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This work reports a method for extraction and analysis of thiosultap sodium, thiocyclam, and nereistoxin in pepper. Different extraction methods were tested to attain the best recoveries. The final extraction method combines acetonitrile... more
A sensitive, precise and accurate method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in cereal grains at ppb levels using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection and... more
Rapid advances in biosensors have recently been reported. This has been possible due to rapid growth in the development of new biomaterials such as conducting polymers, copolymers and sol gels etc and the reported improvements in sensing... more
A method was validated for the multi-residue analysis of 82 pesticides in grapes at ≤25 ng/g level. Berry samples (10 g) mixed with sodium sulphate (10 g) were extracted with ethyl acetate (10 mL); cleaned by dispersive solid phase... more
Populations in North India depend on a number of vegetable crops of which Amaranthus spp. is the most important since it is the only crop available in the hot summer months when no other foliage crop grows in the field. However, reports... more
The commensal microbiota, host immunity and metabolism participate in a signalling network, with diet influencing each component of this triad. In addition to diet, many elements of a modern lifestyle influence the gut microbiota but the... more
A new, simple and versatile cloud-point extraction (CPE) methodology has been developed for the separation and preconcentration of copper and nickel. The metals in the initial aqueous solution were complexed with... more
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed for the detection of Clostridium botulinum type A, a cause of human botulism. A two primer set and an oligonucleotide detection probe were used to specifically detect Cl. botulinum type A... more
In this study, 24 organochlorine pesticide residues in 109 different honey samples collected from stores and open markets in Konya, Turkey were analyzed by gas chromatography-electron capture detection. Aldrin, cis-chlordane,... more
Two sensitive, selective, and precise methods for the determination of pyriproxyfen and pyridalyl insecticide residues in tomatoes have been developed. The first method is HPLC with UV detection in which pyriproxyfen and pyridalyl were... more
The possible transfer and accumulation of novel DNA and/or proteins in food for human consumption derived from animals receiving genetically modified (GM) feed is at present the object of scientific dispute. A number of studies failed to... more
Differences in the dietary intake of cobalt were assessed for vegans, lacto-ovo-vegetarian and non-vegetarian Australians using food intake logs, and daily or average trend recall over three months. A significant decrease in cobalt intake... more