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The interaction of organic compounds with the mineral phase is considered as one stabilization mechanism for organic carbon (OC) in soils. The objective of this study is to assess the role of mineral surfaces for the long-term... more
Fossil leaves which show excellent preservation of lipids and other organic compounds are preserved in abundance at the Miocene Clarkia lake deposit in northwestern Idaho, USA. Eighty three fossils from nine genera which are commonly... more
Book on Seabed pockmark craters and seepage of fluids through the seafloor and lake floors
Sub-basins within the New York/New Jersey (NY/NJ) Harbor host variable amounts and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Analyses of radionuclides 137Cs and 7Be were used to assign approximate dates to individual sections of... more
The Hammerfest Basin (HB) is an important area for petroleum exploration in the southwestern Nor-wegian Barents Sea. This contribution is aimed to characterize oils and condensates hosted in Triassic and Jurassic reservoirs, establish... more
Diamondoid distributions in solvent extracts from marine siliciclastic shales, marine carbonates, and coals of a wide variety of maturities were determined by GC–MSD. For this sample set, published diamondoid maturity parameters did not... more
Sedimentary basins are significant deposits for both fossil energy sources and metallic ore deposits. It has been reported in numerous studies that a close relationship exists between oil and gas reservoirs and metallic ore deposits.... more
Hopanoic acids were found in all but the two most mature of a suite of 30 Triassic to Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Their carbon number distributions generally maximise at C 32 , consistent with hopanoic acids found in modern sediments.... more
Four representative oil samples have been collected from productive wells, namely: Gharib-164, Gharib-163, Gharib-106, and Gharib-116, scattered within the Ras Gharib oilfield located in the central Gulf of Suez. Their chemical... more
The factors affecting the amounts and types of organic matter in lacustrine sediments are summarized in this review, and synthesis, of published studies. Biota living in the lake and in its watershed are the sources of the organic... more