
Two-message witness indistinguishability and secure computation in the plain model from new assumptions. (English) Zbl 1417.94040

Takagi, Tsuyoshi (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2017. 23rd international conference on the theory and applications of cryptology and information security, Hong Kong, China, December 3–7, 2017. Proceedings. Part III. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 10626, 275-303 (2017).
Summary: We study the feasibility of two-message protocols for secure two-party computation in the plain model, for functionalities that deliver output to one party, with security against malicious parties. Since known impossibility results rule out polynomial-time simulation in this setting, we consider the common relaxation of allowing super-polynomial simulation.{ }We first address the case of zero-knowledge functionalities. We present a new construction of two-message zero-knowledge protocols with super-polynomial simulation from any (sub-exponentially hard) game-based two-message oblivious transfer protocol, which we call Weak OT. As a corollary, we get the first two-message WI arguments for NP from (sub-exponential) DDH. Prior to our work, such protocols could only be constructed from assumptions that are known to imply non-interactive zero-knowledge protocols (NIZK), which do not include DDH.{ }We then extend the above result to the case of general single-output functionalities, showing how to construct two-message secure computation protocols with quasi-polynomial simulation from Weak OT. This implies protocols based on sub-exponential variants of several standard assumptions, including decisional Diffie Hellman (DDH), quadratic residuosity assumption, and \(N\)-th residuosity assumption. Prior works on two-message protocols either relied on some trusted setup (such as a common reference string) or were restricted to special functionalities such as blind signatures. As a corollary, we get three-message protocols for two-output functionalities, which include coin-tossing as an interesting special case. For both types of functionalities, the number of messages (two or three) is optimal.{ }Finally, motivated by the above, we further study the Weak OT primitive. On the positive side, we show that Weak OT can be based on any semi-honest 2-message OT with a short second message. This simplifies a previous construction of Weak OT from the \(N\)-th residuosity assumption. We also present a construction of Weak OT from witness encryption (WE) and injective one-way functions, implying the first construction of two-message WI arguments from WE. On the negative side, we show that previous constructions of Weak OT do not satisfy simulation-based security even if the simulator can be computationally unbounded.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1380.94008].


94A60 Cryptography
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