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Inaugural lecture for the American Druze Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at Georgetown University's Center for Contemporary Arab Studies. Henley began by highlighting how religious communities served as the building-blocks of modern... more
Hezbollah is the archetype and so far the most important and efficient of all Iranian proxy forces in the Middle East, and it demonstrates all the traits that eventually became the trademarks of Iran’s proxy networks in Iraq, Syria, Yemen... more
Il aura suffi de l’annonce par le gouvernement d’une taxe sur l’application de messagerie WhatsApp pour qu’éclate un mouvement de contestation populaire inédit dans l’histoire du Liban contemporain. En ce 17 octobre 2019, trente années... more
The Syrian Social Nationalist Party devoted itself to reviving and unifying the Syrian nation and establishing this nation’s complete independence over its historical homeland, Greater Syria. It continues its struggle today, influencing... more
A concise history of the socio-economic effects of the chicle industry on gender-role and self-employment in Western Belize.
This study discusses the concept of the performance of Lebanese companies in particular the role that governance plays on this performance. A good performance is a target in the eyes of management, shareholders and even employees. The... more
This article examines the role of Lebanon as an oil transit country facing regional and international crises. From the transit policy, one can deduce foreign policy, neutrality, and the challenges that confronted Lebanon in the past, and... more
Boom review of Abdul-Rahim Abu-Husayn, Rebellion, Myth Making and Nation Building: Lebanon from an Ottoman Mountain Iltizam to a Nation State, 61 pp. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 2009. ISBN... more
This article traces the institutional and political origins of the garbage crisis in Lebanon as well as the organizational and strategic dynamics of the protest movement that manifested in the summer and fall of 2015. [Please see above... more
The first summary describing the mortuary practices and cemeteries in the Beirut City Center (BCC) has been presented at the ARAM 12th International Conference, held April 13-15, 1999 in Beirut (Stuart 2001). The burial evidence had - for... more
In Spheres of Intervention, James R. Stocker examines the history of diplomatic relations between the United States and Lebanon during a transformational period for Lebanon and a time of dynamic changes in US policy toward the Middle... more
Édition digitale du chapitre III, campagne de Tyr, de la Mission d'Ernest Renan en Phénicie dans les années 1860-1864. Cette édition est annotée en particulier avec: • Des correspondances de toponymes avec les dénominations actuelles •... more
Dans ce volume sont publiées les inscriptions phéniciennes inédites appartenant à la collection de la Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban (DGA), retrouvées et identifiées au cours des travaux d’une mission épigraphique... more
The Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC) at the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLPS), Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU), the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) of British Columbia Council, and the Irish-Lebanese Cultural... more
Despite the vast recent research on religious minorities in the Middle East, surprisingly little comprehensive work is published about the Druze as a political entity. Especially the current position of the Druze communities in the... more
Despite a few scholarly and popular contributions, the story of the Jews of Lebanon remains outside dominant narratives of the country’s recent past and the recent revival of memory studies on the Jews of the Arab world. The Lebanese... more
This article mines an early history of modern Lebanon by placing a special focus on the country's Jewish community and examining inter-Lebanese relations where Lebanese Jews take centre stage. Like Lebanon's Christians – Maronites in the... more
The analysis of religious or sectarian violence has always been a very problematic issue in historiography, especially that on nationalism and modernization. This is because some historians have depicted sectarian rivalries, especially in... more
Статья основана на неопубликованных материалах из Архива внешней политики Российской империи. В работе исследуется деятельность русских сотрудников школьных инспекций – одной из самых эффективных структур Императорского православного... more
This article examines anti-sectarianism and the technopolitics of labor mobilization at the facilities of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline (Tapline) company in Lebanon between 1950 and 1964. It argues that although Tapline helped sustain a... more
Une histoire des relations franco-libanaises, des origines à 1997.
A history of French-Lebanese relations, from the origins to 1997.
In the summer or 1978, the tale of Sayyid Musa al Sadr, or Imam Musa al Sadr as he was known to his followers in Lebanon, came to a fitting Shia end: The cleric born in Qom, Iran, who had turned up in Lebanon in 1959 disappeared in Libya... more
Note: The article that follows is part of a much broader book project on the construction of " terrorism " over the last 40 years. This article was posted online on May 7, 2018. The claims made herein about the public discussion that... more
Digital edition of Renan’s book, in order to facilitate its access to a larger audience; enhanced with hyperlinks to digitized sources. Cette édition numérique de l’ouvrage d'Ernest Renan paru en 1864, vise à permettre son accès à un plus... more
Due to a bug with Academia uploads, up-to-date version is stored on Digital edition of Renan’s book, in order to facilitate its access to a larger audience; enhanced with... more
Este curso de divulgación del año 2012 que hoy comparto, es una introducción a algunas de las lenguas semíticas del Líbano, y ayuda a comprender el camino que tomaron para acabar "fusionadas" en la "lengua libanesa".
French rule over Syria and Lebanon was premised on a vision of a special French protectorate established through centuries of cultural activity: archaeological, educational and charitable. Initial French methods of organising and... more
Christopher Buck, “Kahlil Gibran.” American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies. Supplement XX. Edited by Jay Parini. Farmington Hills, MI: Scribner’s Reference/The Gale Group, 2010. Pp. 113–129. KAHLIL GIBRAN (1883–1931)... more
Cet article se propose de dégager les aspects essentiels de l’écriture de Maalouf dans Origines. Nous tenterons de mettre en lumière un récit d’une trajectoire à la fois individuelle et collective. Il s’agit aussi de soulever la question... more
After conquering large swaths of Syria and Iraq, the IS undertook an aggressive sectarian campaign in which they not only enacted horrific violence against the Shia people, but also damaged or destroyed several key Shia mosques and... more
Despite its inevitable entanglement in regional turmoil, Lebanon is now viewed as the most stable and safe country in the Middle East. This reflects on its media environment which enjoys the same relative safety, even in a context that... more
This book contains translations into English of the documents of the Ottoman Umur-i Mühimme Defteri, or Register of Public Affairs, which bear on the history of Lebanon – or, rather, the parts of Ottoman Syria that ultimately came to form... more
This is a French written research for my anthropology/sociology studies in the Lebanese Universities, the Aramaic Syriac is considered the base of the Lebanese Dialect in our days , so many words and names derive from the ancient language... more
The paper discusses a new approach for teaching history in Lebanon inspired by the Finnish curriculum.
Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq (1805/1806–1887), one of the most important Arab intellectuals in the nineteenth-century, published his masterpiece Al-Sāq ʿalā al-sāq fī mā huwa al-Fāriyāq (Leg Over Leg or The Turtle in the Tree, Concerning the... more
La communauté arménienne du Liban représente près de 100 000 âmes au Liban et à peu près autant d'expatriés en France, au Canada et aux Etats-Unis. Éminemment tournée vers la francophonie, elle contribue largement à la vita-lité de... more