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Denise Bertschi's book, published by the "Centre de la Photographie" in Geneva takes an analytic look at Switzerland's neutral mission in the Korean demilitarized zone and offers highly explosive findings in terms of geopolitical,... more
The Gouzenko Affair is referred to as the event that started the Cold War. This article draws on recently declassified documents that shed new light on Britain’s role in this affair, particularly that of the Foreign Office and the British... more
Book review of: "Sengo Nihon no Fuko no Kiroku, GHQ Kameraman Boria ga Totta Nihon no Fukei" (Records of the Reconstruction of Postwar Japan, Japanese Scenes Taken by The GHQ Cameraman Boria). Photographs by Dimitri Boria, Compiled by... more
Publisher's blurb: Incorporating important recent scholarship, this popular supplement combines a comprehensive essay on the history of McCarthyism with compelling documents that trace the course of anti-Communist furor in the U.S. The... more
The objective of this post-graduate thesis work is to analyses “The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe” (CFE) which has been accepted as the most extensive and successful conventional disarmament treaty of the world disarmament... more
Knjiga se bavi prvim posleratnim kontaktima između socijalističke Jugoslavije i bliskositočnih zemlja. Od podele Palestine, prvog izraelsko-arapskog rata, otklona Jugoslavije od Svojetskog Saveza i potrage za novim partnerima. Manevrišući... more
In the first half of 1944, tens of thousand Ukrainians left their country together with the withdrawing German occupiers in order to avoid confrontation with the approaching Red Army and the Soviet authorities. Between the summer of 1941... more
1914–1991 arası dönemi analiz eden “Diplomasi Tarihi II” kitabını yazmaya bizi yönlendiren en temel faktör kısa bir süre içinde üç baskı yapan “Diplomasi Tarihi I” kitabımıza meslektaşlarımızdan ve öğrencilerimizden gelen olumlu... more
This is the comprehensive presentation of the first results of several years of research of the official participants lists of the Bilderberg conferences. I decided to publish it here so everyone can do his own research based on this... more
This book is 280 pages long and includes a CIA table of organization at the end.  I last added information to it in Nov. 2019 as I continue to research this book and the other ones up to the President Ford years that I am still working on.
Тhe author of the article, untitled "Security of State-secret service and diplomacy during the rule of De Gaulle", assoc. prof. PhD Hristo Milkov from the Institute of the historical researches of the Bulgarian Academy of sciences aspires... more
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Als dichotome Spaltung der Welt drang der Kalte Krieg auch in Gesellschaften ein, die nicht direkt in die „heißen“ Kriege des internationalen Dauerkonflikts verwickelt waren. Dort entfaltete er seine Virulenz und Persistenz dadurch, dass... more
Without the Cold War influence of General George C. Marshall, there would be no modern state of Taiwan.
In the 1950s, the situation in the USA was not so easy and the feeling of always being in danger was constant, because of the “containment policy”, contrasts, tensions, the promulgation of the Marshall Plan and the birth of NATO. People... more
In 1966 the Hungarian Intelligence resumed its operation in Argentina that had been abandonded when the residency having been established in 1951 ceased to exist in 1958. The purpose of detachment of police major József Tóth (1930-1986)... more
In February 1948, during the political crisis in Czechoslovakia was established a communist regime. This event completed the formation of the Soviet bloc in Europe. It directly impacted the US containment policy towards the USSR and the... more
Hoover’s War on Gays is an excellent and much-needed empirical contribution to our knowledge on twentieth-century surveillance and harassment of a sexual minority, which intensified as that minority became more self-confident and public... more
On June 22, 1974, East and West German national football teams met for the fi rst international game of the FIFA World Cup. Played in Hamburg, the game ended with an East German victory of 1-0, after a goal scored by Jürgen Sparwasser.... more
Kulisy bliskiej współpracy komunistycznych służb z międzynarodowymi ugrupowaniami terrorystycznymi przez wiele lat należały do najpilniej strzeżonych sekretów PRL. Radykałowie z Bliskiego Wschodu oraz skrajnie lewicowi ekstremiści z... more
Az 1945 és 1990 közötti időszakot, melyet közkeletűen hidegháborúnak nevezünk, alapvetően meghatározta az előző század történetét, és máig terjedő hatásai a mai napig megfigyelhetőek a politika, a hadászat és a harcászat területein. Ennek... more
Written Here, Published There offers a new perspective on the role of underground literature in the Cold War and challenges us to recognize gaps in the Iron Curtain. The book identifies a transnational undertaking that reinforced détente,... more
The 'Oil Shock' of 1973―the shift from the era of low-priced oil to the era of high-priced oil―was a turning point in the history of the 20th century. This book provides an analysis of the crisis and its global political and economic... more
In 1949, the Communist Party of China pledged that its approach to health care would differ markedly from that of the former Nationalist government and the "imperialist" West. For the next thirty years, under Mao's leadership, the... more
For more than two decades, from 1950 until 1972, Great Britain and the People’s Republic of China had a somewhat incongruous relationship, as they maintained a state of incomplete diplomatic recognition characterized by what might be... more
This paper examines the reasons why the CIA sponsored a coup in Guatemala in the 1950's. I conclude that the use of the domino-theory in american foreign policy was the deciding factor in the engagement in Guatemala. The american... more
This is the Contents, Preface, and Introduction to the book. Exchanges have rarely been taken seriously (in any detail) as a subject of study in diplomatic history, but that is a mistake. The influence is subtle, spread over time, and... more
The Cold War era, from the end of the Second World War to the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, remains understudied in modern Armenian history. Ara Sanjian will try to explain why Armenian historians and intellectuals in... more
Genezy obrony totalnej (total defence) należy szukać u klasyków my��li wojskowej. Carl von Clauzewitz poświęcił uwagę możliwości zaangażowania ludności cywilnej w wojnę prowadzoną przez państwo, odnotowując, że jest to potencjał, który... more
This article has as subject the study of Détente during the Cold War. It will be done by the analysis of different frameworks used by scholars to examine that historical period. Thus, in this work, the development of a notion of Détente... more
The opening talk at the presentation of Floribert Baudet's Het Vierde Wapen: Voorlichting, Propaganda en Volksweerbaarheid 1944-1953. An attempt to generate some new tracks for Cold War studies in the Netherlands.
From the 1940s through the 1960s, a 'ring of fire burn[ed] all along the tropics.' The end of empires and the global struggle between East and West dominated the middle of the Twentieth Century, but the relationship between these two... more
The temporary employment of Yugoslav citizens in Western countries was one of the most important migration phenomena in socialist Yugoslavia. In the early 1970s, one in every four Yugoslavs employed outside of agriculture and craft work... more