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The regulation of emotions is an ongoing internal process and often a challenge. Current related neural models concern the intended control of reactions towards external events, mediated by prefrontal cortex regions upon basal emotion... more
Neurofeedback is emerging as a promising technique that enables self-regulation of ongoing brain oscillations. However, despite a rise in empirical evidence attesting to its clinical benefits, a solid theoretical basis is still lacking on... more
The highly psychoactive molecule N,N -dimethyltryptamine (or simply DMT), is found naturally occurring in the brains of humans, mammals, and some other animals, as well as in a broad range of species of the plant kingdom. Although... more
Objective: Agomelatine is a relatively new antidepressant, with affinities to MT1 and MT2 (responsible for the circadian rhythm) as well as to 5-HT2C receptors. Since antidepressants have demonstrated some benefit in the treatment of ADH... more
Концепции эволюции претерпевают радикальные изменения. Переход системы на новые эволюционные уровни определяется причинно-следственными и эмерджентными процессами. Однако, эмерджентность может привести как к эволюции, так и к инволюции.... more
Cohen Veterans Bioscience's AMP IT UP (Alliance for Modeling PTSD, Innovative Technologies, and Uniform Practices) Preclinical Program is pleased to announce the posting of the following RFA: Translational Preclinical Animal Model Systems... more
RhoGTPases regulate actin-based signaling cascades and cellular contacts. In neurogenesis, their action modulates cell migration, neuritogenesis, and synaptogenesis. Murine P19 embryonal stem cells differentiate to neurons upon... more
Music therapy as a non-invasive therapeutic modality is gaining prominence worldwide both in hospital settings as an adjunct therapy as well as for community wellbeing. Music therapy offers encouraging evidence-based outcomes for... more
Previous studies suggest membrane binding is a key determinant of amyloid β (Aβ) neurotoxicity. However, it is unclear whether this interaction is receptor driven. To address this issue, a D-handed enantiomer of Aβ42 (D-Aβ42) was... more
Abnormal expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of neuroinflammatory processes that accompany most central nervous system disease. In particular, early upregulation of the gelatinases... more
Qualia are defined as subjective or private feelings associated with sensory and other experiences. This article argues that private feelings might be expressed by or in a personal brain and discusses possible neurobiological... more