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This study documents the development of a classroom game simulating the effects of contractual arrangements on the economic relationships between artists, record labels, and consumers. The game was tested with multiple revisions in... more
This article explores the emergence and significance of printed game boards in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century. These objects constitute an important and overlooked visual and material aspect of a pervasive culture of gaming... more
As novas interfaces e tecnologias dos games trazem hiperestímulos que fazem com que as características imersivas dentro de um ambiente virtual sejam potencializadas. A exploração espacial nos videogames inaugura novas possibilidades... more
Os desenvolvedores criam games, mas os jogadores também se sentem instigados a ir além do que lhe foi oferecido, e assim nascem os MODs. Essas alterações podem transformar um determinado game em um gênero completamente diferente do qual... more
Transmedia storytelling-Lego Dimensions
The focus of this paper is to apply sensory branding to the case of Lego. Henceforth, the thesis question for my paper is the following: To what extent does Lego use sensory branding and what should the company do in the future in terms... more
Game development business has become very competitive, therefore it is very important to develop games that stand out from the vast amount of other competing game titles. Usability of the game is crucial to ensure game acceptance, which... more
Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interest from the media, sports, and technology industries. The purpose of this study is to show an overview of the recent evolution of the gaming... more
In five steps this text tries to convey a semiotic analysis of the phenomenon of ‘live VR music concerts’.Through this paper it becomes clear that the meaning of live music and virtual live music is not always clear. Virtual does not... more
Open Device Lab is a worldwide network of laboratories providing a community pool of internet connected devices. Quality assurance across real devices is needed to solve device-specific problems. The community proposal is to enable anyone... more
Pervasive games defy Johan Huizinga’s classic definition of play as being something “outside ‘ordinary life’” with its “own proper boundaries of time and space according to fixed rules and an orderly manner” (Huizinga, 1955, p.13).... more
Perspective-taking skills and eye-gaze processing are reported to be impaired in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. This paper presents the structure and the theory behind a learning game for perspective-taking skills and eye-gaze... more
A game fusing the real neighorhood Liberdade in São Paulo - Brazil, and a virtual interactive 3d platform.
In this paper, we describe an experiment outline on investigating design and user experience related aspects of several virtual reality locomotion and virtual object interaction mechanics. These mechanics will be based on consumer... more
The main of the paper is to discuss the meaning of negation involved in the logic of First Degree Entailment in the context of a dialogical analysis of tonk-like operators The dialogical framework is an approach to meaning that provides... more
This paper proposes a model of a legislature, formed by several parties, which has to vote for or against a certain bill in the presence of a lobbyist interested in a certain vote outcome. We show that the ease with which the lobbyist can... more
Tagungsprogramm: Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2018/ Mercredi 14 février 2018 Rolf GROßE (Paris): Begrüßung/ Accueil Pierre MONNET (Frankfurt am Main/Paris): Eröffnung/ Mots d’ouverture Vanina KOPP (Paris), Constanze BUYKEN (Frankfurt am Main),... more
This paper analyses the experience of one player with the electronic game World of Warcraft relating aspects of cognitive Psychology. The study emphasizing problem solving when the player must use the perceptual processes such as... more
This paper presents a new tool for detecting the cognitive decline by using the neuropsychological screening test, as described in [1] that for detection of cognitive decline, five BrainCheck’s [2] assessments can be used.
This work proposes an aerial cinematographer AI for shooting videos of settlements in Minecraft worlds. A supervised learning approach is adopted to train the AI using a decision tree with movement behavior data of a target player.... more
Автор обращается к архивным материалам телевидения, анализирует примеры передач начального периода отечественного вещания. В статье выявляется онтологическая близость игры и телевидения. Автор приходит к выводу о системообразующем... more
PROFILE AND PERCEPTION ABOUT THE USE OF ELECTRONIC GAMES FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: RELATIONS WITH PHYSICAL EDUCATION ´ Abstract In the present times of Information and Communication Technologies it is possible that the school might be a... more
The results of observations and interviews of learning media for Object-Oriented Programming subjects at State Vocational High School (SMKN) Malang City indicate a lack of innovation in the learning media used. Therefore, it is necessary... more
Japan is a super-aging society, one marked by a steadily silvering population and shrinking birthrates. Social effects range from a decline in intergenerational homes to new tensions between the generations as elders delay retirement or... more
El agua en la piedra es una aventura para juegos de rol que se puede acabar en una sola sesión (one-shot). Es ideal para personas que comienzan su camino en los juegos de rol. Los encuentros y desafíos tienen una dificultad media y están... more
Este texto discute o uso da violência como meio expressivo no campo da arte e games. Divido as reflexões em três momentos: a apresentação das inquietações que levaram-me a discutir essa temática; em seguida, acrescento exemplos de imagens... more
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40 Most primary school teachers would concur that mathematical games are a valuable pedagogical tool to deploy in the primary classroom; however, not all mathematical games are likely to be equally valuable. How might teachers decide... more
Desde su introducción, los juegos en linea no han ido bien con todo el mundo. Se refiere en particular a los grupos de edad adulta. Los padres suelen quejarse sobre cómo sus hijos se sienta pegada al ordenador y pantallas de televisión... more
While games may help to support skills practice and attitudinal change, the game creation process itself may also be effective in enhancing empathy and compassion for other people. Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups and 500 languages amid... more
You may visit the resource material on SC dynamics . The reference  is to Beer Game. It offers rich insights !
Gioco di ruolo e molteplicità d'esperienza E' credenza comune tra i giocatori credere che vi sia una distinzione oggettiva tra il personaggio giocato e il giocatore stesso. Di fatto tale distinzione non esiste: la persona che gioca prova... more
Τον αποκάλεσαν «το παιχνίδι του αιώνα» (του 20ού αιώνα). Θα μπορούσε να τον πει κανένας και «τρέλα της δεκαετίας του ’80». Οι διαφορετικές δυνατές διατάξεις των κομματιών του είναι πάνω από... 43 πεντάκις εκατομμύρια! Το παρόν κείμενο... more
АНОТАЦІЯ Косюк О. М. “Розважальна функція електронних засобів масової комунікації: світовий контекст та національні особливості” – Рукопис. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук зі спеціальності 10.01.08 –... more
As an emergent medium capable of telling complex stories, the video game gives us unique insight and challenges to established critical theory. This chapter will examine the ways ‘the gaze' is expressed and utilized in video games,... more
These are our initial steps towards building the greater platform, our NFT game Hub – the vision of futuristic NFT games that has the option to play & trade will become the biggest and most impressive platform in the real world & in the... more
This presentation was designed for the EU's Joint Research Centre Knowledge for Growth (KfG) Unit. It provides an overview of recent foresight gaming projects undertaken by CPPFS and HRCFS in Hawaii, Singapore, Tonga, Macedonia, and... more
Breve messa a punto cocettuale perché la svolta dal 200 al 300 provocò molti interventi normativi e al tempo stesso il riuso di categorie precedenti o il loro uso pkurimo, provocando equivoci nelle letture storiografiche.
Almost every human society has played games, from dice and board games to hunting and sport. But why are games such a universal human phenomenon? What exactly do games accomplish and what are their roles in societies? This course explores... more