
Global dynamics of a state-dependent feedback control system. (English) Zbl 1422.34093

Summary: The main purpose is to develop novel analytical techniques and provide a comprehensive qualitative analysis of global dynamics for a state-dependent feedback control system arising from biological applications including integrated pest management. The model considered consists of a planar system of differential equations with state-dependent impulsive control. We characterize the impulsive and phase sets, using the phase portraits of the planar system and the Lambert W function to define the Poincaré map for impulsive point series defined in the phase set. The existence, local and global stability of an order-1 limit cycle and obtain sharp sufficient conditions for the global stability of the boundary order-1 limit cycle have been provided. We further examine the flip bifurcation related to the existence of an order-2 limit cycle. We show that the existence of an order-2 limit cycle implies the existence of an order-1 limit cycle. We derive sufficient conditions under which any trajectory initiating from a phase set will be free from impulsive effects after finite state-dependent feedback control actions, and we also prove that order-\(k\) (\(k\geq3\)) limit cycles do not exist, providing a solution to an open problem in the integrated pest management community. We then investigate multiple attractors and their basins of attraction, as well as the interior structure of a horseshoe-like attractor. We also discuss implications of the global dynamics for integrated pest management strategy. The analytical techniques and qualitative methods developed in the present paper could be widely used in many fields concerning state-dependent feedback control.


34A37 Ordinary differential equations with impulses
34C23 Bifurcation theory for ordinary differential equations
92B05 General biology and biomathematics
93B52 Feedback control


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