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Volgens professor Frank Gerits moet Leopold II niet uit het straatbeeld verdwijnen omdat hij een verschrikkelijk figuur was, maar omdat hij het hart vormde van de Belgisch koloniale propaganda. Het weghalen van standbeelden of het... more
This paper analyses King Leopold’s Antwerp network and which people from that network were involved in the organization of the World Fair 1885 as well as in the Congo Free State. How was Congo Free State marketed during the Antwerp World... more
Plunderde een meedogenloze Leopold Congo met geweld leeg om zijn honger naar macht, prestige en geld te stillen? Of is enige nuance aan de orde? Hoe werd Congo in de praktijk bestuurd en geëxploiteerd? Werd er echt zoveel geweld gebruikt... more
The afterlives of a monstrous colonial monument are being contested in the heart of Belgium. Engaging in a visual analysis of the PeoPL happening, facilitated by artivist Laura Nsengiyumva, I will argue that this visual proposition is... more
The monument for Congo (1912-1921 - officially called "the monument built for the first Belgian pioneers") is an edifice located in the Parc du Cinquantenaire (Brussels) built and decorated by the Belgian leading sculptor of his time,... more
Volgens historicus Gert Huskens draait het debat rond het koloniale verleden van België in Congo te veel rond de guur van Leopold II en biedt dit 'oud-kolonialen een uitgelezen opportuniteit om hun erg revisionistische en positieve... more
Starting out as founder of several financial institutions, Alexandre de Browne de Tiège became one of the main financers of Leopold II's rule in the Congo Free State. This article investigates his rol in the Congo concession societies, as... more
Since the establishment of the independent Belgian kingdom in 1830, numerous citizens have written a so-called letter of request or demande de secours to the royal family to ask for money or help in kind. Between 1865 and 1934, spanning... more
D'une grande figure héroïque belge, Léopold II est devenu le méchant de l'Histoire, jugé coupable de crimes contre l'humanité. Croqué par la plume, le crayon et fixé sur la pellicule, le Roi est de plus en plus réduit aux traits... more
In writing Heart of Darkness, Conrad made a crucial discovery. Morality does not prevent genocide. Quite the contrary, genocide occurs because of moral discourses. It was for this reason that Conrad rejected morality. To put the... more
In an article entitled “The Early Spread and Epidemic Ignition of HIV-1 in Human Populations,” in the magazine Science in October 2014, Nuno Faria and his fellow researchers revealed the location of ground zero for one of the world’s most... more
Léopold II marqua de son empreinte les sphères politique, diplomatique, économique et culturelle de son époque. Les représentations les plus variées de Léopold II coexistent sur un mode bien plus complexe que celui du génie colonial ou... more
Dans un contexte de course aux colonies, Léopold II, nouvellement roi de Belgique envoie des agents au Congo pour ramener des informations qui lui permettront de créer un nouvel Etat en 1885 : l’E.I.C. Ces agents, recherchant pour la... more
This dissertation addresses the theme of decolonisation within the context of the contemporary ethnographic museum focusing on the case study of the recently reopened AfricaMuseum in Tervuren, near Brussels.
La nature en ville dans un contexte de densification, étude portant sur l'archéologie de l'écologie urbaine. Comportant une analyse comparative des processus d'urbanisation au 19ème et de gentrification au 21ème. Une recherche sur la... more
Life and work of Ellsworth Faris (1874-1953), disciple and successor of G.H. Mead, social psychologist, Chairman of the department of sociology (1925-1939), then of the University of Chicago. A forgotten name in its history, he is the... more
Publisher: Deep Vellum Publishing (US) Translated from the French by Roland Glasser Published: 2015 ISBN-10: 1941920047 ISBN-13: 978-1941920046 pp 224; Price: $12.37 Reviewed by: Olatoun Gabi-Williams... more
Biography (in French) of Félix Fuchs, Governor General of the Congo Free State and Belgian Congo. Le présent ouvrage ouvrage, conçu comme une biographie, analyse essentiellement la carrière coloniale de Félix Fuchs, qui couvre environ les... more
Although Leopold I, first King of the Belgians (1790–1865, r. 1831–1865), already had expansionist views and multiplied commercial deals with foreign countries, his son, who was a born businessman, longed for more proactive actions in... more
ENGLISH After the anti-Christian, anti-imperial and anti-foreign Boxer Rebellion took place in the summer of 1900, the so-called Conference of Peking had to settle the post-war situation in China. Inspired by the renewed attention for... more
The story of how King Leopold II of Belgium conquered and transformed the Congo into his own private kingdom and the atrocities that were committed there.
Leopold II, King of the Belgians, founded the "Congo Free State" in 1885 after almost ten years of political preparations in Europe and explorations in Central Africa. Swiss bourgeoisie took part in the creation of then-to-be Belgian... more
The Congo Free State is generally considered as the personal property of King Leopold II, over which he ruled as absolute monarch. Similarly blame was put on those responsible for mass violence triggered by the harvesting and processing... more
In Belgium, there are a significant number of street names, statues and monuments bearing the imprint of Belgian colonisation, built in the effigy of colonial ‘heroes’ and once intended to serve a propagandist discourse. In an... more
What role has photography played during colonialism referring to two case studies: The Belgian Congo Atrocities and Algeria colonised by France.
Este trabajo, con algunos retoques, corresponde al último apartado del tercer capítulo de mi ensayo El Perú escindido (Ediciones Irreverentes, 2012), obra en la que intenté abordar, confrontándolas, las propuestas estéticas e ideológicas... more
The "Domaine de la Couronne" is known in the history of the Congo Free State as the symbol of Leopold II's lucre and the violence associated with it. However, the foundation and purpose of this Ancien Régime-type institution is more... more
Painting for Posterity: Belgium’s Golden Anniversary Recorded on Canvas When Belgium celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its independence, in 1880, the government spared no expense in ensuring the occasion was marked in fitting style.... more