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This thesis aims to provide a compelling and distinctive response to the Problem of Consciousness. This is achieved by offering a bipartite analysis of the epistemic gap at the heart of that problem, and by building upon the hypothesis... more
This paper presents and defends an alternative version to the so-called strategy of phenomenal concepts (aka PCS) in defense of type B materialism in Jackson’s knowledge argument. Endorsing Ball and Tye’s criticism, I argue in favor of... more
I argue against Michael Tye's 1989 objection to Frank Jackson's knowledge argument against physicalism.
This book is about the identity theory in contemporary philosophy of mind containing a long essay of mine and the italian translations of some remarkable contributions by Place. Armstrong, Smart, Lewis, McGinn, Jackson. The book has been... more
The Knowledge Argument is an argument for dualism that claims that there are both physical and non-physical facts, something we can know by reflecting on ‘Mary’ who is aware of all scientific data about colours but has yet to see any. I... more
This article discusses a kind of knowledge classifiable as knowledge-wh but which seems to defy analysis in terms of the standard reductive theory of knowledge-wh ascriptions, according to which they are true if and only if one knows that... more
This paper attempts to argue for a defense of Frank Jackson's seminal Knowledge Argument against metaphysical materialism. By first presenting the argument and then directly responding to notable objections from philosophical academia, I... more
Daniel Dennett has argued that consciousness can be satisfactorily accounted for in terms of physical entities and processes. In some of his most recent publications, he has made this case by casting doubts on purely conceptual thought... more
Tesi di laurea triennale in Filosofia, sotto la supervisione del prof. Andrea Zhok. Il knowledge argument di Frank Jackson è stato, fin dalla sua pubblicazione nel 1982, oggetto di intesi dibattiti nell'ambito della filosofia della mente.... more
It is often thought that consciousness has a qualitative dimension that cannot be tracked by science. Recently, however, some philosophers have argued that this worry stems not from an elusive feature of the mind, but from the special... more
I will be talking about the limits of cognitive science. I won’t be talking about contingent shortcomings that could perhaps be remedied with, say, more time, resources, or ingenuity. Rather, I will be concerned with limitations that are... more
The debate about Mary and the Black and White Room is a merry-go-round. It rotates round a mistake shared on both sides. The mistake is to adopt the position I call physics-alism—to think that physics can give an exhaustive... more
This paper suggests that reference to phenomenal qualities is best understood as involving iconicity, that is, a passage from sign-vehicle to object that exploits a similarity between the two. This contrasts with a version of the... more
Frank Jackson argues that physical facts are not sufficient for knowing all there is to know about certain phenomena, such as seeing the colour red. Some object to him that, within his Mary's Room thought experiment, Jackson makes the... more
I argue physicalism should be characterized as the thesis that all behavior is law-governed. This characterization captures crucial desiderata for a formulation of physicalism, including its broad import and worldview defining features.... more
The objective of this paper is to defend the non-reductive thesis of phenomenal consciousness. This paper will give an overview of the arguments for the non-reductive explanation of phenomenal consciousness and justify why the... more
In this paper, I argue against the phenomenal concept strategy (henceforth PCS) and in favor of what Chalmers has called type-A materialism ([2006], [2010] p. 111). On her release, Mary makes no cognitive discovery at all; not even a thin... more
I defend Frank Jackson's knowledge argument against physicalism in the philosophy of mind from a criticism that has been advanced by Laurence Nemirow and David Lewis. According to their criticism, what Mary lacked when she was in her... more
Quantities like mass and temperature are properties that come in degrees. And those degrees (e.g. 5 kg) are properties that are called the magnitudes of the quantities. Some philosophers (e.g., Byrne 2003; Byrne & Hilbert 2003; Schroer... more
In her black and white room, Mary doesn’t know what it is like to see red. Only after undergoing an experience as of something red and hence acquainting herself with red can Mary learn what it is like. But learning what it is like to see... more
​The phenomenal concept strategy for defending physicalism against the knowledge argument is to substitute a dualism of concepts for a dualism of properties. The idea is that when Mary sees a red object for the first time, she acquires a... more
This paper is both systematic and historical in nature. From a historical viewpoint, I aim to show that to establish Wittgenstein's claim that " an 'inner process' stands in need of outward criteria " (PI §580) there is an enthymeme in... more
In this thesis, I argue that empathy is morally significant because it plays an important role in informing our moral deliberations. Empathy should be thought of not as an alternative to rational deliberation about how we are to act, but... more
The objective of this paper is to defend the non-reductive thesis of phenomenal consciousness. This paper will give an overview of the arguments for the non-reductive explanation of phenomenal consciousness and justify why the... more
Jackson’s (1982) formulation of the knowledge argument (KA) has had an inestimable influence on the discussion of consciousness and the apparent problem it presents for physicalism. A common objection to KA is the ‘ignorance objection’.... more
Neste artigo, apresento e defendo uma versao alternativa a chamada estrategia dos conceitos fenomenais em defesa do materialismo tipo B no classico argumento do conhecimento de Jackson. Endossando a critica de Ball e Tye a estrategia dos... more
Bilgi edinmenin en etkili yollarından bir tanesi olarak değerlendirilen düşünce deneyleri bilim insanları ya da düşünürler tarafından kendi çalışma alanları içerisinde sıklıkla başvurulan düşünsel bir araçtır. Bilimsel konulara cevap... more
The objective of this paper is to defend the non-reductive thesis of phenomenal consciousness. This paper will give an overview of the arguments for the non-reductive explanation of phenomenal consciousness and justify why the... more
This paper revisits some classic thought experiments in which experiences are detached from their characteristic causal roles, and it explores what these thought experiments tell us about qualia epiphenomenalism, i.e., the view that... more
El ‘argumento del conocimiento’ es uno de los ataques al fisicalismo más discutidos en la literatura. En una versión fuerte, el argumento intenta probar que la experiencia consciente del mundo involucra hechos no-físicos. La formulación... more
Este artigo é uma nova defesa do materialismo tipo B contra o argumento do conhecimento de Jackson (1982), inspirado pela principal oposição kantiana entre conceitos e intuições sensíveis. Como todos os materialistas do tipo B, argumento... more
This paper suggests that it is largely a want of notional distinctions which fosters the "explanatory gap" that has beset the study of consciousness since T. Nagel's revival of the topic. Modifying Ned Block's controversial claim that we... more
Thema dieses Aufsatzes sind die Bedingungen für den Erwerb und die Speicherung von Begriffen, die auf sekundäre Eigenschaften – und zwar speziell auf Farbeigenschaften – referieren. Der in der zeitgenössischen Philosophie vorherrschende... more
This article answer some criticisms raised against How hard is it to create values? and offers a further formulation of the hard problem of value. Section 1 addresses the objection that Nietzsche’s criterion of life is too vague to serve... more
Argumentative thought experiments are structurally conditional clauses. They can hence be formalized by means of the principle of modus ponendo ponens, as well as of modus tollendo tollens. In contrast to the practice in formal logic,... more
[Old stuff from 2007]. En este artículo evalúo la estructura conceptual del argumento de Jackson (1982, 1986), transformandolo en la que considero la versión más fuerte del "argumento del conocimiento".
It has been more than thirty years since Frank Jackson put forward his thought experiment "Mary the Color Scientist" (also known as "The Knowledge Argument") to challenge physicalism. Mary is an imaginary scientist who has lived all her... more