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Resumen. Los procesos cognitivos involucrados en la conceptualización, la categorización, y sus implicaciones para áreas como la lingüística y la lógica, son un tema recurrente en la filosofía contemporánea de la mente y del lenguaje,... more
Giudizio relativo al Premio "Opera prima della Consulta nazionale di Filosofia“ 2013: "Il volume colma con autorevolezza una lacuna assai rilevante nella letteratura filosofica italiana. Con notevole competenza e accuratezza... more
A summary for my undergraduates on W. V. O. Quine’s seminal paper of 1948, 'On What There Is'.
In this article the author discusses Dennis F. Polis’ defense of the compatibility of biological evolution and Thomistic metaphysics. Some of Polis’ methodological and metaphysical arguments are examined and it is explained why they are... more
Em seu volume de estréia, Victor Bruno apresenta um panorama da filosofia ocidental desde a instituição da Escolástica, e guia o leitor rumo a um entendimento mais profundo não apenas dos efeitos da adoção crescente do nominalismo pelas... more
In this volume, Reiner Schürmann develops the idea that, in between the spiritual Carolingian Renaissance and the secular Humanist Renaissance, there was a distinctive Medieval Renaissance connected with the rediscovery of Aristotle.... more
This paper explores pragmatism, a philosophical principle that centers on attaining knowledge through personal experience. It will also cover the history of how pragmatism came to be, the founding fathers, advantages and disadvantages.... more
This book offers a novel approach for the study of law in the Judean Desert Scrolls, using the prism of legal theory. Following a couple of decades of scholarly consensus withdrawing from the "Essene hypothesis," it proposes to revive the... more
Nominalism, which has its origins in the Middle Ages and continues into the Twenty-First Century, is the doctrine that there are no universals. This book is unique in bringing together essays on the history of nominalism and essays that... more
In this paper I present 5 different approaches to the debate between Platonism and Nominalism: (1) the quantifier approach, (2) the reductionist approach, (3) the mind / language dependence approach, (4) the extension versus intension... more
Corrects a common misreading of nominalism and realism as views about the existence of universals, instead characterizing them as views about how words signify.
Title in English: The presence of Proclus the Neoplatonist in George Pachymeres' Paraphrasis of De divinis nominibus of Dionysius the Areopagite (with a dictionary of concepts) Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή, στην οποία ως κείμενο... more
La comprensión del concepto de "teología natural" , a lo largo de su multisecular historia, ha sufrido variaciones sustanciales que afectan, sobre todo, a la importante cuestión del denominado "conocimiento natural de Dios" y su... more
Walter Benjamins Buch über das deutsche Barockdrama, Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels (1925), ist in jedem Bezug ein ungewöhnliches Werk, dessen Wirkungsgeschichte sehr bedeutsam gewesen ist. Außer den extremen... more
The thesis sets out the indispensability argument against mathematical nominalism.
The study of the legal texts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls benefits from a theoretical framework that is informed by contemporary legal scholarship. This dissertation undertakes a shift from the comparative approach, which focuses on... more
En el marco de numerosos cuestionamientos contemporáneos en torno de la noción de naturalezay sus vínculos y tensiones con las creencias instituidas por el accionar humano, una vuelta a los orígenes se revela como una instancia ineludible... more
The purpose of the first part of this paper is to examine the major turning point events that transformed the attitude of analytic philosophers towards metaphysical discourse. We will focus on one such turning point, the modal revolution,... more
Si tratta di un chiarimento, ad uso didattico, del concetto di nominalismo, con alcune osservazioni teoretiche atte a promuovere la discussione con gli studenti.
In this paper we shall attempt to sketch one of the most radical forms of naturalism formulated within the analytic tradition, that of Wilfrid Sellars (with its interesting combination of scientific and liberal naturalist elements), to... more
It is often said that Scotus and Ockham made significant contributions to the debate about universals and individuation. I argue that no clear view of their theories about properties has emerged. On the contrary, there are deep... more
"Michel Weber and Pierfrancesco Basile (eds.), Subjectivity, Process, and Rationality, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought XIV, 2006. (354 p. ; ISBN 978-3-938793-38-1 ; 98 €) This volume gathers prominent international... more
This is a pre-print of an article published in the Journal of Indian Philosophy. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://DOI: 10.1007/s10781-019-09398-x
Discusses the grievances of Byzantine patriarchs who fueled the animosities between Latins and Greeks and prepared the way for formal Schism.
Appunti sui concetti fondamentali dell'ontologia dalla lettura di "Problemi fondamentali dell'ontologia analitica" di Edmund Runggaldier e Christian Kanzian.
A fundamental tenet of Ernest Fortin’s learning and teaching – if not a basic orientation of his entire intellectual life – is the realization that classical philosophers and theologians can teach us lessons most important to... more
In his 'The Deliverance from Error' al-Ghazālī describes error as a sickness. Adhering to this metaphor, al-Ghazālī prescribes certain intellectual strategies for regaining one’s health. This paper reconstructs the proposed remedy for the... more
Stephen of Páleč († c. 1422) was one of the first to advocate Wyclif’s realism in the Prague Arts Faculty. This paper provides an overview of his works on universals, dating their origin to 1394/1396. In some cases, his purpose was... more
In this paper, I will explore the consequences of rethinking the alliance and relation between Marxism and psychoanalysis, and more concretely between Althusser and Lacan. It is part of an ongoing investigation and study on the... more
This book pursues the question: In what way, if any, does natural language allow for reference to abstract objects? What distinguishes its approach from ordinary language philosophy is the way it makes systematic use of contemporary... more
My aim in this paper is to defend Quine’s so-called “Ostrich Nominalism”. This pejorative designation was introduced by Armstrong (1978), who accused Quine of not taking predicates with “ontological seriousness” and not offering any... more