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This paper deals with natural abundance of 15N and 13C in the soil and needles of the pine forest (Pinus roxburghii, Sargent) along an altitudinal gradient. The study area lies in the elevation range of 1,200 m to 2,200 m in... more
In the eastern part of the Western Srednogorie Unit, a specific succession of Gintsi and Glozhene–Slivnitsa formations has provided micropalaeontological evidence of late Tithonian (Chitinoidella and Praetintinnopsella zones) and... more
Petrography, Eh‐pH calculations and the stable isotope composition of oxygen are used to interpret geochemical processes that occurred during iron oxide mineralization and dolomitization along the Menuha Ridge segment of the Paran Fault,... more
Stable isotope analysis has emerged as an important tool in aquatic ecology. For fish, dorsal muscle from sacrificed individuals has traditionally been used in stable isotope studies; however, there are many instances when lethal sampling... more
The effluents from agriculture practices usually contain several contaminants creating an environmental concern to downgradient water bodies. The use of SAT systems to improve the effluents water quality, during the transport of... more
Structural analysis of the High Zagros Zone and southwestern rim of the SanandajSirjan Zone in the Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtyari area resulted in recognition of a thrust system comprises the Ben, Hafshejan, Farsan, Kuhrang and Bazoft thrust... more
This study focuses on isotope characterization of groundwater in Laduba, Asa Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. Groundwater is a vital resource essential for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes in the region.... more
Linked hydrochemical and isotopic studied were carried out to identify and explain the processes that control the mineralization in miopliocene aquifers in Douala basin. According to the results of the chemical analysis, the water is... more
Whereas the presence of amino acids in fossil materials is clearly related to biosynthesis, an indigenous relationship with the fossil may be suspect. At present, attempts to establish the indigeneity of amino acids in fossils are based... more
The high P/T Catalina Schist underlies the inner southern California borderland outboard of southwestern North America and records amphibolite facies recrystallization and partial melting at ca. 115 Ma and 40 km depth. While inverted... more