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Combinant une approche pluridisciplinaire et une méthode comparative, cet ouvrage se propose un double objectif. Saisir tout d’abord la portée et le contenu normatif du principe de précaution à travers l’étude de ses dynamiques... more
The last time there was this much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere was three and a half million years ago. While our planetary history evidences cyclical climatic shifts, this time injustice is the cause. The lifestyles of the wealthy few... more
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, was probably the largest event in a long series of megasummits on environmental protection and sustainable development. Roughly 44 000... more
El presente trabajo analiza la obra de Raúl Brañes, a la luz del derecho comparado. El objetivo del mismo es descubrir y describir las metodologías que fueron utilizadas por el autor en su obra, prolífica, de derecho ambiental... more
Current international mitigation efforts are failing to solve the increasingly alarming issue of global warming. With a history of an inability to enforce International law, world leaders must figure out a new method to work together to... more
Veerle Heyvaert's book is a seminal monograph in the field of transnational environmental law. The phenomena explored by this book have fundamentally transformed the conventions of international, environmental and public law, as well as... more
Principios internacionales sobre derecho internacional público y derecho ambiental internacional.
There are many situations where anthropogenic activities have significant effects on the environment. Ozone layer damage is one of them, caused by the use of Ozone Depleting Substance (ODSs) e.g. Chlorofluorocarbons, Halons etc. This... more
(in Greek) In their efforts to combat the major problems which are affecting the international community, the United Nations established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs include a wide scope of actions which aim at... more
Text popisuje vazby mezi ochranou životního prostředí a lidskými právy z hlediska možnosti využití nástrojů ochrany lidských práv ve prospěch ochrany životního prostředí. Hlavní pozornost je věnována nejnovějšímu nalezenému výsledku... more
Human rights and the environment are linked with each other in two ways. Firstly, the environment is seen as precondition of the realization of human rights. Because human beings are dependent on the environment. We all meet our basic... more
After a brief non-technical discussion of the science, this ppt discusses the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol (and amendments) in relation to the ozone layer as well as climate change. The Vienna Convention served as an... more
Human development is a concept which involves all fields of human life. It essentially involves availability of resources; how people feel about their lives; and opportunities such as proper nourishment, respect, safety and security of... more
O presente ensaio aborda os prováveis efeitos que uma eventual inabitabilidade dos territórios de micro-Estados insulares – como Tuvalu e Kiribati – causada pela elevação do nível do mar, decorrente de alterações climáticas, pode ter para... more
This ppt deals with environmental activism & environmental terrorism, both how it is controlled and what effect it may have on legislation.
This chapter considers opportunities for Arctic states to manage and conserve biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the High Arctic and reviews the positions of China and the EU in relation to such potential frameworks. As the... more
The advent of Rights of Nature (RoN) marks a new paradigm shift in the philosophical approach to nature. As such, the concept has generated enthusiasm amongst environmentalists and legal scholars. This is not surprising since granting... more
The Earth's orbital space is increasingly threatened by debris. It is frequently described as a common-pool resource vulnerable to a 'tragedy of the commons' scenario. Scholars have suggested ambitious policy proposals to tackle the... more
The vast amounts of fossil fuels available and the forecasts regarding their future utilisation can make carbon capture and storage/sequestration (CCS) an attractive option, despite the various challenges associated with the technology.... more
This talk is an introductory foray into the current state of the art in protection of animals in international law. The consideration of animals in international law is marked by a number of contrasts and gaps. One is that between the... more
The drive for harmonisation of environmental criminal standards at both the international and European level emerges from the increasing recognition of the scale and seriousness of environmental crime, the need to strengthen mechanisms... more
This report, co-released by West Coast Environmental Law and the Vanuatu Environmental Law Association, explains how well-established principles of private international law allow the courts and governments of individual countries to take... more
This book presents a legal genealogy of biodiversity – of its strategic use before and after the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 1993. This history of ‘genetic gold’ details how, with the aid of international law, the... more
The concept of biodiversity has been historically constituted by a series of North-South disputes over its meaning and application. The following chapter places the entry of biodiversity into international environmental law within its... more
The failure of international law and institutions to address global environmental degradation has significant implications for law and society as the planet’s ecosystems approach irreversible tipping points. According to a recent study... more
The Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea has been asked to give an Advisory Opinion regarding the responsibility and obligations of a State that sponsors persons or entities to undertake prospecting... more
This paper looks at how the idea of reservations has developed from a guiding principle, through its codification in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), to its place in customary international law. A subsequent analysis... more
The Flint water crisis was a preventable tragedy that has decimated an entire community. This crisis is particularly appalling because Flint is an Environmental Justice community –a community in which the majority of its residents are... more
O presente artigo tratará da agricultura orgânica como meio de efetivação dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS’s). O trabalho está estruturado em três partes, na primeira se estudará o desenvolvimento do direito ambiental... more
There has been growing environmental awareness focused on the interactions between development actions and their environmental and human impact. This necessitates the need to protect not only the environment but also impose penal... more
The question of what status the precautionary principle enjoys in international law has once again reared its head; most recently in the Indus Water Treaty dispute between India and Pakistan before the Permanent Court of Arbitration,... more
On 1 February 2011, the Seabed Disputes Chamber (“the Chamber”) delivered its first Advisory Opinion. The Opinion provides useful guidance to the international community concerned with the deep seabed. First and foremost, the Chamber... more
This article examines the ways in which international courts and tribunals should uti-lise their powers to prescribe provisional measures in the context of environmental disputes. The article makes the case that the system of dispute... more