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The authors suggest to view the origins of Islam against the background of the 6th century AD Arabian socio-ecological crisis whose model is specified in the paper through the study of climatological, seismological, volcanological and... more
I prepared this poster for the third VICS (PAGES Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society) meeting in Tucson, Arizona. It describes the geology of Iceland, the consequences of the 1783 Laki fissure eruption (Lakagígar) on the northern... more
A presente investigação tem como objecto de estudo as preces e procissões para pedir chuva (Pro Pluvia) ou a serenidade do tempo (Pro Serenitate) celebradas nas cidades do Porto e de Braga (NW de Portugal), ao longo do século XVIII. Com... more
I am providing an extract pdf for download, which contains the title page, table of contents and the introduction to the book.
Precipitation levels in southern Africa exhibit a marked east–west gradient and are characterized by strong seasonality and high interannual variability. Much of the mainland south of 15°S exhibits a semiarid to dry subhumid climate. More... more
We review recent advances in classifications of circulation patterns as a specific research area within synoptic climatology. The review starts with a general description of goals of classification and the historical development in the... more
Il 1816 fu caratterizzato da un gelo polare anche nella stagione più calda, tanto da entrare nella storia climatica d'Europa con la definizione di "Anno senza estate".
British climatologist and geographer, Gordon Manley (1902–1980), is perhaps best known for his pioneering work on climate variability in the UK, for establishing the Central England Temperature series and, for his pivotal role in... more
This book chapter, co-authored with Christian Pfister, is a review of historical climatology which discuses problems of impact research and the relevance of the Anthropocene hypothesis (P. Crutzen and others) for the understanding of... more
The term petit âge de glace (PAG) is the literal translation of the English 'Little Ice Age' (LIA). During the past 20 years, the Little Ice Age has emerged as a topic of major research focus spanning such fields as paleoecology,... more
Private diaries provide a fairly unique set of materials within climate change research in that they provide information both on past climate variability and on the ways that people live within, and interact with, climate. The fact that... more
The projected rise of extreme climate events has sparked fresh interest in how past societies handled similar challenges. However, while historical experiences of famine, migration, and ‘collapse’ act as silent referents to the current... more
The role of climate variability in pre-colonial southern African history is highly disputed. We here provide a synthesis and critique of climate-society discourses relating to two regionally defining periods of state formation and... more
Recent advances in paleoclimatology and the growing digital availability of large historical datasets on human activity have created new opportunities to investigate long-term interactions between climate and society. However, noncritical... more
Le connessioni tra quadri ambientali e fenomeni economici hanno visto di recente un crescente interesse. In un campo connotato da un così forte carattere interdisciplinare sono varie le difficoltà che si incontrano, non solo nello scambio... more
In the “calamitous” 14th century, as Barbara Tuchman called it in her classic „A Distant Mirror“ (1978) , the medieval world entered a period of severe crisis in demography, economy, politics and religion. This crisis took hold in all... more
Endlose Kälte Menschliche Gesellschaften sind in hohem Mass dem Klima und dem Wit­ terungsverlauf ausgesetzt. Dies gilt insbesondere für die vorindustrielle Zeit. Im vorliegenden Band stellt die Autorin eine umfangreiche und detaillierte... more
The role that the cartwheel played in the life of the Indo-Europeans has primarily been studied from the perspective of specialists, often without suffi-cient consideration of the other fields involved. Therefore, we research an... more
The use of documentary evidence to investigate past climatic trends and events has become a recognised approach in recent decades. This contribution presents the state of the art in its application to droughts. The range of documentary... more
""In more than 1000 years of history, the Byzantine Empire experienced several severe times of crisis which brought it almost to the point of destruction. Yet, Byzantium proved to be one of the most resilient polities of medieval Europe... more
The studies of the public works in Golden Age Spain were focused on its technical and artistic aspects, but not on its economic consequences. But the urban infrastructure maintenance and the building of bridges, what required... more
O presente trabalho centra-se na análise do clima e dos estados do tempo no Noroeste de Portugal, entre o início do século XVII e meados do século XIX. O tema escolhido decorre de um problema de fundo: em que medida as variações... more
Considerable research has been undertaken into the nature and consequences of contemporary and future global climate change, yet detailed regional studies concerning these dynamics prior to the twentieth century have only recently begun... more
The African continent is characterised by a wide range of hydroclimate regimes, ranging from humid equatorial West Africa to the arid deserts in the northern and southern subtropics. The livelihoods of much of its population are also... more