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Tracing in LMAX disrupter processing

I am looking for options to be able to fetch and track logs in the flow of handlers processing in LMAX ring buffer, i.e, for an particular message posted into ring buffer, get all its respective logs ...
Vishnukanth Reddy's user avatar
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Using OpenTelemetry to remote write to localhost

I'm trying to use OpenTelemetry to export metrics to a remote endpoint. As a test, I'm trying to export a counter to a Prometheus server at localhost:8000. However, when I run the below code, I can't ...
Jay's user avatar
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How do I instrument and configure a django app with OTel?

I created a sample django app that accepts to endpoint. My goal is to instrument it with OTel so that it will report the following metrics for each endpoint: Error rate Latency (And hopefully to do ...
Tom Klino's user avatar
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how to specify a configuration file for the java opentelemetry auto agent?

When using the automatic java agent, you can configure it with env vars, e.g. OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT=4095; OTEL_EXPERIMENTAL_EXPORTER_OTLP_RETRY_ENABLED=true; ...
John Little's user avatar
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What is the way to send structured log fields with log4j?

With slf4j I can do as follows: logger.atInfo().setMessage("My message").addKeyValue("foo", "bar").addKeyValue("code", 42).log() Which, when used with Azure ...
greatvovan's user avatar
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Java Unit Tests stubbing out OpenTelemetry Tracer classes

I have some unit tests referring to code that makes calls to OpenTelemetry io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer and Span etc. Can someone please help me get an instance of the io.opentelemetry.api.trace....
Steve's user avatar
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Cannot send telemetry data through Opentelemetry Collector to Jaeger Query

For adding attributes, filtering telemetry data and exporting it further to WebUI I try to implement OpenTelemetry collector with Jaeger but cannot get traces in the Jaeger UI. First I tried to use ...
Stan Mchof's user avatar
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Single trace is not propagated from mongo-Kafka- sink-connector to mongoDb

I am using Mongo kafka sink connector to send the messages from kafka topic to mongodb. I have integrate the openetelemetry agent with kafka connector with following environment variable export ...
jiten gawade's user avatar
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how to debug what is sent from opentelemetry agent to new relic?

We are trying to switch from the new relic java agent to the opentelemetry java agent. It mostly works, but some things are missing including attributes. We dont know if this is an issue with the OT ...
John Little's user avatar
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how to add X-CorrelationToken header to open telemetry so that logs can be searched

We have ELK ingesting our logs. We had new relic java agent as our APM for our backend REST services. When we find an issue with a REST call (aka transaction) or similar in the APM, we need to lookup ...
John Little's user avatar
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not able to track entire request end to end in langchain + langfuse

I am using langchain with langfuse and its working fine for individual LLM call tracking but my end goal is to track end to end request in one trace, and I am not able to find my method to do that ...
Vineet's user avatar
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how to add span custom attribute to automatic span created when sending request with `io. vertx. core. http.HttpClientRequest`

I'm asked to add custom span attributes to http opentelemetry spans that vertx creates automatically. Somewhere in the code, I've identified a io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance that ...
Youcef's user avatar
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Why are the micrometer registry's metrics not copied/shared to the Open Telemetry registry for export?

I have a RabbitMQ Spring Boot application, and I would like to use Spring Boot Actuator in order to export queue depth metrics related to the number of messages per consumer. I'm expecting the metrics ...
Juan Bustamante's user avatar
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how to mock tracing in scala using open telemetry

object Main { private val tracerInjector = Guice.createInjector(new TracingModule) implicit val tracer: Tracer = tracerInjector.getInstance(classOf[Tracer]) private val testInjector: Injector = ...
sarah w's user avatar
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Can't add Prometheus as DataSource in Grafana, via Minikube

I am using MiniKube 1.31, I decided to follow the initials steps on OpenTelemetry Collector Operator applying the suggested CMD (kubectl apply -f
FourZeroFive's user avatar

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