Author ID: gosavi.abhijit Recent zbMATH articles by "Gosavi, Abhijit"
Published as: Gosavi, Abhijit
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 14 Publications since 1999, including 2 Books
Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications
106 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 116 times in 95 Documents Cited by Year
Simulation-based optimization: Parametric optimization techniques and reinforcement learning. Zbl 1030.90147
Gosavi, Abhijit
Reinforcement learning: a tutorial survey and recent advances. Zbl 1243.68240
Gosavi, Abhijit
Solving semi-Markov decision problems using average reward reinforcement learning. Zbl 1231.90225
Das, Tapas K.; Gosavi, Abhijit; Mahadevan, Sridhar; Marchalleck, Nicholas
Simulation-based optimization. Parametric optimization techniques and reinforcement learning. 2nd ed. Zbl 1321.90004
Gosavi, Abhijit
A reinforcement learning algorithm based on policy iteration for average reward: Empirical results with yield management and convergence analysis. Zbl 1067.68127
Gosavi, Abhijit
Simulation optimization for revenue management of airlines with cancellations and overbooking. Zbl 1144.90411
Gosavi, Abhijit; Ozkaya, Emrah; Kahraman, Aykut F.
Reinforcement learning for long-run average cost. Zbl 1102.90374
Gosavi, Abhijit
Variance-penalized Markov decision processes: dynamic programming and reinforcement learning techniques. Zbl 1295.90101
Gosavi, Abhijit
Boundedness of iterates in \(Q\)-learning. Zbl 1129.93552
Gosavi, Abhijit
A risk-sensitive approach to total productive maintenance. Zbl 1097.90021
Gosavi, Abhijit
On the distribution of the number stranded in bulk-arrival, bulk-service queues of the M/G/1 form. Zbl 1237.90061
Kahraman, Aykut; Gosavi, Abhijit
A machine learning approach to optimise the usage of recycled material in a remanufacturing environment. Zbl 1197.90167
Shah, Purvin; Gosavi, Abhijit; Nagi, Rakesh
Simulation-based optimization. Parametric optimization techniques and reinforcement learning. 2nd ed. Zbl 1321.90004
Gosavi, Abhijit
Variance-penalized Markov decision processes: dynamic programming and reinforcement learning techniques. Zbl 1295.90101
Gosavi, Abhijit
On the distribution of the number stranded in bulk-arrival, bulk-service queues of the M/G/1 form. Zbl 1237.90061
Kahraman, Aykut; Gosavi, Abhijit
A machine learning approach to optimise the usage of recycled material in a remanufacturing environment. Zbl 1197.90167
Shah, Purvin; Gosavi, Abhijit; Nagi, Rakesh
Reinforcement learning: a tutorial survey and recent advances. Zbl 1243.68240
Gosavi, Abhijit
Simulation optimization for revenue management of airlines with cancellations and overbooking. Zbl 1144.90411
Gosavi, Abhijit; Ozkaya, Emrah; Kahraman, Aykut F.
Boundedness of iterates in \(Q\)-learning. Zbl 1129.93552
Gosavi, Abhijit
A risk-sensitive approach to total productive maintenance. Zbl 1097.90021
Gosavi, Abhijit
A reinforcement learning algorithm based on policy iteration for average reward: Empirical results with yield management and convergence analysis. Zbl 1067.68127
Gosavi, Abhijit
Reinforcement learning for long-run average cost. Zbl 1102.90374
Gosavi, Abhijit
Simulation-based optimization: Parametric optimization techniques and reinforcement learning. Zbl 1030.90147
Gosavi, Abhijit
Solving semi-Markov decision problems using average reward reinforcement learning. Zbl 1231.90225
Das, Tapas K.; Gosavi, Abhijit; Mahadevan, Sridhar; Marchalleck, Nicholas
all top 5

Cited by 235 Authors

5 Gosavi, Abhijit
3 Hu, Jiaqiao
2 Chen, Yu-Jen
2 Gönsch, Jochen
2 Hwang, Kaoshing
2 Jiang, Weicheng
2 Juan, Angel A.
2 Koch, Sebastian
2 Ma, Shuai
2 Ma, Xiaoteng
2 Ohno, Katsuhisa
2 Panadero, Javier
2 Steinhardt, Claudius
2 Wei, Chunling
2 Xia, Li
2 Xiong, Kai
1 Abdelwanis, Moustafa
1 Abdullakutty, Faseela Chakkalakkal
1 Agostinelli, Forest
1 Airoldi, Edoardo M.
1 Akhavizadegan, Faezeh
1 Ansarifar, Javad
1 Arslan, Bartu
1 Baek, Jun-Geol
1 Baldi, Pierre
1 Bandoni, J. Alberto
1 Barlow, Euan
1 Baumgartner, Richard
1 Bauso, Dario
1 Beck, Carolyn L.
1 Beggs, Alan W.
1 Berger, Theodore W.
1 Bertsekas, Dimitri Panteli
1 Bhat, Sanjay P.
1 Bliek, Laurens
1 Boh, Toshitaka
1 Boukouvala, Fani
1 Bunn, Derek W.
1 Carroll, Paula
1 Chang, Hyeong Soo
1 Chang, Kyuchang
1 Chen, Anyue
1 Chen, Guici
1 Chen, Lei
1 Cheong, Taesu
1 Collins, Andrew J.
1 Courville, Aaron C.
1 Das, Tapas Kumar
1 Daw, Nathaniel D.
1 de Weerdt, Mathijs M.
1 Deadwyler, Sam A.
1 Deng, Geng
1 Dezfouli, Amir
1 Dominique, Nyiribakwe
1 Doucet, Arnaud
1 Durand, Guillermo A.
1 Ekhtiari, Hamed
1 Ekren, Banu Yetkin
1 El-Taha, Muhammad
1 Esangbedo, Moses Olabhele
1 Etemadidavan, Sheida
1 Fan, Yuehai
1 Fatemi Ghomi, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi
1 Faulin, Javier
1 Ferris, Michael C.
1 Fu, Michael C.
1 Gabor, Adriana Felicia
1 Ganesan, Rajesh
1 Gao, Xuefeng
1 Geng, Kunling
1 Ghorbani, Elnaz
1 Graf, Michaela
1 Grainger, Steven
1 Grundel, Don A.
1 Grunow, Martin
1 Gu, Xunhao
1 Günther, Hans-Otto
1 Guo, Yanjie
1 Habla, C.
1 Hampson, Robert E.
1 Han, Jiequn
1 Hao, Tang
1 Harbater, David
1 Hartmann, Julia
1 Hassler, Michael
1 He, Niao
1 Hemachandra, Nandyala
1 Ho, Vinh Thanh
1 Hocquet, Guillaume
1 Horng, Shih-Cheng
1 Hu, Jianghai
1 Hu, Jianqiang
1 Hu, Kaishun
1 Hu, Ruimeng
1 Hu, Yazhou
1 Huang, Zhenhua
1 Hunter, Susan R.
1 Huyet, A. L.
1 Iwata, Kazunori
1 James, Gareth M.
...and 135 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 47 Serials

18 European Journal of Operational Research
7 Computers & Operations Research
4 Neural Computation
3 Information Sciences
3 Annals of Operations Research
3 OR Spectrum
3 Asian Journal of Control
2 Automatica
2 Kybernetika
2 Operations Research
2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
2 Systems & Control Letters
2 International Journal of Production Research
2 Neural Networks
2 Journal of Global Optimization
2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
2 International Transactions in Operational Research
2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
2 Journal of Control Theory and Applications
2 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1 International Journal of Control
1 International Journal of General Systems
1 International Journal of Systems Science
1 Israel Journal of Mathematics
1 Theory of Probability and its Applications
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 International Statistical Review
1 Journal of Mathematical Economics
1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1 Queueing Systems
1 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
1 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
1 International Game Theory Review
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1 Engineering Optimization
1 Optimization Letters
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1 The Annals of Applied Statistics
1 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning
1 Statistics and Computing
1 Frontiers of Mathematical Finance

Citations by Year