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Ever since William Henry Fox Talbot used his plaster replica of the Bust of Patroclus (from 1842) as a model for the photographic invention he was developing, photography has had a long and entwined relationship with sculpture. It was not... more
The following thesis represents two recent strands of musical interest: ephemerality and the role of notation. Throughout this thesis I explicate the various ways I have engaged with these concerns and their application in my work.... more
Despite growing interest, there is a shortage of research about the methods and challenges that concern researching ephemeral digital content. To fill this gap, the article discusses two research strategies to study Instagram Stories.... more
Exploring whether distortion is always inevitable in reconstructions of Shakespeare's plays using Original Practices (OP) techniques at The Globe Theatre. This paper is the winner of the Birkbeck College 2014 Shakespeare Prize.
La definición de sitio eriazo ha sido discutida en ámbitos urbanos y arquitectónicos, vistos como remanentes que pertenecen a la trama urbana, pero a su vez, son tangenciales a esa dinámica, el tiempo de desarrollo proyectual en estos... more
Der Beitrag gibt einen historischen Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten, die Flüchtigkeit von Tanzbewegung mit der Transitorik von Blumen zu verschränken. So wird im Bühnentanz das Auf- und Verblühen von Blumen verkörpert,... more
Blumen sind mehr als Blumen: Sie kodieren historisch und kulturell bedingte Nachrichten, die entziffert und gelesen werden können. Was zeichnet eine solche Kommunikation durch die Blume aus? Der Band erkundet erstmals das Feld der... more
This research explores the conflicts that emerge when applying recording and registration practices to performance art. Although the ephemerality of the actions is perceived as essential for this art genre, museum professionals and... more
Cette publication évoque le travail de Gustav Metzger et ses réflexions théoriques autour de l'ADA (auto-destructive art). À partir de la fin des années 1950, Metzger définit en plusieurs manifestes successifs sa vision d’un art... more
This paper discusses my recent and ongoing interest in ephemerality. I will primarily discuss my project, S[h/c]attered Shards of Experience: Ephemera 1-n, a series of one-of-a-kind scores (henceforth interchangeable with Ephemera) sent... more
The article analyzes the media logic of urban acts of communication in early modern German cities. As is demonstrated by Cologne and Hamburg in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, the growing use of print (particularly... more
Through a close reading and reconstruction of technical recipes for ephemeral artworks in a manuscript compiled in Toulouse ca. 1580 (BnF MS Fr. 640), we question whether ephemeral art should be treated as a distinct category of art. The... more
This article explores how across the island of New Guinea, barkcloth has functioned as a mediator between humans, their existence, and their environment. Revisiting origin myths and various uses and meanings of barkcloth in New Guinea, it... more
Although Japanese art influenced many Australian artists in 1960s, Rosalie Gascoigne is regarded as one of a few artists for whom Japanese art was “the gateway” to her own art. Gascoigne studied Ikebana from 1962 to 1972 but became... more
Nous proposons dans le dossier thématique CrOCEVIA une réflexion sur la situation de la littérature dans la courte durée, telle qu'elle est engagée et pensée par la mode. Il ne s'agit point de revenir sur les théories de la mode, à la... more
How does a curatorial art project dealing with the ephemeral nature of performance address the social dynamics associated with the original events? How can documents be perceived not only as mnemonic vehicles of the past, but also as... more
In De Arquitectura, Vitruvius lists three interrelated Latin terms – firmitas (strength or structural stability), utilitas (functionality or appropriate spatial accommodation), and venustas (beauty or attractive appearance), as being the... more
Trisha Brown’s early choreographic work deals intrinsically with the relationship between dance and urban space. Performed on rooftops, park benches or exterior house walls, some of her most famous pieces of Postmodern Dance investigate... more
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
Burning Man is an artistic community event that has been dis/assembled in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert every summer since 1990. The location of this event in this desert has had a shaping impact on Burning Man as a gathering, a city, an... more
Social media are increasingly integrated into media routines as channels to gain access, verify and spread information. Likewise, as mobile news consumption is standardized, the media experiment with native formats for these platforms.... more
This article takes as its point of departure what Bataille calls the “nauseating banality” that flowers are both symbolic of everlasting love and comically short-lived. The comparison of women to flowers in early modern lyric, already by... more
Entender como o portal UOL tem se apropriado do Snapchat para fazer cobertura jornalística é a proposta deste artigo. Para a análise empírica, nos inspiramos no processo metodológico desenvolvido por Fonseca (2015), que consiste na... more
A Németh Lajos hatvanadik születésnapjára készített emlékkönyvben nem véletlenül kerülhetett egymás mögé Egry Margit írása Ország Lili Labirintus sorozatáról és Kovalovszky Márta tanulmánya Schaár Erzsébet Utca című kompozíciójáról.... more
Since the advent of European explorers, missionaries, traders and subsequent colonialism, Melanesian material culture has lived a double life (Thomas 2013: xi). On the one hand, indigenous material culture remained significant in local... more
Drawing on John Durham Peters' theory of (mis)communication and other studies of precarious infrastructure (Hicks, 2020; Star, 1999; Pow, 2021; Tsing, 2015), in this article, I consider mortality or finitude as a site of communication... more
The aim of the research is to discuss, within the framework of the Architectural Utopias of the 60s, the concept of Space colonization, declining it in the ephemeral use of megastructures. The main role given by the study to the English... more
Immediately after the First World War and continuing well into the 1920s and 1930s, monuments commemorating the war were erected all over Europe. Although the concept of commemorating war through monuments long predates the First World... more
The constant improvement of electronic equipment and their ultra-fast commercialization leads to a consequent proliferation of outdated material that is often abandoned without any consideration of their toxicity or their effect on the... more
The aim of this paper is to encourage understanding and preservation of twentieth and twenty-first century fashion. It considers the use of plastics by three influential designers of modern and contemporary Western fashion and the... more
The " theory of permanence " , formulated by Aldo Rossi drawing on the thinking of French proto-urban planners Marcel Poëte and Pierre Lavedan, has designated, in Italy as in the rest of the European continent, a period in which a... more
Esta pesquisa propõe-se a estudar a apropriação do aplicativo Snapchat pelo Portal UOL para produção de conteúdo jornalístico. O foco está em observar as stories, que são narrativas criadas a partir de fragmentos de até 10 segundos que... more
Este artículo expone las semejanzas y diferencias entre el séptimo arte y la gastronomía de vanguardia a partir de la formulación de la siguiente hipótesis: si el cine es el arte por excelencia del tiempo y del espacio, mientras la... more
In this thesis, I've found the opportunity to observe the body oriented and ephemeral nature of my own art practices which adopt the interdisciplinary approach of two intertwined fields: performance and contemporary dance. The inevitable... more
Art events in the modern world takes place in a number of stages ranging from exhibition centers, trade fairs, vanity galleries, temporal venues or as travelling exhibitions (e.g. Body Worlds, California). Variety in frequency and... more
There's a 'NOBEL' for this one-Alzheimer's Therapy; Elemental Laser Nature Alzheimer's is an enabled cultural neurological disorder. It's derived on the mass emphasis of focusing on the present and dispensing with the distant past and... more
Little has been written about the impact of ephemeral messaging technologies such as Snapchat, Wickr and iDelete on learner identities. The authors explore how disappearing social media may enable young people to take up a range of... more
This paper proposes to review the current concept of paratext, taking into account how the techno-cultural peculiarities of digital media force us to consider new aspects of textuality, particularly the relationship between space and... more
Este artigo visa a discutir sobre como o consumo de conteúdo noticioso de forma não intencional, chamado de consumo incidental (BOCZKOWSKI; MITCHELSTEIN; MATASSI, 2016) ou de exposição incidental (TEWKSBURY; WEAVER; MADDEX, 2001), impacta... more
At the fin-de-siècle, the use of pastels underwent something of a revival and many young British artists adopted the medium as a new means of expression. This surge in popularity was marked by three large-scale pastel exhibitions held at... more