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Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very... more
This is an introduction to p-adic geometry and p-adic analysis focusing on the theme of p-adic period mappings. We follow as closely as possible the development of the classical theory of complex period mappings, blending differential... more
The Moody pilot wave is a light wave. This light wave is the creation of all things. All answers we seek to the most profound answers of mathematics and physics are found in the reciprocal of the light wave. The reciprocal = 1/ light.... more
This is an introduction to $p$-adic geometry and $p$-adic analysis focusing on the theme of $p$-adic period mappings. We follow as closely as possible the development of the classical theory of complex period mappings, blending... more
In this paper we analyse the construction of p−adic numbers, which we expand to the new combinatorial p − q−adic numbers. Thus, introducing combinatorics into algebraic number theory. After we validate the made progress, the topology and... more
The Black Hole is where sound, matter and energy come together in a beautifully synchronous fashion. It should be noted that the root is not a principle and only responds to the other two. It is the cosmic gene pool from which form is... more
Quantum vacuum theoretical investigations including photonic condensation; Paper delivered in Helsinki with some revisions
References [1] G. Bachman, Introduction to p-adic numbers and valuation theory, Academic press, 1964. [2] G. Bachman, L. Narici, Functional Analysis, Academic Press, New York and London. [3] AJ Baker, An introduction to p-adic numbers and... more
In this research thesis, we describe various formulas concerning Yang-Mills equations, p-Adic, Adelic and Zeta Strings and Supersymmetry. We obtain several possible mathematical connections with various expressions regarding the Ramanujan... more
If ~v1, : : : , ~vm are lexicographically positive elements in Z^n, a general recurrence is a computation rule a(~x) = f(a(~x - 􀀀 ~v1); : : : ; a(~x 􀀀- ~vm)). Let H be a finite abelian p-group, h : H^m ---> H a homomorphism of groups, t... more
In this paper, some classes much more general than the one in [NM Chuong, Yu. V. Egorov, A. Khrennikov, Y. Meyer, D. Mumford (Eds.), Harmonic, Wavelet and p-Adic Analysis, World Scientific, Singapore, 2007] of Cauchy problems for an... more
A p-adic Schrödinger-type operator D[alpha]+VY is studied. D[alpha] ([alpha]>0) is the operator of fractional differentiation and is a singular potential containing the Dirac delta functions [delta]x concentrated on a set of points... more
Constants with formulae of the form treated by D. Bailey, P. Borwein, and S. Plouffe (BBP formulae to a given base b) have interesting computational properties, such as allowing single dig- its in their base b expansion to be... more
Examination of topological geometrodynamics in the matter of possible synthetic (engineered) topological condensation of photons in deep space or the collection of such from natural processes. The focus is upon harnessing of useful... more
For a prime p and a matrix A ∈ Z n×n , write A as A = p(A quo p)+ (A rem p) where the remainder and quotient operations are applied element-wise. Write the p-adic expansion of A as A = A[0] + pA[1] + p 2A[2] + · · · where each A[i] ∈ Z... more
The paper is the continuation of the previous paper on this topic. We first review some of the recent developments on 3x+1 problem. In the remaining part of the paper we prove the result announced at the end of the first paper. The proof... more