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What I want to present to you today is an argument for why NATURE, as a concept and term of art, should be retained by contemporary environmental political theory despite some recent claims by theorists like Bruno Latour and environmental... more
This work is Chapter 11 in the John M. Meyer and Jens M. Kersten edited volume "The Greening of Everyday Life" (Oxford University Press, 2016), pp.183-97. It builds in part upon my earlier work "Plumwood, Property, Selfhood and... more
This chapter draws heavily on some of my recent work (Barry, 2012) in which I have discussed the ideas of Alasdair MacIntyre and Vaclav Havel and what these two thinkers can contribute to green political theory. Here, I wish to extend the... more
Published in 'Governing the Environment in the Early Modern World' edited by Sara Miglietti and John Morgan This chapter first sketches Winstanley’s life and work. The subsequent section discusses his argument that private ownership of... more
Pemanfaatan hutan merupakan salah satu bentuk dari penggunaan sumber daya alam. Pemanfaatan hutan yang sesuai dengan prosedur dan regulasi yang berlaku tentu akan memiliki dampak yang positif bagi pembangunan dan perkembangan daerah.... more
Abstract:This essay explores how a recent body of work by Thai artist Piyarat Piyapongwiwat uses an immersive video installation to create a context that affectively connects the viewer with a group of exploited Cambodian labourers. While... more
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, along with the longings for a return to "normal state", statements that nothing will be the same afterwards could also be heard. However, the real task remains in deconstructing the... more
I. INTRODUCTION: COMMODIFICATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL GOODS S HOULD there be markets for environmental goods? For instance, should we trade carbon and biodiversity credits? The debate over markets and nature is often polarized. On the one... more
In 2008 Ecuador adopted a new constitution that pioneered rights for nature. This case might seem to have come out of nowhere but there are theoretical, as well as practical, precedents that informed it. This chapter is concerned with... more
"This paper examines what would be a fair distribution of the right to emit greenhouse gases. It distinguishes between views that treat the distribution of this right on its own (Isolationist Views) and those that treat it in conjunction... more
This book addresses a central dilemma facing efforts to promote environmental sustainability: while environmental challenges including climate change threaten the very fabric of our lives, ambitious efforts to address these rarely... more
The introduction to my new ethnography of energy politics in the Navajo Nation just became available online, thanks to Duke Press. The book is available now for pre-order on or on the Duke University Press website by Jan 5, 2018.
One of the greatest challenges facing current generations is the environmental and climate crisis. Democracies, so far, have not distinguished themselves by their capacity to bring about appropriate political responses to these... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
Hans Jonas’ philosophy of responsibility is a major contribution to environmental ethics and political theory, but aspects of it have proven controversial. Jonas’ critics, in particular Richard Wolin, have argued that his thought is... more
An exploration of Hannah Arendt's philosophy in terms of issues related to the earth, earth and world alienation, space, place, and nature. I examine her work in The Human Condition and other books and essays, connecting it to... more
This is a final draft of the article published in Environmental Ethics 11 (Fall 1989): 243-258. This assessment of the Promethean dimension of Marx's thought is accurate, but though it mentions Marx's more dialectical side and its... more
In Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis acknowledged that “numerous scientists, philosophers, theologians and civic groups have enriched the Church’s thinking” on sustainability. Hospitals and health care organizations... more
John Stuart Mill is known as the first canonical Western philosopher to espouse a stationary state of economic growth, and as such he can be seen as an important totemic figure for reformist strategies in environmental ethics. However,... more
In the 1970s, deep ecologists developed a radical normative argument for ‘ecological consciousness’ to challenge environmental and human exploitation. Such consciousness would replace the Enlightenment dualist ‘illusion’ with a... more
Mientras se afianza el consenso científico acerca del origen antropogénico de graves problemas ecológicos como el calentamiento global, se comprueba que los valores dominantes en los regímenes de democracia liberal han de ser... more
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
On January 28-29, 2016, at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, the Canadian Studies Program sponsored a conference, “Fossil Fuels and Radical Sovereignties: Boardrooms, Blockades, and Jurisdictional Struggles over Oil... more
El objetivo del “desarrollo sostenible” es un lugar común de muchos discursos políticos de nuestro tiempo. Sin embargo, las visiones “prometeicas” del desarrollo han oscurecido paulatinamente su sentido originario, reduciendo a la vez su... more
"Written in an engaging and accessible manner by one of the leading scholars in his field, Environment and Social Theory, completed revised and updated with two new chapters, is an indispensable guide to the way in which the environment... more
The relationship of human liberty to both external nature and human inner nature entails a complex knot of questions that have long been the subject of intense philosophical discussion. In the modern era, a strong dichotomy developed... more
Later interpreters have usually described Gifford Pinchot and John Muir as defining two different conceptions of nature: "conservationism" and "preservationism." While the difference between these conceptions is significant, it plays a... more
The Anthropocene and species-being: I want to immediately confess that there is something awkward about holding these two terms together. It would seem they share little conceptual ground. The former, relatively newly minted in earth... more
I think of this as one of my more significant reviews, not only due to its dealings with the underlying orientation of a major environmental philosopher but also because it is here that I say a few words about my own conception of... more
I examine some of the contributions to an ecological anarchist tradition that, I argue, antedates, influences, and presently remains coextensive with Murray Bookchin’s work. It is to this tradition which Bookchin returns, from which he... more
Aldo Leopold’s land ethic is often compared to the ethics of many North American Indigenous communities, like Tribes and First Nations. Such comparisons can be considered important today because they are a potential option for bringing... more