
On dynamical system modeling of learned primal-dual with a linear operator \(\mathcal{K}\): stability and convergence properties. (English) Zbl 07867349

Summary: Learned Primal-Dual (LPD) is a deep learning based method for composite optimization problems that is based on unrolling/unfolding the primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm. While achieving great successes in applications, the mathematical interpretation of LPD as a truncated iterative scheme is not necessarily sufficient to fully understand its properties. In this paper, we study the LPD with a general linear operator. We model the forward propagation of LPD as a system of difference equations and a system of differential equations in discrete- and continuous-time settings (for primal and dual variables/trajectories), which are named discrete-time LPD and continuous-time LPD, respectively. Forward analyses such as stabilities and the convergence of the state variables of the discrete-time LPD to the solution of continuous-time LPD are given. Moreover, we analyze the learning problems with/without regularization terms of both discrete-time and continuous-time LPD from the optimal control viewpoint. We prove convergence results of their optimal solutions with respect to the network state initialization and training data, showing in some sense the topological stability of the learning problems. We also establish convergence from the solution of the discrete-time LPD learning problem to that of the continuous-time LPD learning problem through a piecewise linear extension, under some appropriate assumptions on the space of learnable parameters. This study demonstrates theoretically the robustness of the LPD structure and the associated training process, and can induce some future research and applications.
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68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning
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