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This paper addresses the efficiency of thermal insulation layers applied to protect structural elements strengthened by fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) in the case of fire event. The paper presents numerical modeling and nonlinear... more
The expected seismic losses of structures with Rotational Friction Dampers (RFDs) are assessed by the Endurance Time (ET) method considering the optimal frictional moment of the devices. A practical method is proposed to obtain the... more
In the present study, a general nonlinear one-dimensional finite element beam model is developed for the analysis of composite beams. The proposed model is based on the partial interaction theory of composite beams where the flexibility... more
Suction anchors may be subjected to quasihorizontal, quasivertical or inclined loading depending on the type of structure and the water depth. The loading conditions can give rise to horizontal and vertical loads, and moments. To achieve... more
For $p\geq 2$ , let $E$ be a 2-uniformly smooth and $p$ -uniformly convex real Banach space and let $A:E\rightarrow E^{\ast }$ be a Lipschitz and strongly monotone mapping such that $A^{-1}(0)\neq \emptyset$ . For given $x_{1}\in E$ , let... more
In the present paper, a performance analysis of an 18 levels IMS system building, built in Santiago de Cuba city, which is classified as very high seismic hazard level for the new Cuban code, is carried out using the static nonlinear... more
The availability of high strength steels and concrete leads to the use of thin steel plates in concrete-filled steel tubular beam–columns. However, the use of thin steel plates in composite beam–columns gives a rise to local buckling that... more
A simply supported bridge is modelled to investigate the effect of a strain rate dependent modulus of elasticity on the dynamic response of the structure to a moving load. The bridge is modelled as a one-dimensional discretized finite... more
Multivalued fractals are considered as fixed-points of certain induced union operators, called the Hutchinson–Barns-ley operators, in hyperspaces of compact subsets of the original spaces endowed with the Hausdorff metric. Various... more
This is a short survey on some recent as well as classical results and open problems in smoothness and renormings of Banach spaces. Applications in general topology and nonlinear analysis are considered. A few new results and new proofs... more
The so-called ‘least squares regression’ for mathematical modeling is a widely used technique. It’s so common that one might think nothing could be improved to the algorithm anymore. But it can. By minimizing the squares of the... more
Controlling seismic damage and improving performance are creative ideas of earthquake designing in which uses definite demonstrating of the structure together with techniques. One of the most important tools to dissipate energy is dampers... more
This paper provides an overview of the US Army Corps of Engineers' guidance for seismic design and evaluation of concrete dams, as presented in the Engineer Manual EM1110-2-6053. The re- quirements to design and evaluate concrete dams... more
The Perona-Malik equation is a formally ill-posed parabolic equation for which simple discretizations are nevertheless numerically found to be stable. After discussing the background of this paradox in computer vision, this paper shows... more