
Weak zero-knowledge beyond the black-box barrier. (English) Zbl 1537.94045

Zero-knowledge protocols have posed a persistent challenge in cryptographic research, particularly concerning their round complexity. Despite concerted efforts, resolving this issue under standard assumptions has remained elusive, extending to related relaxations such as weak zero-knowledge and witness hiding.
In this paper, the authors introduce a novel non-black-box technique that surmounts the long-standing barrier associated with round complexity. Their contributions represent a significant leap forward in the field, offering the first protocols capable of transcending this threshold under standard assumptions.
The key findings of this work can be summarized as follows:
Weak zero-knowledge for NP in two messages: By leveraging quasi-polynomially secure fully homomorphic encryption alongside other standard primitives, the authors achieve a breakthrough in weak zero-knowledge protocols, reducing the communication to just two messages. This achievement underscores the efficacy of their non-black-box approach, complemented by the utilization of subexponentially secure one-way functions.
Weak zero-knowledge for NP in three messages: Building upon their two-message protocol, the authors extend their framework to encompass weak zero-knowledge in three messages under standard polynomial assumptions. This extension, facilitated by fully homomorphic encryption and factoring, underscores the robustness and versatility of their methodology.
Two-message witness-hiding protocol: Introducing a novel homomorphic trapdoor paradigm, the authors present a two-message witness-hiding protocol for languages in NP, featuring public verifiability. This achievement represents a non-black-box analogue of established trapdoor paradigms, showcasing the innovative nature of their approach.

These core contributions can be summarized in the following theorems:
Theorem 1: There exists a two-message weak-zero-knowledge argument for NP assuming subexponentially secure one-way functions and quasi-polynomially secure fully homomorphic encryption, random-self-reducible encryption, two-message witness-indistinguishable arguments, oblivious transfer, non-interactive commitments, and compute-and-compare obfuscation.
Theorem 2: Assuming polynomial hardness of the primitives in Theorem 1, as well as dense commitments, there exists a three-message weak-zero-knowledge argument for NP.
Theorem 3: There exists a two-message publicly verifiable witness-hiding argument for any language L in NP under the same (polynomial) assumptions as in Theorem 2 and witness encryption for L.
Theorem 4: Under the assumptions in Theorem 1 (respectively, Theorem 2), there exists a two-message (respectively, three-message) weak-zero-knowledge argument for NP against explainable verifiers.

The paper is well structured, comprising four sections that comprehensively explore their findings. Beginning with an introductory section presenting fundamental concepts, the subsequent sections delve into specific aspects such as weak zero-knowledge against explainable verifiers, witness hiding with public verification, and considerations regarding explainable and malicious verifiers.
In summary, this paper marks an advancement in resolving the round complexity challenge in zero-knowledge protocols. The authors provide a substantial contribution by introducing innovative non-black-box techniques and achieving unprecedented results under standard assumptions.


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