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[Note: this is an English version of the paper published in German as "Epochale Polemik: Nach den 'Schwarzen Heften' mit und gegen Heidegger denken," which is on my Academia page.] Abstract: In the Black Notebooks, Martin Heidegger... more
Informe sobre la presentación del último volumen de los Cahiers noirs en junio de 2018 en la sede del editor de la obra de Heidegger, Vittorio Klostermann, en Frankfurt. Este informe fue publicado en francés en Le Monde Diplomatique en... more
According to some interpretations, the recent publication of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks seems to nail Heidegger to responsibility for the Third Reich and moreover for the Holocaust. On the one hand, we find some scholars that stress that... more
"Στο τεύχος Ιανουαρίου 2017 της Athens Review of Books δημοσιεύεται μια σημαντική συζήτηση με έναν από τους κορυφαίους αμερικανούς διανοούμενους, τον Ρίτσαρντ Γουόλιν (Richard Wolin). Στην Ελλάδα είναι γνωστός κυρίως από το έργο του «Η... more
L'affaire Faye: Johannes Fritsche's bizarre Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's Being and Time (1999) mistranslates every key term in Sein und Zeit §74 and distorts the entire book. Gaëtan Pégny's justification of... more
A review of Klaus Held, Marbach-Bericht über eine neue Sichtung des Heidegger-Nachlasses [Marbach-Report on a New Inspection of Heidegger’s Literary Estate] (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2019), 73 pp.
Στα "Μαύρα τετράδια" του Μάρτιν Χάιντεγκερ και στο "Glossarium" του Καρλ Σμιτ -τα πιο σκοτεινά ημερολόγια στην ιστορία της φιλοσοφίας-, οι δύο κορυφαίοι στοχαστές του Τρίτου Ράιχ καταδύονται στον ένδον εαυτό δίχως δίχτυ ασφαλείας. Καθώς... more
Abstract: English This paper explores Heidegger’s critique of the Judeo-Christian tradition developed in the Black Notebooks. This critique is not simply the result of Heidegger’s break from his original faith, but is rooted in his... more
In March 2014, Heidegger’s Überlegungen II–XV, a series of what he called his Black Notebooks, were published. These texts differ from Heidegger’s previously known writings in that they seem to speak more clearly and directly to the... more
A series of 4 public lectures at Hillsdale College by Dr. Francesca Brencio. Lecture 1: Heidegger’s Thinking Pathways, not Works Monday Oct. 9th, 7:30-8:45 PM Lecture 2: Heidegger’s Black Notebooks Understanding His Critique of the... more
Invited paper in "Idee. SEMESTRALE DI FILOSOFIA
Rivista di Filosofia del Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università di Lecce
Nuova serie, Anno VI - n. 12 - 2016
pp. 13-35
in F. Brencio (ed.), La pietà del pensiero. Heidegger e i Quaderni Neri, Aguaplano Editore, Passignano s. T. 2015, pp. 369-388, ISBN: 978-8897738558.
Heideggers ""Überlegungen"", die erste Reihe der ""Schwarzen Hefte"", sind erschienen und haben ein aussergewöhnliches Medienecho verursacht. Mit dieser Veröffentlichung wächst Heideggers Schriften eine neue Dimension zu. Doch die... more
A prima vista sembra esserci una separazione netta tra linguaggio e violenza: colui che sa esprimersi non ha bisogno di ricorrere alla violenza. Del resto, c’è il detto che molti conoscono: la violenza è l’ultima risorsa degli incapaci. È... more
Die Diskussionen um Heideggers »Schwarze Hefte«, jene vor Kurzem publizierten Aufzeichnungen aus dem Jahrzehnt zwischen 1931 und 1941, haben gezeigt, wie das extreme Denken Heideggers die öffentliche Verständnisfähigkeit an ihre Grenzen... more
This is the introduction to the volume 'Heidegger’s Black Notebooks and the Future of Theology', in which I give an overview of Heidegger's complex relationship to theology as well as of twentieth-century theology's complex relationship... more
Lo scopo del presente saggio è quello di offrire una panoramica dei temi che attraversano i Quaderni Neri di Heidegger, mostrando come il fondamento dei passaggi antisemiti non sia di natura ontologica o metafisica, caratteri che sembrano... more
in F. Brencio (ed.), La pietà del pensiero. Heidegger e i Quaderni Neri, Aguaplano Editore, Passignano s. T. 2015, pp. 19-45
ISBN: 978-8897738558.
Seitdem 2015 der erste Band der aus dem Nachlaß 1 herausgegebenen so-genannten Schwarzen Hefte Martin Heideggers publiziert wurde, hat der Herausgeber Peter Trawny unermüdlich weitere Bände fertiggestellt, 2 so daß mit diesem hier bereits... more
in F. Brencio (ed.), La pietà del pensiero. Heidegger e i Quaderni Neri, Aguaplano Editore, Passignano s. T. 2015, pp. 107-186, ISBN: 978-8897738558
This paper presents the hermeneutic interpretation of the first records of Martin Heidegger’s Black notebooks („Reflections II–VI”, October 1931). Heidegger’s “Esoteric initiative” is reconstructed and compared with Nietzsche’s critique... more
Presentación del volumen F. W. von Herrmann – F. Alferi, Martn Heidegger. La verita’ sui Quaderni Neri, Morcelliana Editrice, Brescia 2016 Universita‘ degli Studi di Pavia, Aula Magna. 12 de Mayo de 2016 in "Differenz. Differenz. Revista... more
ABSTRACT This paper aims to rebuild the relationship between the Seinsfrage and Catholicism in Heidegger’s meditation and to shed light on his critique to Christianity (in terms of Christentum) as a philosophical necessity rooted in his... more
Este texto oferece uma reflexão sobre a concepção da questão da técnica ou da maquinação na década de 1930 por Heidegger as mudanças por quais a colocação desta questão passou no período da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Argumentamos que a... more
Presentacion del volumen in ocasión de III Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Iberoamericana de Estudos Heideggerianos - XX Colóquio Heidegger
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio - 19, 20 e 21 de Outubro de 2015
In 2014, the first three volumes of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks—the personal and philosophical notebooks that he kept during the war years—were published in Germany. These notebooks provide the first textual evidence of anti-Semitism in... more
Conference at the at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. January 14th -16th 2016 Speakers: Gérard Bensussan, Ryan Coyne, David Espinet, Maurizio Ferraris, Günter Figal, Markus Gabriel, Sacha Golob, Tobias Keiling, Dennis... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo principal explicitar uma nova possibilidade de interpretação da recepção de Mestre Eckhart por Heidegger. Esse intuito será realizado a partir, sobretudo, dos desdobramentos gerados pela publicação recente... more
On June 21 of this year the journalist Lorenz Jäger and the editor of Heidegger's Black Note Books presented the latest volume (vol. 98) on the publisher Klostermann's premises in Frankfurt. This is a report of this presentation of which... more
Through Professor Arun Iyer’s parallel reading of Plato’s Theatetus, Heidegger’s 1931/32 lectures On the Essence of Truth, and the early modern political wrings of Raja Rammohan Roy, Heidegger’s 'novel way of relating to the historical... more