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Constants with formulae of the form treated by D. Bailey, P. Borwein, and S. Plouffe (BBP formulae to a given base b) have interesting computational properties, such as allowing single dig- its in their base b expansion to be... more
The paper study counter-dependent pseudorandom number gen- erators based on m-variate (m > 1) ergodic mappings of the space of 2-adic integers Z 2 . The sequence of internal states of these generators is defined by the recurrence law x... more
The paper is the continuation of the previous paper on this topic. We first review some of the recent developments on 3x+1 problem. In the remaining part of the paper we prove the result announced at the end of the first paper. The proof... more
This is an introduction to $p$-adic geometry and $p$-adic analysis focusing on the theme of $p$-adic period mappings. We follow as closely as possible the development of the classical theory of complex period mappings, blending... more
Abstract: A simplified model of tachyon matter in classical and quantum mechanics is constructed. p-Adic path integral quantization of the model is considered. Recent results in using p-adic analysis, as well as perspectives of an adelic... more
The Black Hole is where sound, matter and energy come together in a beautifully synchronous fashion. It should be noted that the root is not a principle and only responds to the other two. It is the cosmic gene pool from which form is... more
A p-adic Schrödinger-type operator D[alpha]+VY is studied. D[alpha] ([alpha]>0) is the operator of fractional differentiation and is a singular potential containing the Dirac delta functions [delta]x concentrated on a set of points... more
For a prime p and a matrix A ∈ Z n×n , write A as A = p(A quo p)+ (A rem p) where the remainder and quotient operations are applied element-wise. Write the p-adic expansion of A as A = A[0] + pA[1] + p 2A[2] + · · · where each A[i] ∈ Z... more