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The last issue of the "Military History" journal. Read about the medieval Bulgarian fleet and mercenaries, the end of World War One on the Balkans , Rommel's Africa campaign, the battle of Kharkov (1943), Russia's Wagner PMC and also... more
Покажчик містить бібліографію наукового доробку викладачів кафедри історії стародавнього світу та середніх віків Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Видання здійснене з нагоди 40-річчя заснування кафедри 1978 р.... more
This paper contains geophysical analysis of the largest town square in Sigtuna, Sweden. The studied area is approximately 736 m2. The purpose of the study was to search for early medieval house remnants and to possibly find structures... more
This is an Accepted Manuscript (AM) of an article published by Taylor & Francis in the Journal of Religious & Theological Information on March 31, 202, available online:
Oppe på høyfjellet på Skurdalsporten i Meråker ligger tre bergflater som er oversådd med korsfigurer. De første korsfigurene ble oppdaget på 1980-tallet, og ble da antatt å være spor etter pilegrimstrafikk gjennom området i... more
From Turkestan to Andalusia Spain, Medieval Islamic cities geographically occupied a wide area, and thus they had left their mark on the medieval era. Being one of these Islamic cities, Cordoba was seized by the Arabs in 711 and the first... more
Präsentation für die Veranstaltung: Byzantino-Serbian Borderzones in Transition 2019 in Wien.
A mariner, a knight, the governor of the Isle of Guernsey, and a nobleman with influence at the English and the Portuguese courts – Edward Brampton, the son of a Jewish blacksmith, defied the so-called strict hierarchy of late medieval... more
From Turkestan to Andalusia Spain, Medieval Islamic cities geographically occupied a wide area, and thus they had left their mark on the medieval era. Being one of these Islamic cities, Cordoba was seized by the Arabs in 711 and the first... more
Introduzione all'istituto matrimoniale nel Medioevo. Matrimonio medievale in Arezzo: capitoli tratti dallo Statuto del 1337.
A Trier-esseni ötvösműhelyek technikája és technológiájának, a díszítés módja és stílusának azonossága a keresztpánt zománclemezeivel bizonyítja az egy műhelyből származását. De a legfontosabb az, hogy a paleográfiai vizsgálat ezt... more
The early centuries of Armenian manuscript painting are known from a small and disparate collection of surviving works. A general description of these works and their interrelations has thus far been difficult because there are too many... more
The stone artifact known as the chair of São Gens, preserved in the Lisbon hermitage of Senhora do Monte, has been associated since indeterminate times - with a literary tradition from at least the 18th century - to the figure of a... more
Il a suffi d'une citation d'Ibn Taymiya, prononcée par Abdelilah Benkirane, pour déclencher un tir nourri de protestations. Ce théologien du 13 e siècle est accusé d'être " un chantre de la violence " et d'inspirer au PJD des idées... more
Para Agostinho a Verdade suprema e a Felicidade eterna é Deus, para se conhecer e viver Nele são necessárias a Fé e a Razão. Ambas não podem trilhar caminhos diversos pois são complementares: enquanto a primeira estimula e promove a... more
The paper is an attempt to read the biography of a scholar reformer of twentieth century Kerala in the contemporary context. The paper tries to locate the the studies, itineraries and initiatives of Abussabah Ahammedali in the... more
Die erweitere Version meines Beitrages zur Ortschronik von Oed-Öhling (2018) mit wissenschaftlichem Apparat und deutlich mehr Umfang.
The study of the Tabula Peutingeriana creates more questions than answers. The wealth of information but the lack of definitive evidence of its production, benefactor and purpose has long intrigued scholars. Examples of traditional... more
Cette étude porte sur les systèmes défensifs d’une quarantaine de villes petites et moyennes, édifiés en Alsace centrale entre les XIIIe et XVe siècles, jusqu’à leur déclassement ou démantèlement définitif au XIXe siècle. Les... more
¿Se puede hablar de fake news en la Edad Media? ¿Puede un problema tan fragoroso y actual tener algo que ver con la época de los austeros monasterios? Sería mejor abandonar la idea de una Edad Media caracterizada por solemnes silencios y... more
In contrast to the East of Austria, its western part and especially the Genizat Tirolensia ist still widely unexplored. Until recently the Tyrolean libraries had never been checked systematically on Hebrew and Aramaic fragments of... more
I 2020 annoncerede arkæologen Sven Rosborn nyheden om, at man havde opdaget en tidligere ukendt krønike, "Gesta Wulinensis ecclesiae pontificum", forfattet af et øjenvidne til centrale hændelser i Harald Blåtands liv.
Сажетак: Детињство и младост у средњем веку било је другачије схваћено него данас. Деца су сматрана само малим људима, уопште, није се сматрало да је то један посебан период кроз које пролази човек у свом развоју. Тако ћемо у овом раду,... more
SCIVIAS A JOURNEY INTO THE IMAGES Sara Salvadori The meaning of the complex prophetic text by Hildegard von Bingen, amidst symbolisms and visions The book is the story of the journey in which the humanity/bright stars in Eve’s womb join... more
The article provides an overview of Old-Russian, Byzantine, Latin, Arabic and Jewish-Khazar texts of the 10th – the beginning of the 12th century, in which there are mentions of ethnonyms, which can be considered as the names of Slavic... more
This Pope was noted as having stated, "All ages can attest how profitable that fable of Christ has been to us and our company."* Or, the paraphrase which has been more widely stated, "What profit we have made from this fable of Christ."... more
Учебное пособие представляет собой издание специального курса, предназначенного для начинающих медиевистов – историков, источниковедов Средних веков, а также может быть полезным для всех гуманитариев, занятых научным творчеством. Оно... more