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During the late Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom, there were two principal forms of representation in the elite tomb: wall scenes and funerary models. The two artistic media exhibit several similarities in design, with both... more
The relations between Re, the Sun-god, and the gold seem to be a well-known topic of the Egyptian religion given the solar associations of that precious metal. Nevertheless, there are not detailed studies on those associations. This paper... more
This Element offers a new approach to ancient Egyptian images informed by interdisciplinary work in archaeology, anthropology, and art history. Sidestepping traditional perspectives on Egyptian art, the Element focuses squarely on the... more
Description and over 600 pictures on this famous Luxor tomb.
In English and en Fraçais
Textbooks Quirke, Stephen. Ancient Egyptian Religion. London: British Museum, 1992. Lichtheim, Miriam, trans. Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol. 1: the Old and Middle Kingdoms. Paperback ed. Berkeley: University of California... more
Temples were nearly ubiquitous across the ancient Near East. Rather than serving as a gathering place for a worshipping congregation, a temple served as a terrestrial divine abode. In it, the god(s) lived amid society, yet carefully... more
In the Early Iron Age the Eastern Mediterranean gradually turned into a complex network of systematic contacts among the Aegean, Cyprus, Egypt, Syro-Palestine and areas of the Near East. From the tenth century BC onwards relations between... more
Spells 154‒160 of the Coffin Texts have long been known to form a unified composition since most of them promise the knowledge of sacred localities. The main purpose of these spells is, however, not to draw up a mental map of places of... more
The terms Dt and nHH have often been treated as synonyms reflecting notions related to the vastness of time. However, from the study of original source material – the texts and iconography compiled over some three millennia, and authored... more
Interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18th Century CE artifacts, are a means of tracing the transformational journeys of Bes, the Egypto-Nubian deity. The wanderings, which began in Nubia and Upper Egypt,... more
A new critical edition of the ancient Egyptian 'Jackal Hymn of the West' from the so-called Book of the Night, with hieroglyphic transcription, transliteration, translation, extensive commentary on the cryptographic texts, and... more
From prehistoric figurines and graffiti to modern digital photographs, human beings repeatedly produced images, transforming the world itself into a relentless fabric of images. This volume presents the proceedings of the international... more
In ancient Egypt the deceased were an integral part of the world of the living. The dead kin were perceived as extended family members and a bilateral relationship was developed between the two worlds. The deceased expected to receive... more
An increase of cross-cultural learning as a consequence of increased travel and migration between Egypt and the Levant during the Iron Age occurred after millennia of migration in earlier times. The result was an Egyptian-Levantine koine,... more
The results of radiographic and visual examinations of four mummies originating from Deir el-Bahari, now kept in different museums throughout Egypt, are presented here. One individual dates to the Twenty-second Dynasty, and the remaining... more
The Twentieth Dynasty tomb of Ramesses VI (KV9) includes two copies of the cosmological treatise known to modern scholarship as the Book of the Night. Both versions of the book in KV9 include a cryptographic annotation to the twelfth... more
The falcon is one of the most enduring symbols of kingship in ancient Egypt. It makes its first undeniable appearance in that role in Early Dynastic times; placed atop a serekh it is the most important royal symbol of that period. The... more
In addition to his particular skill and knowledge in calming the goddess Sekhmet, the wab priest had other functions and abilities. In the sources we find him described both as an expert in making medical diagnoses by observing blood... more
Note that this paper is to be read in conjunction with THE DECORATED NORTH WALL IN THE TOMB OF TUTANKHAMUN (KV 62) (THE BURIAL OF NEFERTITI? II) (2019)... more
Recent work on the funerary chapel of Amenirdis I at Medinet Habu has proved her selections from the Opening of the Mouth ritual to be deliberately chosen and meticulously laid out on the walls of her funerary chapel such that the texts,... more
I am including in this Addendum several points in my notes to the text which were omitted from the final publication because of the semi-popular nature of the book Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power. In presenting these... more
during the Current Research in Egyptology (CRE) 2021, University of the Aegean, Rhodes (visio-conférence), 13/05/2021.
En este trabajo se abordará la figura de la diosa Isis desde diversas perspectivas. Primero, analizaremos su papel en Egipto, su lugar de procedencia, desde los tiempos Neolíticos hasta la conquista de Alejandro Magno, que da inicio al... more
This is a book of authentic Ancient Egyptian texts, rituals and ceremonies.
The tomb of Wekhhotep III (C1) is the last decorated tomb to be excavated in the cemetery of Meir, with a probable date of the Twelfth Dynasty reign of Senwosret II and/or Senwosret III. It has recently been re-excavated and re-recorded... more
On a select number of Decorated vessels can be seen a motif composed of two vertical cross-hatched rectangles flanking an undecorated central panel and connected at the top and base by a straight line, which is sometimes embellished with... more
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
In Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives, Martin Pehal applies structural analysis to four New Kingdom narrative compositions. The study explains the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has... more
ABSTRACT: Preface to the Guide: Focus and limitations: The compilation of this guide began in Spring 2007 as a series of check lists and book requests for the somewhat small collection of Egyptological and related works in M. H. Sterne... more
Along with pottery and palettes, tusks and tags are among the most popular objects of the Predynastic period (Naqada I–IID). Tusks are here defined as the canines or incisors of the hippopotamus, or imitations thereof in other materials,... more
This article stresses the fact that religion in ancient Egypt is not limited to the great temples, secluded from the outside world. The case-study of the cult of Renenutet, the «lady of the granary», shows that buildings meant for... more
Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry (SHERM) is a biannual, not-for-profit, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes the latest social scientific, historiographic, and ecclesiastic research on religious institutions... more
En el Egipto Antiguo, y la época amarniana no es una excepción, la necesidad de hacer visible el dominio de unos sobre otros obligó a llevar a cabo una política de los paisajes y de las obras monumentales que inmortalizara el poder. En... more