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In questa tesi sar`a presentata un’introduzione alla Teoria della Sommabilit`a, le cui applicazioni spaziano dalla matematica applicata alla fisica teorica. L’o- biettivo principale di questa teoria `e quello di fornire una serie di... more
In this article, the sequence spaces f 0 (N t) and f (N t) are introduced as the domain of N ¨ orlund mean in the spaces f 0 and f of almost null and almost convergent sequences which are isomorphic to the spaces f 0 and f , respectively,... more
In this article, the sequence spaces f0(Nt) and f (Nt) are introduced as the domain of N?rlund mean in the spaces f0 and f of almost null and almost convergent sequences which are isomorphic to the spaces f0 and f , respectively, and some... more