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The aim of this study was to compare the resistance of endodontically treated teeth with intraradicular retainer different amounts of remaining coronal structure. Fifty freshly extracted maxillary canines were endodontically treated and... more
All-ceramic crowns are subject to fracture during function, especially in the posterior area. The use of yttrium-stabilized zirconium-oxide ceramic as a substructure for all-ceramic crowns to improve fracture resistance is unproven. The... more
Periprosthetic fracture and infection are dreaded complications after total hip arthroplasty. We present the case of a 50-year-old man who suffered an early postoperative Vancouver B1 periprosthetic fracture, which was further complicated... more
The identification of different dental implants and restorative components is difficult when dental records do not include an inventory of implant components. An implant record form is described. The form should be filled out and retained... more
Clinical success of ceramic laminate veneers depends on material selection, bonding procedures, controlled laboratory steps, and enamel preservation. Enamel preservation is the most critical because excessive tooth preparation can expose... more
This study's purpose was to investigate microleakage and marginal discrepancies in stainless steel crowns (SSCs) placed using conventional and Hall techniques and cemented with three different luting agents. Seventy-eight human... more
The clinical longevity of indirect restorations made of ceramics or indirect composite resins depends on their successful treatment and cementation. The cementation technique is determined by the type of restorative material—ceramics or... more
This systematic review aimed to identify different prosthodontic outcomes between screw- and cement-retained implant prostheses. The relevant articles were retrieved from the following electronic databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed (using... more
PURPOSE: To compare the effect of implant abutment modification on the amount of cement extruded at the crown-abutment margin and to evaluate the vertical discrepancy after cementation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Access openings of titanium... more
The use of zirconia is an esthetic alternative to metal for implant-supported frameworks, and it has increased primarily for its high biocompatibility, low bacterial surface adhesion, high flexural strength and high mechanical features.... more
Recently, the appropriate, durable bond of adhesive systems and composite resin cements to retain endodontic posts was challenged. The question arises whether it would be possible to place glass fiber posts in a less technique sensitive... more
To investigate the influence of preparation design and mouth motion fatigue on the marginal accuracy of press-ceramic veneers bonded to human maxillary central incisors. Forty-eight extracted human maxillary central incisors divided in... more
The purpose of this study was to present a new laboratory technique for cementable implant-supported restorations and to evaluate its efficacy in reducing chair time for both patients and clinicians, while maintaining the precision of an... more