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In this paper, we introduce and study a new class of variational inequalities, which is called the generalized set-valued mixed variational inequality. The resolvent operator technique is used to establish the equivalence among... more
In this paper we develop a framework for the study of financial equilibrium in the case of sectors in the economy, each of which is faced with two objectives/criteria in his portfolio selection decision making. In particular, we first... more
A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution of variational inequalities is presented, along with a uniqueness condition.
Let E be a q-uniformly smooth real Banach space with constant dq, q>1. Let Ti:E→E, i=1,2,…,r be a finite family of nonexpansive mappings with K≔∩i=1rFix(Ti)≠∅ and K=Fix(TrTr−1…T1)=Fix(T1Tr…T2)=⋯=Fix(Tr−1Tr−2…Tr). Let G:E→E be an... more
In this article we study a decoupled forward backward stochastic differential equation (FBSDE) and the associated system of partial integro-differential obstacle problems, in a flexible Markovian set-up made of a jump-diffusion with... more
In this paper we show that a linear variational inequality over an infinite dimensional real Hilbert space admits solutions for every nonempty bounded closed and convex set, if and only if the linear operator involved in the variational... more
The variational inequality problem is reduced to an optimization problem with a differentiable objective function and simple bounds. Theoretical results are proved, relating stationary points of the minimization problem to solutions of... more
In this paper, using proximal-point mapping technique of P-η-accretive mapping and the property of the fixed-point set of set-valued contractive mappings, we study the behavior and sensitivity analysis of the solution set of a parametric... more
We propose two new iterative algorithms for solving K-pseudomonotone variational inequality problems in the framework of real Hilbert spaces. These newly proposed methods are obtained by combining the viscosity approximation algorithm,... more
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
This paper deals with multivalued quasi variational inequalities with pseudo-monotone and monotone maps. The primary objective of this work is to show that the notion of generalized solutions can be employed to investigate multivalued... more