
Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2017. 23rd international conference on the theory and applications of cryptology and information security, Hong Kong, China, December 3–7, 2017. Proceedings. Part III. (English) Zbl 1380.94008

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10626. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-70699-3/pbk; 978-3-319-70700-6/ebook). xviii, 473 p. (2017).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1349.94006]. For Parts I and II of the proceedings of the present conference see [Zbl 1380.94009; Zbl 1380.94007].
Indexed articles:
Abdolmaleki, Behzad; Baghery, Karim; Lipmaa, Helger; Zając, Michał, A subversion-resistant SNARK, 3-33 [Zbl 1417.94036]
Zhang, Jiang; Yu, Yu, Two-round PAKE from approximate SPH and instantiations from lattices, 37-67 [Zbl 1417.94088]
Kiltz, Eike; Loss, Julian; Pan, Jiaxin, Tightly-secure signatures from five-move identification protocols, 68-94 [Zbl 1417.94068]
Katsumata, Shuichi, On the untapped potential of encoding predicates by arithmetic circuits and their applications, 95-125 [Zbl 1417.94066]
Kastner, Julia; Koch, Alexander; Walzer, Stefan; Miyahara, Daiki; Hayashi, Yu-ichi; Mizuki, Takaaki; Sone, Hideaki, The minimum number of cards in practical card-based protocols, 126-155 [Zbl 1417.94064]
Brakerski, Zvika; Kalai, Yael Tauman; Perlman, Renen, Succinct spooky free compilers are not black box sound, 159-180 [Zbl 1417.94047]
Halevi, Shai; Ishai, Yuval; Jain, Abhishek; Komargodski, Ilan; Sahai, Amit; Yogev, Eylon, Non-interactive multiparty computation without correlated randomness, 181-211 [Zbl 1417.94061]
Canetti, Ran; Poburinnaya, Oxana; Raykova, Mariana, Optimal-rate non-committing encryption, 212-241 [Zbl 1417.94049]
Fernando, Rex; Rasmussen, Peter M. R.; Sahai, Amit, Preventing CLT attacks on obfuscation with linear overhead, 242-271 [Zbl 1417.94060]
Badrinarayanan, Saikrishna; Garg, Sanjam; Ishai, Yuval; Sahai, Amit; Wadia, Akshay, Two-message witness indistinguishability and secure computation in the plain model from new assumptions, 275-303 [Zbl 1417.94040]
Libert, Benoît; Ling, San; Nguyen, Khoa; Wang, Huaxiong, Zero-knowledge arguments for lattice-based PRFs and applications to E-cash, 304-335 [Zbl 1417.94069]
Bootle, Jonathan; Cerulli, Andrea; Ghadafi, Essam; Groth, Jens; Hajiabadi, Mohammad; Jakobsen, Sune K., Linear-time zero-knowledge proofs for arithmetic circuit satisfiability, 336-365 [Zbl 1417.94046]
Nikolić, Ivica, How to use metaheuristics for design of symmetric-key primitives, 369-391 [Zbl 1417.94078]
Miracle, Sarah; Yilek, Scott, Cycle slicer: an algorithm for building permutations on special domains, 392-416 [Zbl 1417.94075]
Biryukov, Alex; Perrin, Léo, Symmetrically and asymmetrically hard cryptography, 417-445 [Zbl 1417.94044]
Naito, Yusuke, Blockcipher-based MACs: beyond the birthday bound without message length, 446-470 [Zbl 1417.94076]


94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
94A60 Cryptography
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
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