... more
In the present paper, I argue that the Stoic view of the world, based on reason (λόγος) and providence (πρόνοια) – which complement each other – had a massive influence on Epictetus' conception of fear. Thus, fear is generally treated in... more
This paper examines Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt's interpretation of Roman Stoicism. Arendt and Foucault develop their analysis of Stoicism in the context of a similar account of modernity. Both argue that since the eighteenth... more
Ce livre étudie la théorie stoïcienne de la responsabilité morale telle qu’elle a été reprise et développée par Épictète. S’inscrivant à la suite du stoïcisme hellénistique, Épictète adopte l’intellectualisme moral et la psychologie... more
This paper considers the Stoic definition of chance as “a cause obscure to human reasoning”. It argues that the cause invoked in the definition of chance in¬cludes a reference to the prov¬idential plan for the cosmos. This reading is... more
Dans ce texte, Maël Goarzin évoque rapidement la permanence du stoïcisme de la fin de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne, avant de s’intéresser plus précisément au stoïcisme contemporain et à l’actualité du stoïcisme conçu comme manière de... more
Askesis in Musonius Rufus Musonius Rufus has influenced Epictetus and Dio Chrysostomus. Due to his charismatic personality, Origen (Contra Celsum) equates him with Socrates. Twenty-one of his diatribes and some minor fragments have... more
A brief review of two articles on the Stoic influence in the ethical writings of Paul in Romans and in 2nd Peter's portrayal of the conflagration of the world.
Musonius problématise la politique stoïcienne de manière originale. Sous la direction du maître, l’individu assimile les principes de la vertu et renoue, dans l’ascèse, avec l’impulsion fondamentale de l’oikeiôsis. Le mariage, modèle de... more
A doctoral thesis arguing that the form of the Natural Questions is in part determined by Seneca's engagement with contemporary currents of debate between Stoicism and "Middle" Platonism. FULL ABSTRACT: The combination of ethics and... more
Aylak Adam Yayınları / Klasik Hümanizm Dizisi’nin ilk kitabı çıktı. Romalı filozof-imparator Marcus Aurelius’un Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν (Ta Eis Eauton) metninden derlenmiş ve çevrilmiş olan “Hayat Kısa, Mutlu Olmayı İhmal Etme” başlıklı bu... more
During plebeian tribunat of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus 133 BC, main ideological and political adviser was Caius Blossius. He came from Cumae, campanian town and community. Caius Blossius was adherent of radical version of stoicism,... more
Epictetus was born in the first century and was one of the three great Roman Stoics representative of the ethical-philosophical apex of ancient Roman civilization and characteristic of philosophy during the New Testament period. His... more