
Algorithms for \(p\)-Faulty Search on a half-line. (English) Zbl 07729252

Summary: We study p-Faulty Search, a variant of the classic cow-path optimization problem, where a unit speed robot searches the half-line (or 1-ray) for a hidden item. The searcher is probabilistically faulty, and detection of the item with each visitation is an independent Bernoulli trial whose probability of success \(p\) is known. The objective is to minimize the worst case expected detection time, relative to the distance of the hidden item to the origin. A variation of the same problem was first proposed by Gal (Search games, Academic Press, New York, 1980). Alpern and Gal (The theory of search games and rendezvous, Springer, Berlin, 2003) proposed a so-called monotone solution for searching the line (2-rays); that is, a trajectory in which the newly searched space increases monotonically in each ray and in each iteration. Moreover, they conjectured that an optimal trajectory for the 2-rays problem must be monotone. We show that an analogous conjecture for the case where the search domain is the half-line cannot be correct. Indeed, we provide a lower bound for all monotone algorithms, which we also match with an upper bound. Our main contribution is the design and analysis of a sequence of refined search strategies, outside the family of monotone algorithms, which we call t-sub-monotone algorithms. Such algorithms induce performance that is strictly decreasing with \(t\), and for all \(p \in (0,1)\). The value of \(t\) quantifies, in a certain sense, how much our algorithms deviate from being monotone, demonstrating that monotone algorithms are sub-optimal when searching the half-line.


68Wxx Algorithms in computer science
05Cxx Graph theory
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