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This book offers a way of reading maps of the Holy Land as visual imagery with religious connotations. Through a corpus of representative examples created between the sixth and the nineteenth centuries, it studies the maps as iconic... more
Cet article propose une synthèse sur les différentes formes de cartographie participatives, qui ont émergé à partir des années 1980 dans le cadre de l’aide au développement, et se sont épanouies dans un tout autre contexte technique, avec... more
keywords: Rjabchikov, archaeology, Scythian, Sarmatian, Meotian, Sindian, Kingdom of the Bosporus, script, symbolism, map, coin, decipherment
Resumen La Mapoteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica es una actividad permanente de extensión que busca promover el uso de las TIC (Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación), así como de las TIG (Tecnologías de la... more
Oltre 100 mappe e grafici originali per comprendere la complessità dei Balcani (Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Bulgaria, Croazia, Grecia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Repubblica di Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia) e i rivolgimenti all'opera a... more
An event within the framework of the International Map Year 2015-2016, shown at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich in Januar 2016. Shown examples of early School Maps from the 19th Century, the first National School Wall Map 1901/02, the... more
è possibile allenarsi a stare nell'imprevedibilità dei fenomeni sociali?
quali connessioni esistono fra le erbacce e le politiche sociali?
quale ruolo possono svolgere le mappe?
In the thirteenth century, Italian merchant and explorer Marco Polo traveled from Venice to the far reaches of Asia, a journey he chronicled in a narrative titled Il Milione, later known as The Travels of Marco Polo. While Polo’s writings... more
The earlybird registration deadline - February 18th - is fast approaching. There are still some places available for this exciting new Summer School! "Cultural Mapping and Connecting with Place" 21 to 25 March 2022, Caldas da Rainha,... more
Trough out the centuries cities have been constantly changing, together withtheir image, their imageability, therefore their graphic representation is beingconstantly adapted to those changes too. The evolution of digital technologies... more
Йордан Цветков, Захари Савов В контекста на поставените цели от инициативата Международна година на картата (2015 – 2016 г.) бе извършен превод на български език на потребителския интерфейс на ГИС софтуер с отворен код. За превод бяха... more
Analisi critica del rapporto che intercorre tra Parish Maps britanniche e Mappe di Comunità italiane nel tentativo di capire se si tratta di una trasposizione o di una differente interpretazione dello strumento partecipativo.
The ocean terrain spanning the globe is vast and complex – far from an immense flat plain of mud. To map this terrain accurately and wisely, we must understand how cartographic abstraction and generalization work both in analog... more
Participatory cartographies allow people to show on a map different situations that form the territory where they live. This process is carried out wiyhout intermediaries. Concerning heritage, participatory cartographies are being used to... more
Publicado en: Olga Restrepo (ed.), Ensamblado en Colombia. Ensamblando Estados, vol. 1, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2013. (Con Mauricio Nieto y Sebastián Díaz)
This paper explores the Internet as a metaphor for the city and raises some issues associated with its use in relation to pervasive computing. It goes on discuss the idea of the electronic panopticon [1,2] and pervasive surveillance. It... more
It has long been acknowledged that there is a gap between the advancement of GIS in the research field and its application in planning practice. This paper demonstrates the potential for employing simple GIS mapping overlays as a way of... more
Many literary or scientific works had reached immortality by either its content or the author. Without a shadow of a doubt, Pîrî Reis' major work, a navigation book titled Kitab-ı Bahriye is one of those works that are passed down from... more
A finales del siglo VIII, Beato de Liébana compuso el Comentario al Apocalipsis en el monasterio de San Martín de Turieno. Aunque no nos ha llegado en su estado original, esta obra es bien conocida gracias a las numerosas copias que se... more
Una mirada a la historia de los mapas y la cartografía que han acomañado a la literatura de fantasía medieval en el último siglo. Publicado como artículo no arbitrado en el número doble de julio-agosto 2018 de la Revista de la Universidad... more
The article explores the Jewish approach towards the biblical land as this was reflected in Jewish maps of that land, and points to the formation of the visual motif of Messianic Jerusalem in Jewish art. KEYWORDS: maps of the Promised... more
Colour is considered a key means of expression for use in cartographic works. This is because colours and the relations among them influence not only the aesthetic impression a map creates but also its overall utility. In addition to... more
Towards the end of the eighth century, Beatus of Liébana composed the Commentary on the Apocalypse in the monastery of San Martín de Turieno. Although it has not come down to us in its original state, this work is well known thanks to the... more
Ilusión y materialidad: perspectivas sobre el archivo / Jerónimo Pizarro, Diana Paola Guzmán (compiladores). – Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, Ediciones... more
The study of maps allows us to utilize information and technology to contribute to the betterment of society. New interactive forms of mapping are changing the way we understand natural and built spaces, and opening up new possibilities... more
What is a map and what isn’t. The short paper try to explore the intriguing  definition and show why any statement is too tight and a too narrow-minded one.
This is a the presentation delivered at the four-day meeting of members of the Brussels Map Circle with its Italian sister organization called Associazione Roberto Almagià in 2016. From 4 to 7 May map specialists from Belgium, Italy and... more
Google Maps’ satellite view of the Earth brings together photography and cartography to create an image that is deeply political. Despite the image’s ubiquity it remains without designation or theoretical framework. This essay seeks to... more
Maps show the forms of power in a territory, but are also tools of that same power. They represent it and at the same time exalt it, consciously or not. With accessible language and the aid of many colour images, this book seeks to... more
Это описание вебориентированной геоинформационной системы, доступной пользователю через любой браузер в сети интернет по ссылке:
The automotive world is evolving. Ten years ago Nigel Thrift (2004: 41) made the claim that the experience of driving was slipping into our 'technological unconscious'. Only recently the New York Times suggested that with the rise of... more
The Garden of Eden also called the Terrestrial Paradise, or simply Paradise, is the biblical "Garden of God" described in the Book of Genesis and the Book of Ezekiel. Genesis 13:10 refers to the "garden of God", and the "trees of the... more
L’Università di Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, la Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, e il Centro di Studi sulla Cultura e l’Immagine di Roma presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, hanno siglato un accordo di collaborazione per la... more
Üsküdar; hayal şehir...Kadim huzur beldesi... Asırları kucaklayan geçmiş, istikbale uzayan bir medeniyet beldesi...
This thesis has been developed with the main purpose of seeking a method that facilitates collaboration between the artist and the community within the creative process in Urban Art. Further, it has been considered essential, on the one... more
In Jacques Poulin’s Volkswagen Blues maps are not only a fundamental part of a physical, imaginary and identity space, but also the pivotal structure of a complex narrative space. This paper will focus on how Saint-Laurent and other... more
Descargable en: Esta tesis doctoral es el resultado de una investigación sobre la estrecha relación que existe entre la evolución histórica de dos... more