
Global solutions to the 3-D incompressible inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes system. (English) Zbl 1236.35112

Summary: We consider the global well-posedness of the 3-D incompressible inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations with initial data in the critical Besov spaces \(a_0 \in B^{3/q}_{q,1}(\mathbb R^3)\), \(u_0 = (u_0^h, u_0^3) \in B^{-1+3/p}_{p,1}(\mathbb R^3)\) for \(p, q\) satisfying \(1<q\leq p<6\) and \(\frac{1}{q}-\frac{1}{p}\leq 3\). More precisely, we prove that there exist two positive constants \(c_{0}, C_{0}\) such that if \[ (\mu \| a_0 \|_{B^{3/q}_{q,1}} + \| u_0^h\|_{B^{-1+3/p}_{p,1}}) \exp (C_0 \| u_0^3\| ^2_{B^{-1+3/p}_{p,1}}/\mu^2) \leq c_0 \mu, \] then \[ \begin{cases} \partial_t a + u \cdot\nabla a = 0, \qquad (t,x )\in \mathbb R^+ \times \mathbb R^3, \\ \partial_t u + u \cdot \nabla u + (1+a) (\nabla \Pi - \mu \Delta u) = 0, \\ \text{div} \, u = 0, \\ (a,u)|_{t=0} = (a_0, u_0) \end{cases} \] has a unique global solution \(a \in \tilde{L}^\infty (\mathbb R^+; B^{3/q}_{q,1}(\mathbb R^3))\), \(u\in \tilde{L}^\infty (\mathbb R^+; B^{-1+3/p}_{p,1}(\mathbb R^3))\, \cap \, \tilde{L}^1 (\mathbb R^+; B^{-1+3/p}_{p,1}(\mathbb R^3))\). In particular, this result implies the global well-posedness result in [H. Abidi and M. Paicu, Ann. Inst. Fourier 57, No. 3, 883–917 (2007; Zbl 1122.35091)] for the inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes system with small initial data.


35Q30 Navier-Stokes equations
35A01 Existence problems for PDEs: global existence, local existence, non-existence
30H25 Besov spaces and \(Q_p\)-spaces


Zbl 1122.35091
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