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Is the Shroud indeed the burial cloth of Jesus, or is it a medieval fake? Do the Gospels narrate real events or are they mere legends? The answer to these questions is not secondary since it involves deeply our lives. Certainly, the... more
Contents of Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi (ASE)  33-2  secondo issue of 2016
For many years, the Shroud of Turin has been famous for images of a body and face which many believe were formed during The Resurrection. More recently, however, claims have been made that the Shroud also contains evidence of other... more
Nell’ambito della ricerca architettonica un posto di rilievo spetta senza dubbio ai problemi relativi all’analisi, allo studio e alla rappresentazione di organismi particolarmente significativi. Il presente contributo rivolge l’attenzione... more
La storiografia sabauda attribuisce agli anni Settanta del Quattrocento e ai duchi Amedeo IX e Iolanda di Francia il merito del "lancio" della devozione alla Sindone nei territori ducali. Se è vero che le prime esposizioni pubbliche della... more
Se si osservano da vicino le prove portate dai sindonologi non si può evitare di chiedersi: scienza o pseudoscienza?
The discovery of the "Chinon Parchment" paved the way for more rejection of the view, proposed by some, that the Knights Templar were heretics. The possibility that they possessed the Turin Shroud therefore gained more support.
Le Saint Suaire de Besançon fut très populaire pendant près de trois siècles, attirant des foules considérables dès ses premières ostensions au 16e siècle. Sa popularité est si grande qu'en 1705 le roi Louis XIV ordonne la suspension des... more
This paper proposes specific tests for the presence of neutron-created C-14, Cl-36 and Ca-41 on control samples and on linen, blood, charred material and limestone from the Shroud of Turin and/or Jesus’ reputed burial tombs. These tests... more
In this article I outline some of the more prodigious characteristics of the Shroud of Lirey-Chambery-Turin's image and highlight the inadequacy of the various image formation theories postulated this century. A review is then given... more
Il Vangelo di quest’oggi (Mt 25, 14-30) è l’immediato e sequenziale prosieguo di quello di domenica scorsa (Mt 25, 1-13). L’esegesi con riguardo all’ “olio” che ci ha accompagnato sette giorni fa, ha tratto da questo elemento connessioni... more
Plusieurs hypothèses sur le transfert du linceul de Turin de l'orient à l'occident reposent sur la supposition que le chevalier Othon de la Roche acquit le Linceul lors de la quatrième croisade, et qu'il le garda un certain temps à... more
Un chimico di Roma, il professor Luigi Campanella, ha recentemente annunciato di avere messo a punto nuovi metodi per la datazione di reperti cellulosici (legno, carta, fibre tessili vegetali). Ha affermato che i suoi metodi sarebbero... more
This reflection paper concerns data on the Shroud, some of the prophecies in the Old Testament and my reaction to it. It is a personal reflection based on my own experiences in life, faith and how the Shroud has impacted my life & what I... more
Some apocryphal texts – read in a biased, superficial and uncritical way – have been used with an apologetic function to support the historicity and authenticity of certain relics that are said to come from the apostolic period. A... more
In a recent editorial paper of this journal, Bella et al. commented on the mass spectra analysis done by Rogers [11], which consisted of two mass spectra of the pyrolysis of linen fibers from two areas of the Shroud of Turin. The main... more
A square piece of cloth painted with an image of the Veronica Veil interrupts the sculptural procession depicted in the Way to Calvary chapel at the Sacro Monte of Varallo (ca. 1597-1617). Neither an actual relic, nor simply a... more
Unfortunately, the link to the interview by Tom Chivers is no longer available at The Telegraph website. An excerpt of the interview can be found at You may email to... more
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che descrive i primi risultati di colorazione di lino tramite luce ultravioletta Laser effettuati nei laboratori del Centro Ricerche Enea di Frascati.