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Current international mitigation efforts are failing to solve the increasingly alarming issue of global warming. With a history of an inability to enforce International law, world leaders must figure out a new method to work together to... more
Modern ethnic processes in different groups of Enets occur, depending on the specific ethno-demographic situation. In the northern (tundra) group of weak processes of cross-breeding with Caucasians, but actively mixing with the Nenets.... more
PREFACE Per Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution, which provides constitutional protection of indigenous and treaty rights, the Government of Canada has a fiduciary duty to the indigenous people of Canada. This duty is compounded by... more
The Northern Sea Route (NSR) for the Russian Federation is a strategically important maritime communication with the status of a historically established national transport artery. Despite its applicability to the Arctic, and therefore to... more
This chapter considers opportunities for Arctic states to manage and conserve biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the High Arctic and reviews the positions of China and the EU in relation to such potential frameworks. As the... more
The attention to the Arctic is fuelled by the prospect of economic development, emerging shipping routes, and changing geopolitics. Since 1996 the Arctic Council, an intergovernmental forum for Arctic cooperation, has served to foster... more
Планируемое уменьшение ледового покрова в Арктике ведет к изменению геополитического статуса этого морского региона: он становится более открытым для осуществления различных видов морехозяйственной деятельности. Приход в Арктику всех... more
В настоящее время тема освоения Арктики представляет собой систему вопросов как национального, так и международного уровня. Для Российской Федерации, обладающей уникальным ресурсным потенциалом, деятельность, осуществляемая в Арктическом... more
Feasibility of the Northern Sea Route is examined by navigability of icy waters and sailing speed considering recent summer sea ice condition. And economic feasibility focusing on shipping cost is also examined by estimating dry bulk,... more
Science diplomacy can be defined as building scientific collaborations among states to deal with common problems as well as addressing global challenges. This term also involves building constructive partnerships globally owing to the... more
Cele i narzędzia polskiej polityki arktycznej to publikacja przygotowana przez zespół młodych badaczy prowadzących badania w ośrodkach akademickich w Polsce, Finlandii oraz Norwegii. Stanowi udaną syntezę wnikliwej analizy naukowej z... more
Despite the expectation of potentially vast petroleum resources in the offshore Arctic over the last decade, actual exploration and production rates are rather low. As of today, there are only two producing oil fields and one natural gas... more
The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is considered as the universal legal regulator towards maritime spaces and resources. However, many states are directly and indirectly violating its basic Articles and... more
The scope of this essay is to underline and comprehend the role of soft power that is associated with the Belt and Road Initiative. It is really important to implore further into this particular topic during a time of fading American... more
This chapter examines the following question: How did Canada’s chairmanship impact the Arctic Council and its contemporary role in regional governance? It argues that Canada helped further the Council’s turn toward addressing explicitly... more
In the early 21st century the Arctic region saw the formation of the transnational networks. The agenda question is governance of the Arctic transnational networks. Taking into account the Arctic uniqueness, it should be regarded as a... more
The analysis in hand provides a brief assessment of the United States’ and Canada’s marine transportation system and relevant search and rescue (SAR) support in relation to the Northwest Passage, with the purpose of examining to what... more
The 21 st century is often called the "century of the Arctic". Due to melting of sea ice, the Arctic has been a source of continuous development in various fields like shipping, oil and gas explorations and so on. One such activity that... more
This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more
With the northwards expansion of offshore petroleum activity in Arctic states, there is a concern of the adequacy of emergency response systems. Petroleum activity in these areas is challenging due to harsh weather conditions, darkness,... more
Russia is currently preparing for its second term serving as chair of the Arctic Council. The country will officially take on the roll in May of 2021 and lead the Council until 2023. Russia’s first Chairmanship was realized in 2004-2006.... more
Arctic security is a main security challenge – a global one, not only a regional one – not only for the Arctic countries, but for the whole international community, first of all the European. With Russia and China expanding their role in... more
Fifty years ago, the American ice-breaking supertanker Manhattan tested the waters of Canada’s Northwest Passage. During its epic 1969 transit, Manhattan’s task was to determine the feasibility of shipping oil from newly-discovered fields... more
Sanayi Devrimi’nin yaşanmasıyla birlikte fosil yakıtların kullanımında artış olmuş ve bu artış dünyanın ekosistemini olumsuz etkilemeye başlamıştır. Bu durum küresel ısınmaya neden olmuştur. Küresel ısınma 21. yüzyılda etkisini arttırarak... more
Stepien, A., T. Koivurova and P. Kankaanpää (eds.) (2014), Strategic Assessment of Development of the Arctic: Assessment Conducted for the European Union. Arctic Centre, University of Lapland. The ‘Strategic Assessment of Development... more
Yukon First Nations and the waters within their traditional territories face a variety of socio-political and environmental pressures including the effects of historical and ongoing settler colonialism, global environmental change and... more
This chapter examines the impact of Arctic regimes on indigenous is-sues. The focus is on the Arctic Council and the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR).
This book seeks to pose and explore a question that sheds light on the contested but largely cooperative nature of Arctic governance in the post-Cold War period: how does power matter – and how has it mattered – in shaping cross-border... more
O movimento de globalização é transversal à história das sociedades humanas, muito embora esta designação possa ser considerada recente e importada do mundo da Economia por Théodore Levitt nos anos ’70 do século XX, e popularizado a... more
Canada and Russia are the geographical giants, spanning most of the circumpolar world. Accordingly, the Arctic is a natural area of focus for the two countries. Although the end of the Cold War seemed to portend a new era of deep... more
5. Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Çalıştayı’na “Eleştirel Jeopolitik Kapsamında Arktik’in Dönüşümü ve Devletlerin Arktik’e Yönelik Politikalarının Değişimi” konulu sunumumla ben de katıldım. Uluslararası aktörlerin iklime bağlı değişen bir... more
In the fragile Arctic region the extent of sea ice was at a record low in September 2012. Land ice is also retreating, while snow is disappearing and permafrost is thawing. Rapid environmental change in the Arctic, as a result of climate... more
Chapter 3 in The Networked North: Borders and Borderlands in the Canadian Arctic Region, Heather Nicol and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, eds. Waterloo, ONT: CFPF, St. Jerome’s University)/Victoria, BC: BIG/University of Victoria, 2017. Open... more
Gordon W. Smith, PhD, dedicated much of his life to researching Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic. His 1952 dissertation from Columbia University on “The Historical and Legal Background of Canada’s Arctic Claims” remains a foundational... more
Arctic warming poses considerable legal challenges to the region. The fast disappearance of polar ice will increase economic activity, destabilize the environment, and create a host of security issues. Previous discussions have tended to... more
As the ice-coverage within the Arctic Region maintains a downward trend, extraordinary opportunities to capitalize on a plethora of untapped resources are looming. The promise for shorter voyages from Asia towards Europe and/or the... more
Environmental and territorial issues of the Arctic and its role in modern international relations
The Arctic – with almost a third of the world’s remaining natural gas and thirteen percent of its oil – is one of the globe’s last frontiers for competition over unexplored natural resources. The rapid pace of Arctic melting due to... more
The EU Arctic Footprint and Policy Assessment report assesses the EU‘s current footprint on the Arctic environment and evaluates how it could change over time. The effectiveness of the EU‘s current environment-related policies is... more
The draft paper as at 24th April which is updated from the draft made for the oral presentation session (5th April 2017 does not contain any references and text errors needed corrections). The paper is still being worked on with more... more
This paper compares four maps produced by the Canadian government and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the indigenous peoples' organisation representing Inuit living in the four recognised Inuit regions (Inuit Nunangat) of Canada. Our analysis is... more