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The local scour around bridge piers is one of the most common causes of bridge failures. Many equations have been proposed for determination. Most of these equations have a reliability and are used for design, were developed when the pier... more
The feature and configuration of culvert entrance beside the aspect ratio (span/rise) have a key role in determining the hydraulic performance of culver. The conveyance along with the permitted height of head water can be determined... more
In this study the effect of upstream face slope of a trapezoidal broad-crested weir on discharge coefficient and water surface profile was investigated using the laboratory models. The velocity and pressure distribution profile were... more
Монголын говийн бүсэд уул уурхай, үйлдвэржилтийн хөгжил эрс нэмэгдэн үүнийг даган сууршлын бүсүүд шинээр бий болж хүн амын хүрээгээ тэлсээр байна. Өсөн нэмэгдэх усны хэрэгцээтэй уялдан гадаргын усны нөөц багатай говийн бүсэд он удаан жил... more
In this research, an experimental study was conducted to determine the maximum length and maximum length of the scour hole downstream for the combined structures, comprising of weir and gate. Sixty models were designed and that were... more
Experimental investigation has been performed to understand the hydraulic behaviour of non-rectangular piano key weir where either the side wall angle or the side wall inclination angle is greater than zero. Five physical models were... more
The forced hydraulic jump characteristics were studied experimentally using different configurations of a standard USBR baffle blocks. Each configuration was tested under Froude numbers ranged between 2.27 to 9.2 at which the hydraulic... more
The current study focus on the effect of using stepped gabion weir in a laboratory channel on the hydraulic jump distance which form at its toe. A series of 175 operation tests and 25 laboratory experiments were conducted by using a... more
In this research, a study was conducted experimentally to investigate the scour hole dimensions downstream the combined structures which consist of weir and gate. Twelve models have been designed and every model is formed from composite... more
Hydraulics is a topic in applied science and engineering dealing with the mechanical properties of liquids or fluids. At a very basic level, hydraulics is the liquid version of pneumatic. Fluid mechanics provides the theoretical... more
Flow unsteadiness in flood events has a significant effect on the structure of the flow field and motion of sediment particles, thereby affecting dispersion of pollutants and river ecology. The aim of the present article was to evaluate... more
In this research, water surface profile, piezometric head distribution and energy dissipation (E/E 0)%, were studied over a stepped spillway of semicircular crest.Different types of stepped spillway were used. Three types of d/s slope of... more
The stability of glover leaf coffer dam in two soil cases (dry and wet) and two positions (neutral and longitudinal), with nonlinear finite element analysis has been used in this study to predict the load deflection behavior of cellular... more
Abstract Flood estimation is necessary to design hydraulic structures and to quantify structures failure risk. Most of the methods used for design flood estimation in Mozambique were developed in the late 1960s. Furthermore, collecting... more
In this research, a laboratory study of hydraulic jump properties was conducted by making small semicircular rough elements, which covered the stilling basin floor downstream of spillway. The objective of this research was to introduce... more
The Kut Barrage is one of the most important hydraulic structures in Iraq, which is in place to regulate the flow from the Tigris River and distribute it between Graf River, Dujelah Channel, Dalmch Channels, and other irrigation projects.... more
Seepage under hydraulic structures is very impor-tant in designing of such structures and if it is not considered, the whole structure may fail due to both effects of uplift pressure and piping phenomenon. 1 Up to now, a number of authors... more
The aim of the present study is to indicate the drag coefficient, pressure distribution and flow types on unconventional types of angularly cutted baffle blocks and compare the results with standard baffle blocks by using the Fluent... more
This paper present nonlinear finite element analysis to predict the load deflection behavior of circular cell cofferdam under lateral load by using ANSYS (ANalysis SYStem) (version 12.1) computer program, eight-node solid element (SOLID... more
Flip buckets are a common configuration for side channel spillways. Similar to other spillways, the flip bucket or ski jump has its disadvantages, among which the scour hole downstream due to the flip bucket jet is the most important. The... more
In the present study, a laboratory work has been done to measure the local scour at equilibrium state which is formed around single oblong pier fixed at the center of the section located each 30° of 180°-bend. The results show that the... more
Earth-fill dam safety and stability control during service period is important at the view point of economics and social security. Monitoring is very important to control dam security, to compare real action with predicted planning and to... more
The present study investigates the effect of using stepped gabion weir in a laboratory channel on the distance of the hydraulic jump. A set of 25 laboratory experiments and 175 operation tests were conducted using a laboratory flume with... more
Eddies that result from the flow separation in abrupt expansion transition structures lead to serious problems in the bed and sides of the downstream channel. The head loss produced through expansion, on the other hand, is important as it... more
Anhand von chronikalischen Berichten, Stadtrechnungen, archäologischen Befunden und Literatur gelang es erstmals, 25 einzelne Hochwasserereignisse der Saane in Freiburg i. Ü. von 1387 bis 1570 zu identifizieren, zu rekonstruieren und... more
Contemporary analytical and computational techniques enable the researcher to define interaction between varying flow rates, varying volumes of filling water and the deformation and stresses occurring in the structural components of a... more
Bottom-hinged flap gates on side weirs are often used for the regulation of flow diversion in case of water abstraction for a variety of needs. In this study, a new equation for the discharge coefficient of a bottom-hinged flap gate on a... more
The current study focus on the effect of using stepped gabion weir in a laboratory channel on the hydraulic jump distance which form at its toe. A series of 175 operation tests and 25 laboratory experiments were conducted by using a... more
In hydraulic structures design, using cutoff walls is essential to reduce and control the resultant uplift force (U), seepage discharge (Q), and exit hydraulic gradient (i). This research investigates the effectiveness of inclined double... more
— In this research, a study was conducted experimentally to investigate the scour hole dimensions downstream the combined structures which consist from weir and gate. Twelve models have been designed and every model is formed from... more
Flip buckets are a common configuration for side channel spillways. Similar to other spillways, the flip bucket or ski jump has its disadvantages, among which the scour hole downstream due to the flip bucket jet is the most important. The... more
When the sheet pile is used as the reservoir wall or retains the action of saturated fills and cuts for construction works, it will be certain that the seepage occurs from the back side (retained side) to the working place (opposite... more
The local scour around bridge piers is one of the most common causes of bridge failures. Many equations have been proposed for determination. Most of these equations have a reliability and are used for design, were developed when the pier... more
This study was undertaken to evaluate the hydraulic performance of stilling basin with unusual shapes of baffle blocks. Seven groups of baffle blocks were selected for this purpose , these blocks were cut within a different forms, three... more
In this research, a study was conducted experimentally to investigate the scour hole dimensions downstream the combined structures which consist from weir and gate. Twelve models have been designed and every model is formed from composite... more
The forced hydraulic jump characteristics were studied experimentally using different configurations of a standard USBR baffle blocks. Each configuration was tested under Froude numbers ranged between 2.27 to 9.2 at which the hydraulic... more
In hydraulic structures design, using cutoff walls is essential to reduce and control the resultant uplift force (U), seepage discharge (Q), and exit hydraulic gradient (i). This research investigates the effectiveness of inclined double... more
The construction of spillway with steps represents an efficient technique to decrease the energy of water that flows over it. Steps shape, or geometry of the spillway, has a significant effect on the residual energy at the toe of the... more
This study aims to investigate the effect of single cavity when it presence at a specific location within the homogenous soil, on the behavior of seepage and uplift pressure under a hydraulic structure. The results are analyzed to... more
Inlet and outlet keys are the main two components of piano key weir. Understanding the phenomena of flow over these two components is an important factor in the design of this structure. In this article, 2D investigation into the velocity... more
Eddies that result from the flow separation in abrupt expansion transition structures lead to serious problems in the bed and sides of the downstream channel. The head loss produced through expansion, on the other hand, is important as it... more
Een onderzoeksprogramma van de TU Delft, Universiteit van Twente en Wageningen Universiteit heeft diverse ontwerpaspecten van zogenoemde multifunctionele waterkeringen onder de loep genomen. Dit derde artikel belicht het technisch en... more