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The present paper examines and evaluates research experiences in the area of the history of Islamic economic thought during the last 30 years with the objective to see the pace of research and its coverage, both author-wise and idea-wise,... more
A well-regulated economic system requires incentives that reward productive and withhold rewards from unproductive activity. Such incentives are put in place by means of legislation and enforced with the help of regulatory agencies. A... more
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
In Our Economy, al-Sadr strives to show that Islam has answers to problems of the modern world by presenting an Islamic alternative to both capitalism and socialism. He rejects socialism on the basis that Islam distinguishes between the... more
Bu araştırma 1990’lı yıllarda İslamcıların temelde kapitalizme, özelde ise hem dönemin iktisadi gündemine, hem de bir dizi iktisadi kavrama ve olguya bakışlarını ele almaktadır. Türkiye’de 1980 yılında öne çıkan 24 Ocak ve 12 Eylül... more
It is shown in this study that most of the Muslim farmers' crops in Glagahagung village are sold to the middlemen. Therefore, the this study aims to find out the reasons of the Muslim farmers sell their crops to the middlemen and to know... more
This study aims to analyze the economic value of the application of biogas technology based on dairy farming. The data analysis used a quantitative method with an approach to the value of biogas waste production. The results showed that... more
Based on the failure to cut down poverty rate to 7% by 2019, I argue that the Indonesian Government needs not only planning and identifying targets, but also look for ways to realise its objectives. The State Budget spent through social... more
When Islamic finance is mentioned around the world, the first thing that comes to mind is Islamic banks. The sphere of Islamic finance has expanded in the last decade with developments particularly in capital markets and the insurance... more
Islamic finance presents itself as based on the uniqueness of Islamic ethics, originating in divine revelation (the Quran) and the actions and sayings of the Prophet (Sunna). It is argued, first, that there is nothing unique in this... more
This conceptual review aims to analyze the performance measurement of Islamic banks based on sharia principles using the Tawhid String Relationship (TSR) concept. The method used is descriptive and qualitative, where the data sources from... more
تحاول هذه الورقة البحثية تسليط الضوء على الأزمة المالية العالمية من خلال تحليل جذور ودوافع حدوثها وأهم خصائصها، وكذا تداعياتها على الاقتصاد العالمي من خلال التطرق إلى آثارها على بعض المتغيرات الاقتصادية، مع محاولة إبراز سبب بقاء البنوك... more
In-state revenue, the tax sector is one of the biggest contributors to the country's infrastructure development. Tax contribution to protecting the financial sector. However, lately, the condition of some countries is less stable because... more
With many women receiving tertiary education, more women have become significant income earners and have the opportunity to save. As a result, more women are expected to become eligible payers of zakat on wealth. This paper examined... more
Economics is a fundamental part of every society, similarly, Islam is one of the dominant faith practiced all around the world and a complete code of life. It has given some specific guidelines regarding economics. The article discusses... more
A book that carries the term “finance” in its title could hardly bear less elements from the dominant finance literature than Integral Finance does and yet, from my point of view, is a source of legitimate pride for Akhuwat and the... more
Long before the Dana Gas Sukuk default highlighted how the legal complexity of Sukuk could be exploited in a default situation The Investment Dar company of Kuwait tried the same strategy. Did they succeed (like Dana Gas) or Fail? This... more
The aim of the present study is to identify the extent to which commercial Islamic banks in Jordan pay attention to knowledge management and to explore the interest level with various knowledge resources in their strategies. The other... more
Paper ini ditulis oleh mahasiswa prodi Perbankan Syariah, Jurusan Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup, semester 4 RK, dalam mata kuliah Tafsir Ayat Ekonomi. Artikel ini ditulis secara berkelompok... more
This study explores research trends in Western literature about Zakāh, which is considered to be an equivalent, to a certain degree, to a charity in the Christian tradition. The study is based on a sample of considerable studies in... more
Waqf Financing for Higher Education: Issues, Challenges and the Way Forward provides fundamental understanding on Waqf financing for higher education in order to highlight the current and future challenges to the institution. The book... more
Encore extrêmement limitée il y a 30 ans, la finance islamique moderne atteindra en 2020 un encours de 4500 milliards de dollars. Si cela ne parait pas considérable à l'échelle mondiale, les banques islamiques semblent avoir bien résisté... more
This study aims to analyze the effect of total assets, promotion and documentation costs, official travel expenses, zakat fund receipts and zakat fund distribution to the efficiency level of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) in Managing... more
This study examines the factors which influence and contribute towards the financial viability of Islamic finance and its impact on global financial stability. However, the purpose of this paper is to differentiate the practical... more
Studies conducted in the field of Islamic economics lose their relevance over time. Works examining Islamic economics since the 1970s have been co-opted by the existing economic system and have become limited to a large extent, as they... more
The research aims to test the influence of the variables affecting Non-Performing Financing (NPF) in this case is Financing Debt Ratio (FDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Operational Expense Ratio against Operation Income (BOPO),... more
The commentaries on Qur'anic and Hadith texts extol the benefits of Zakat and provide an extensive rationalization for its institution as a pillar of Islam. Some benefits include Zakat's impacts on fostering social cohesion, providing a... more
The Need For The Islamization of Knowledge In Accounting. This article tries to analyze the term “Islamization of knowledge method through accountancy. The economic system and the foundation of philosophy its system may influence the... more
Demand and supply theory is a core concept in microeconomics which taught at schools and colleges with a little variation. The authors and subsequent followers of this theory discuss the issues related to goods, services, quantity,... more
COVID-19 is a global pandemic (Jaihah) that brings hardships (Haraj). This has affected all aspects of our life. The United Nations Development Programme reported that uncertainties due to this global pandemic are manifold. Under a... more