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Irrigation water conservation methods are strategies for reducing water demand and increasing its availability. This research assessed the level of farmers' awareness and practices of irrigation water conservation methods in Kano State,... more
Microorganisms are present in stormwater. Their numbers and diversity is influenced by the microbial flora of that environment and they can come from different sources namely the air, soil and through human activity. Stormwater runoffs... more
Most city development always deal with problem of drainage in various scale. Some design in small area could not enough to solve the drainage problem. The authority should provide the larger scale of design that cover entire area of... more
This Project is my academic project for CE: 461 (Irrigation and Flood Control). Course Code-CE 461 Course Name-Irrigation and Flood Control.
During the last two decades Azerbaijan has initiated reform of irrigation water management through a complex of measures, including realization of irrigation management transfer (IMT) for decentralization and redelegating of management... more
Most available water resources in the world are used for agricultural irrigation. Whilst this level of water use is expected to increase due to rising world population and land use, available water resources are expected to become limited... more
This paper presents an assessment study conducted to investigate the structural condition of a drainage shaft that is part of a very large aqueduct system located in the Northeastern United States. A comprehensive three-dimensional... more
The declining availability of fresh water has become a worldwide problem, which maintains the development of alternative, secondary quality water resources for agricultural use. Several studies recommend that give attention for selected... more
Rain water harvesting and artificial recharge to groundwater has gained momentum in recent years for providing sustainability to water-stressed aquifers as natural replenishment of ground water reservoir is a slow process and is often... more
This study has been conducted to analyze the hypsometric properties of drainage basins in Karnataka. In constructing the hypsometric integral curve, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 300 m spatial resolution has been created based on... more
This paper covers the over all situation of drainage and sanitation conditions in Pattoki, a Tehsil of Kasur District Punjab Pakistan. This study was solely conducted to explore current situation of sanitation infrastructure of the town.
This study is carried out to evaluate the efficiency of the management and maintenance of the drainage system at Taman Damai Jaya, Skudai. A total of 100 residents are randomly selected from the total population to be the respondents of... more
A preliminary surface irrigation system design.I hope you find it helpful for academic purposes.
The master plan appears to be a mere eyewash with several anomalies and abridged drafts . There is more left than stated in the master plan.
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of applying different irrigation levels and soil mulches on vegetative growth, yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) valor cultivar. The experiment was carried... more
Africa is a continent with a variety of important geographic features that have sculptured its surface giving it an all times scenic beauty as well as providing the continent with the scarce natural resources. These features have proved... more
This paper contains information on the design  of a semi-portable sprinker irrigation system.
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A new technology (Capiphon Drainage Belt, or CDB) is applicable to drainage and irrigation tasks. When compared with existing drainage technologies such as slotted pipe, the technology is expected to provide: • simpler installation •... more
Evapotranspiration for vegetables changes from area to area depending on crop type, soil and climate conditions. In view of this, this study assessed reference evapotranspiration of spinach using pan evaporation with the aim of... more
However, irrigation practice is poor in Ethiopia, increases agricultural production and productivity. The study was conducted in Haramaya district, Eastern Ethiopia. The object of this study is to see contribution of small scale... more
In Ethiopia, maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereal crops, but the performance of maize growth and yield is very low due to inappropriate sowing depth. A field experiment was conducted at Wachemo University, Hadiya zone... more
The objective of this article is to identify the determinants of the adoption of new irrigation technologies in Moroccan agriculture. The research is carried out on a sample of 82 farmers from the Souss-Massa region (Morocco). The results... more
Bendung selain digunakan sebagai peninggi elevasi muka air, juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat ukur debit air. Bendung dan bendungan masing-masing memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Bendung dibuat sebagai peninggi elevasi muka air sehingga... more