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I see spans on localhost in spite of changed URL in

I'm configuring tracing for Spring Boot 3.3 and Zipkin, but despite my configuration, I'm still seeing my spans being reported to localhost:9411. Below is my configuration and dependencies setup. How ...
juan's user avatar
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Why are the micrometer registry's metrics not copied/shared to the Open Telemetry registry for export?

I have a RabbitMQ Spring Boot application, and I would like to use Spring Boot Actuator in order to export queue depth metrics related to the number of messages per consumer. I'm expecting the metrics ...
Juan Bustamante's user avatar
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How to extend micrometer observation context in Spring Boot

I have read the Spring blog post Observability with Spring Boot 3 and Micrometer manual. But the examples are too simple, showing how to start a new observation: ObservationRegistry registry = ...
banterCZ's user avatar
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Issue sending metrics with SpringBoot 3.3 and the new prometheus java client

Include details about your goal Send metrics to prometheus (such as local instance of prometheus, grafanacloud) using the latest SpringBoot 3.3 and the new prometheus client java dependency. https://...
PatPanda's user avatar
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How to implement a custom composite meter and natively integrate it into Micrometer and Spring Boot Actuator?

I want to implement a new type of meter (HeartbeatMeter) to track the liveness of a heartbeat from an upstream source. Interface would be very simple, something like: private interface ...
Dima Patserkovskyi's user avatar
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Is there any unique DeviceID for each application in Dynatrace?

I'm trying to integrate Micrometer with Dynatrace in my Spring Boot application. I've tried to deploy the application to add micrometer OkHttp connection pool metrics and export it to Dynatrace using ...
Shawn's user avatar
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micrometer @AutoConfigureObservability in all test alternative

I would like to know if there is an alternative for spring boot test to not have to add the annotation " in all test. I have to add this annotation because in my Controller advice I have inject ...
Gabriel García Garrido's user avatar
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What is the difference between getAsyncExecutor and threadPoolTaskScheduler in Spring MVC ASyncConfigurer?

Could someone please tell me the difference between getAsyncExecutor and threadPoolTaskScheduler, as explained in the spring async-instrumentation document? I created the config below, as mentioned in ...
tuk's user avatar
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How to overwrite @TimedAspect from micrometer.core for WebFlux

TimedAspect catches errors by try/catch that doesn't work in Mono/Flux world. (success calls are okey) Or how i can fix, for catching errors in WebFlux + GraphQl with my own attributes in metrics (for ...
nick's user avatar
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Handle Collector failures when using Opentelemetry in Java

I am trying to set up Open Telemetry in Spring Boot 3.2 application. I am using Micrometer + otel bridge to implement it. One issue i have noticed when testing the implementation is that if the ...
Simas Joneliunas's user avatar
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How to meter an external counter in Micrometer?

I want to meter an external system counter in Micrometer. For the context: I want to provide Redis Streams specific metrics like There is a field ...
pixel's user avatar
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Springboot micrometer: enable percentiles histogram

I am trying to monitor response times of my Springboot service using micrometer (and prometheus). Does anyone have an example of an or application.yaml file which succeeds in ...
engineerX's user avatar
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Set new trace Id for each loop iteration instead of using existing trace id

I have a spring boot 3.1.x application with dependency on micrometer-tracing and micrometer-tracing-bridge-otel libraries. There is a service bean that sends multiple http requests to a different ...
RKodakandla's user avatar
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How to integrate client side Sentry tracing with Micrometer and OpenTelemetry in a Spring Boot backend application

I am maintaing a Spring Boot 3 application (ca classic Spring MVC application, no Spring Web Flux). This application uses Micrometer and OpenTelemetry to gather metrics and tracing information. For ...
mnille's user avatar
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Configure Spring Boot to expose all Actuator endpoints on one port while serving Micrometer metrics on a different port

I'm working on a Spring Boot application where I want to achieve the following: All Actuator endpoints (like /actuator/health, /actuator/info, etc.) should be exposed on the default application port (...
Clarence's user avatar

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