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Traceid was missing in newrelic logs

I had a api call which runs for every 10 minutes (scheduled time) . If input was not provided to this call it runs for all ids for every 10 minutes. so i was able to see logs for ids but traceid is ...
Keerthi's user avatar
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how to debug what is sent from opentelemetry agent to new relic?

We are trying to switch from the new relic java agent to the opentelemetry java agent. It mostly works, but some things are missing including attributes. We dont know if this is an issue with the OT ...
John Little's user avatar
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how to add X-CorrelationToken header to open telemetry so that logs can be searched

We have ELK ingesting our logs. We had new relic java agent as our APM for our backend REST services. When we find an issue with a REST call (aka transaction) or similar in the APM, we need to lookup ...
John Little's user avatar
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Read logs stored in new relic

We currently are looking to build a UI and query capabilities to search the logs exported to New Relic. The user would search for a string in our application and we would build the query and retrieve ...
ram dev's user avatar
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Sending data to NewRelic

Hello i have a app in NESTJS and im trying to send my data using OTP to NewRelic. To reach it i made this code: //tracing.ts import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base'; import ...
Daniel ORTIZ's user avatar
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New Relic: PostgreSQL Docker Container Logs Not Appearing in Dashboard

I'm trying to set up my PostgreSQL Docker container logs to be sent to New Relic. I've followed the setup instructions for the New Relic Infrastructure agent, but I am not seeing the expected logs in ...
testGB's user avatar
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Heroku Django performance issues - Request Queuing

We run a Django application on Heroku, and lately we've been seeing some performance issues. We have New Relic APM add-on installed, and I can see that any time there is a peak in response times, the ...
Martijn van den Kerkhof's user avatar
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New Relic Node.js Agent Reporting When Running The Function App Locally but Doesn't Report When Running on Azure

I have a Function App and I have added the newrelic.js file on the directory 'use strict'; exports.config = { app_name: ['app-name'], license_key: process.env.NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY, ...
Coder2002's user avatar
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Newrelic EKS unable to push logs from PVC in other namespace

I've used the nri-bundle helm chart to build up Newrelic interaction with Kubernetes logs. Pushing logs from input /var/log/containers/ logs to new relic is working properly. Nevertheless, my ...
Shuaib Shaikh's user avatar
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New relic TraceId Not getting poplulated in ASP.NET Core middleware

I am trying to access the newrelic traceid in ASP.NET Core middleware and pass it as a response header in the response. Please see the implementation below : public sealed class TraceIdMiddleware { ...
cpr43's user avatar
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NewRelic NRQL: Having clause in alert condition

I have the following query SELECT count(*) AS ErrorCount, (filter(count(*), WHERE error = true AND http.statusCode = '500') / count(*)) * 100 AS 'ErrorRate' FROM Transaction WHERE appName = ...
Sathish's user avatar
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Sourcemap enabled but stacktrace is only showing me the line + column number in the *.chunk.js file

I am getting an error from New Relic but it collects the stack trace from the bundle. I have enabled the source maps and can see the source code in the Chrome when I do Ctrl-P in the Source tab. How ...
Carlos Jaime C. De Leon's user avatar
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new-relic's browser-agent npm package can't be found

I'm following the instructions mentioned in; unfortunately, when my application reaches the import statement, it fails. ...
Ali Khakpouri's user avatar
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How to use php bref newrelic extension for AWS Lambda?

I am deploying one laravel application via bref into AWS lambda. It works great. I want to add newrelic to my lambda as well. I am following the documentation here
Kristi Jorgji's user avatar
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Add Dynamic Url to a New Relic Dashboard

I'm currently working on add graph widget to a new relic dashboard . Dashboard query contains dynamic parameters . I need to get data for all requests for that API call . My query is below Not working ...
charitht99 perera's user avatar

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