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An unsupervised method that utilizes a combination of statistical and machine learning techniques is presented in order to classify statistically independent rainstorm events and create a limited number of design hyetographs for the Water... more
The energy of flow can be defined in general form as a measure of an object's capability to perform work, and it can be done in many different forms. The present study aims to investigate the dissipated energy of flow in the stepped shape... more
Par son lent passage ou ses soudaines fluctuations, l’eau façonne nos villes et nos paysages ; les inondations jalonnent la longue histoire des sociétés humaines, les contraignant à modifier leur habitat. Hanté par les mythes diluviens,... more
Abstract A simple TVD (Total Variation Diminishing) step is appended to the standard MacCormack scheme for simulating shallow water dynamics. The governing equations are solved on a uniform Cartesian grid system. Two forms of the... more
In this study, assessment of the amount of sediment inflow and the total quantity deposited in the kenyir reservoir was made. Kenyir reservoir is the biggest man-made lake in Southeast Asia. Kenyir dam and reservoir are mainly designed... more
Floodscapes tells the multifaceted story of humankind’s relationship with flooding, oscillating between fight and symbiosis. Modern water engineering has turned plains and valleys into fully inhabitable environments. At the same time,... more
This study used SWMM model to simulate the urban flood in Vijayawada. IDF curves for return period of 1 year and 2 years is prepared along with LULC map using Sentinel data. Then model setup for historical extreme event for 2018 is done... more
Using high-quality hydraulic conductivity test results for compacted soil samples with widely different gradation characteristics, 14 commonly employed empirical correlations for estimating the permeability coefficient (k) were evaluated.... more
Experimental investigation has been performed to understand the hydraulic behaviour of non-rectangular piano key weir where either the side wall angle or the side wall inclination angle is greater than zero. Five physical models were... more
Floods are among earth’s most common and most destructive natural disasters, affecting people’s lives and livelihoods. In Bihar, no other kind of natural disaster has caused more death and destruction than floods. Flood hazard mapping and... more
This volume is the first of a series. It belongs to 1he IAHR Hydraulic strnctures design manual which is being prcpared by a team of authors co-ordinatcd by thc IAHR, as was decided during che lAHR Congress in New Delhi in 1981. This... more
An example of carrying out unit hydrograph convolution in order to get the full Hydrograph of a catchment for a given hyetograph is explained in steps. Matrix manipulation using Excel is used for this regard and a simple user defined... more
Abstract Land use/land cover change has been one of factors responsible for altering the hydrologic response of watersheds leading to impacting river flows. Various water resources projects’ planning and implementation will require... more
Hydraulic jump type energy dissipaters are widely accepted methods of energy dissipation while designing the hydraulic structures like dams, weirs and barrages. They are popular for their simplicity and efficiency, but have certain... more
Solución paso a paso para los 2 problemas de redes de tuberías sencillas, se utiliza el método matricial, método de la línea de gradiente Hidráulico en el nodo y la comparación con el software EPANET. El documento es provisto únicamente... more
Surface soil moisture is a critical hydrological component for water balance that controls the partition of rainfall in to runoff and other hydrological components; solar radiation in to latent heat and sensible heat. The present study... more
Flash floods are considered as catastrophic phenomena possessing major hazardous threat to many of infrastructure facilities, especially new construction projects in Saudi Arabia. This study deals with the evaluation of flash flood hazard... more
L’érosion du sol est un phénomène naturel qui rend compte de certains processus (détachement des particules, transport et dépôt) induits par différents agents érosifs. Dans les zones semi-arides, les précipitations sont souvent intenses... more
Major river valleys (e.g. Ganga, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Godavari, Kosi etc.) of India have remained as cradles of human livelihood and achievements throughout the course of human history. In the same way, contributing with floods the... more
Armando García Quistián.
Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana
Tijuana, B.C.
Da sempre la carta storica supporta i poteri decisionali e gestionali nelle scelte di pianificazione territoriale e di intervento in frangenti di emergenza e calamità naturali. Nel caso della gestione dei beni idrografici la produzione di... more
In this research, an experimental investigation was conducted to study the characteristics of flow over weirs with semicircular openings. Four radii of the weir openings were used and three crest heights with either a sharp or... more
Multifunctional flood defenses protect areas against flooding, but serve other functions as well. Although these types of defenses can be seen almost everywhere, they pose special technical and governance challenges. This book is about... more
For determining of Muskingum model coefficients, requires to an output hydrograph. Such hydrograph is not available in most rivers. In this research, the Muskingum's new coefficients are determined by the method that which is not require... more
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) have been used widely in USA, Europe, Japan and Australia to name a few developed countries. SUDS are currently the recommended techniques towards solving three major problems in Malaysia which... more
Study region: 26 boreal catchments (mid-Norway). Study focus: We performed regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) using the L-moments method and annual maximum series (AMS) of mean daily streamflow observations for reliable prediction... more
Bendungan, disamping bermanfaat untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan bagi manusia, juga menyimpan potensi bahaya yang sangat besar, yaitu bila bendungan tersebut runtuh, menyebabkan terjadinya kerugian jiwa dan materi serta hancurnya... more
Mounding often occurs beneath engineering structures designed to infiltrate reuse water. AQTESOLV software and a spreadsheet solution for Hantush, together with soil moisture water balance (SWAGMAN farm model), were used for... more
A quick method of defining design peak flows and hydrographs for any point on the River Thames between Days weir and Teddington is offered as a design tool for flood analysis. This paper presents the findings of a flood frequency and... more
During the last five decades, a huge amount of water pollutants has been recorded in all water resources around the world. Therefore, the water quality has become an important indicator affecting the vitality and productivity of plants,... more
The allocation of groundwater resources has been a challenge for many years due to its unforeseen side effect and lag time issues, which are often overlooked. The full impact of groundwater utilization/abstraction takes time to realize... more
El fenómeno del golpe de ariete en plantas hidroeléctricas ha sido extensamente estudiado. En el caso particular de las turbinas Francis, se presenta una interacción entre la rotación de la turbo-máquina, la variación del flujo y las... more
The Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia (MSMA) was published in 2001 by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), which promotes Best Management Practices (BMPs) aimed at stormwater management at the source. The... more
The current study focus on the effect of using stepped gabion weir in a laboratory channel on the hydraulic jump distance which form at its toe. A series of 175 operation tests and 25 laboratory experiments were conducted by using a... more
A method is presented to analyze the interaction between groundwater and Lake Linlithgow (Australia) as a case study. A simplistic approach based on a " node " representing the groundwater component is employed in a spreadsheet of water... more