Author ID: bull.adam-d Recent zbMATH articles by "Bull, Adam D."
Published as: Bull, Adam D.
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 2011
Co-Authors: 1 Co-Author with 1 Joint Publication
33 Co-Co-Authors


8 single-authored
1 Nickl, Richard

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

9 Publications have been cited 144 times in 122 Documents Cited by Year
Convergence rates of efficient global optimization algorithms. Zbl 1280.90094
Bull, Adam D.
Honest adaptive confidence bands and self-similar functions. Zbl 1295.62049
Bull, Adam D.
Adaptive confidence sets in \(L^2\). Zbl 1273.62105
Bull, Adam D.; Nickl, Richard
Near-optimal estimation of jump activity in semimartingales. Zbl 1334.62179
Bull, Adam D.
Estimating time-changes in noisy Lévy models. Zbl 1305.62387
Bull, Adam D.
Semimartingale detection and goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 1426.62307
Bull, Adam D.
A Smirnov-Bickel-Rosenblatt theorem for compactly-supported wavelets. Zbl 1302.62107
Bull, Adam D.
Adaptive-treed bandits. Zbl 1364.90269
Bull, Adam D.
Spatially-adaptive sensing in nonparametric regression. Zbl 1347.62059
Bull, Adam D.
Semimartingale detection and goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 1426.62307
Bull, Adam D.
Near-optimal estimation of jump activity in semimartingales. Zbl 1334.62179
Bull, Adam D.
Adaptive-treed bandits. Zbl 1364.90269
Bull, Adam D.
Estimating time-changes in noisy Lévy models. Zbl 1305.62387
Bull, Adam D.
Adaptive confidence sets in \(L^2\). Zbl 1273.62105
Bull, Adam D.; Nickl, Richard
A Smirnov-Bickel-Rosenblatt theorem for compactly-supported wavelets. Zbl 1302.62107
Bull, Adam D.
Spatially-adaptive sensing in nonparametric regression. Zbl 1347.62059
Bull, Adam D.
Honest adaptive confidence bands and self-similar functions. Zbl 1295.62049
Bull, Adam D.
Convergence rates of efficient global optimization algorithms. Zbl 1280.90094
Bull, Adam D.
all top 5

Cited by 240 Authors

7 Szabó, Botond
6 Carpentier, Alexandra
5 Nickl, Richard
5 Todorov, Viktor
4 Bull, Adam D.
4 Castillo, Ismaël
4 Mies, Fabian
4 Van der Vaart, Adrianus Willem
3 Bachoc, François
3 Cai, Tianwen
3 Karvonen, Toni
3 Liu, Guangying
3 Ng, Szu Hui
3 van Zanten, Harry
3 Wang, Songhao
2 Armstrong, Timothy B.
2 Belomestny, Denis
2 Berkenkamp, Felix
2 Ćmiel, Bogdan
2 Dziedziul, Karol
2 Krause, Andreas
2 Low, Mark G.
2 Ma, Zongming
2 Picheny, Victor
2 Randrianarisoa, Thibault
2 Rousseau, Judith
2 Ryzhov, Ilya Olegovich
2 Schoellig, Angela P.
2 Sniekers, Suzanne
2 Trabs, Mathias
2 Tuo, Rui
2 Wu, Chien-Fu Jeff
2 Wynne, George
2 Zhan, Dawei
1 Ahmed, Mohamed Osama
1 Andersen, Torben G.
1 Bakshy, Eytan
1 Barac, Diana
1 Bect, Julien
1 Beer, Michael A.
1 Belitser, Eduard
1 Blal, Nawfal
1 Blanchard, Gilles
1 Bouttier, Clément
1 Branke, Jürgen
1 Briol, François-Xavier
1 Cai, Changxiao
1 Calvin, James M.
1 Cannings, Timothy Ivor
1 Challenor, Peter G.
1 Chen, An
1 Chen, Qiang
1 Chen, Yvonne Jie
1 Chen, Zhehui
1 Choi, Jongeun
1 Christensen, Kim
1 Contal, Emile
1 Couckuyt, Ivo
1 Deng, Ke
1 Deo, Neil
1 Dhaene, Tom
1 Diouane, Youssef
1 Faes, Matthias G. R.
1 Fang, Wei
1 Figueroa-López, José E.
1 Foygel Barber, Rina
1 Frazier, Peter I.
1 Fukagata, Koji
1 Furlan, John M.
1 Fusari, Nicola
1 Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar
1 Gao, Jinghuai
1 Gao, Liang
1 Gavra, Ioana
1 Ginsbourger, David
1 Girolami, Mark A.
1 Golovkine, Steven
1 Gong, Ruoting
1 Goodfellow, Marc
1 Gravouil, Anthony
1 Gui, Yuqian
1 Guo, Weiwei
1 Gur, Yonatan
1 Gutzeit, Maurilio
1 Hamdi, Hamidreza
1 Han, Yuchen
1 Haskell, William Benjamin
1 Helbert, Céline
1 Hong, Fangqi
1 Hu, Meidi
1 Hwang, Jungho
1 Iber, Dagmar
1 Jacod, Jean
1 Jarzȩbkowska, Natalia
1 Javidi, Tara
1 Ji, Chunlin
1 Jia, Junxiong
1 Jiang, Chen
1 Jiang, Sheng
1 Jiang, Yuning
...and 140 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 55 Serials

15 The Annals of Statistics
12 Electronic Journal of Statistics
9 Bernoulli
7 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
6 Journal of Global Optimization
4 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
4 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
3 Journal of the American Statistical Association
3 Machine Learning
2 Journal of Econometrics
2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
2 Operations Research
2 Computational Mechanics
2 European Journal of Operational Research
2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
2 INFORMS Journal on Computing
2 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
1 Inverse Problems
1 Journal of Computational Physics
1 Physics Letters. A
1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
1 Econometrica
1 Information Sciences
1 Journal of Applied Probability
1 Journal of Time Series Analysis
1 Journal of Complexity
1 Constructive Approximation
1 Econometric Reviews
1 The Annals of Applied Probability
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1 SIAM Journal on Optimization
1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics
1 Extremes
1 Computational Geosciences
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 Econometric Theory
1 ASTIN Bulletin
1 Acta Numerica
1 Inverse Problems and Imaging
1 The Annals of Applied Statistics
1 SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
1 Statistics Surveys
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
1 Sankhyā. Series A
1 Quantitative Economics
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Bayesian Analysis
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings and Surveys
1 Mathematical Statistics and Learning

Citations by Year