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Versatile relationship between tourism and culture that has been continuing from the past to the present, leads to the emergence of cultural tourism concept as a result of the fact that people travel for cultural purposes. Cultural... more
H. Meller, Geisteskraft – Die Altsteinzeit im Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle. In: H. Meller (Hrsg.), Erkenntnisjäger. Kultur und Umwelt des frühen Menschen. Festschrift für Dietrich Mania. Veröff. Landesamt Denkmalpfl. u. Arch.... more
In contemporary archaeology, we can identify a clash of two apparently antagonistic "paradigms": the "(re)turn to things" and the "digital turn". The latter has had great impact on archaeological museums, traditionally focused on material... more
Gordion is one of the most important archaeological sites, both because it was the cultural and political capital of Phrygia and has been the most excavated and studied Phrygian site so far. Despite the fact that Phrygians have a... more
Αθήνα, 2021 Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού / Γενική Διεύθυνση Αρχαιοτήτων και Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς / Διεύθυνση Διαχείρισης Εθνικού Αρχείου Μνημείων / Τμήμα Διαχείρισης Ιστορικού Αρχείου Αρχαιοτήτων και Αναστηλώσεων
This study explores how the decision to visit an archaeological museum in Greece is influenced by a range of structural attributes, including admission fee, opening-hours, collection type, and use of multisensory experiences, using the... more
RIASSUNTO Dal 2014 il Museo Archeologico di Udine ha iniziato un percorso orientato all'accessibilità della struttura museale, degli allestimenti e delle iniziative culturali organizzate, che è approdato, grazie ai finanziamenti del... more
The exhibition of the Seahenge timber henge circle and interior excarnation platform (Holme I) is reviewed from the point of view of both Early Bronze Age prehistory and Museum Studies. Critical comments are made regarding the display of... more
Revisión crítica del espacio dedicado a al-Andalus en el remodelado Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) / Critical review of the room dedicated to al-Andalus in the renovated National Archaeological Museum (Madrid, Spain)
Published for the first time is this the entire collection of a small Museum in the Mugello Area in northern Tuscany, with a rich photographic documentation of the archaeological objects (from Prehistory to the Modern Age), as well as... more
Identification of Pigments on Ancient Sculpture from the Collections of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki. The Sculpture Collection of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki is one of the richest and most important in Greece.... more
Tekst ma na celu zaprezentowanie horyzontu teoretycznego — zwrotu ku rzeczom w odniesieniu do wystaw archeologicznych. Refleksja nad przydatnością perspektywy zwróconej ku rzeczom rozpoczyna się od krótkiego scharakteryzowania nurtu,... more
The looting and trafficking of cultural objects is an ongoing moral issue within the international art market. These looted objects end up in high-profile collections and museums, without any recorded provenance, resulting in the... more
This study examines the impact of the current economic crisis on the reality of heritage protection, using the largest and most popular archaeological museums in Greece as case studies. The system of heritage protection and museum... more
The exhibition of the Anglo-Saxon Staffordshire Hoard at Birmingham Museum and Gallery is reviewed along with the accompanying publications ‘The Staffordshire Hoard’ and ‘Beasts, Birds and Gods: Interpreting the Staffordshire Hoard’ and... more
This article aims to address the issue of cataloguing reused specimens by a museum institution. To this end, special emphasis will be placed on the document system developed by the state administration and implemented in most Spanish... more
Since the 1990s the Museum of Archaeology and History of Art of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has played a significant educational role, facilitating the theoretical and practical training of students of the... more
In 2010-2012 on the territory of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games there were a safety archaeological research. In the course of the studies a unique medieval complex was researched and saved. In the zone of Olympic construction, the sacrifice... more
Il volumetto – curato da Paola Pascucci e Fabio Rossi – guida il lettore alla scoperta di 21 musei archeologici del Lazio (Roma esclusa) che hanno aderito al Sistema museale archeologico PROUST-Alla ricerca del tempo perduto, istituito e... more
Much has been published about the history and the development of the (archaeological) museum as an institute and related phenomena as nationalism, identity and tourism. Hereby, little attention is being paid specifically to archaeological... more
Published for the first time is this the entire collection of a small Museum in the Mugello Area in northern Tuscany, with a rich photographic documentation of the archaeological objects (from Prehistory to the Modern Age), as well as... more
This bulletin gives account about the opening to the general public and the new dissemination program, the adhesion to the Sapienza initiatives, and the schedule of recurring activities represent, together with the participation of... more
In the second half of the 20th century, archaeological and restoration sciences took a significant step forward. Furthermore, the museum industry and the way in which monuments should be displayed was also changed. In recent decades,... more
The publication of this, the fiftieth, volume of Archaeologia Polona, with the theme “Looking into the Past”, is the end of a long process that goes back to 2012, when it was due to appear. A number of organizational difficulties and a... more
A journey through 300,000 years of human history in ... Saxony
Eine Reise durch 300.000 Jahre Menschheitsgeschichte in ... Sachsen
Il testo è stato elaborato in funzione della landing page e costituisce una presentazione del Sistema museale archeologico PROUST-Alla ricerca del tempo perduto, istituito e coordinato dalla Regione Lazio. Il... more
The aim of this paper is to offer a preview of the pilot project in progress at the “Paolo Orsi” Regional Archaeological Museum of Syracuse, in Sicily (Italy). Thanks to a free partnership with Google Business Photos/Street View Indoor,... more